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Carhartt WIP: Online Shop: Homepage Vous êtes en France 0Panier Toggle Basket Il n'y a pas encore d'article RightLeft Country Selection Junior Clothing, Plus Size Clothing, Shoes and Accessories for Women and Teens Collage Meets Pattern - Madame Gilles These amazing collaged masterpieces are the creative work of Montreal based artist Madame Gilles. Her cut and paste work has been popping up around the streets of Montreal lately and Patternbank are loving her intense pattern and photo entangled work. Check out more of Madame Gilles work on her inspiring collage pieces on Tumblr.

Snood Polka Beige Meilleur Ami en vente chez L'Exception Meilleur Ami Meilleur Ami est une maison d'édition dédiée à l'accessoire masculin née à Paris en 2008. Par la création de ses produits, elle vise à contribuer à la perpétuation de techniques traditionnelles et de savoirs-faire d'excellence en France. DIY: Baby Turban Headband Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had a great week and have some fun, relaxing things planned for the weekend. We spent the week in TN visiting my in-laws and while we were there I made Porter a lot of headbands for the summer. :) One of my favorites was this turban headband. It’s crazy easy to make and you only need a few supplies that you probably already have in your house.

Neeed ♥ - Shop is all you Neeed ! Women's Clothes - love your style! Pictoresq Stéphanie Delpon and Domitille Dallemagne are founders of Pictoresq, a french online magazine slash shop that sells designer and vintage clothing – all modeled by their own friends. each story features clothes & locations that are modeled around these “enfants terribles”, making for a nice variety of content and fashion. says Stéphanie, I wanted to showcase my friends, because they are true characters. I wanted them to embody different stories. They are real and elegant, rough.

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