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Hello, alcohol poisoning.

Hello, alcohol poisoning.

Popular iPhone Cases Popular All « PrevNext » Pink Panty Droppers Recipe at Epicurious This makes a great fizzy pink lemonade. It's definitely one of my must have summer staples. If it's hot, you're low on cash, and want to have a lot of fun, this is the answer! Smoretini Shooters Me again. Here to convince you that you need yet another trendy, insanely-flavored bottle of booze. I do what I can. I know what you’re thinking. “Does marshmallow vodka really taste that different from that whipped cream vodka you already insisted that I buy? Or how about the cake batter vodka that I went out and bought immediately in order to drink a cake martini for breakfast?”

Tag Archive for &wedding hairstyles& - The Beauty Department: Yo... photo/post/graphic design: Kristin Ess One of my all time favorite hairstyles for a wedding or for red carpet is the most super simple chic chignon (say that 3 times fast!). In this tutorial we show future brides and bridesmaids alike how to keep their hair out of the way while maintaining a timeless, classic look for any event. This is one of those updos that really allows you to focus on the dress, accessories and overall beauty instead of being a major focal point. Let’s get started! Start with all of your hair in a ponytail.

Peace Pod Bokja I was so excited to have spotted these chairs by Bokja on Table Tonic this morning – but WTF, how can anybody not notice them? These exuberant pieces of furniture are the fruits of Beirut-based Hoda Baroudi […] Watermelonade Recipe at Epicurious photo by Roland Bello yield Makes 1 gallon (serves 16) active time 30 min Modern Drunkard Magazine 1. If you owe someone money, always pay them back in a bar. Preferably during happy hour. 2. How To Style Maiden Braids - A Beautiful Mess - StumbleUpon Last month I did a makeover story with Kelsie and had many requests for a maiden braid tutorial. Yesterday she came in and we photographed these simple step by steps. Kelsie has extremely long and thick hair, but anyone with shoulder length or longer can do these braids (see my photo below for an example). Steps 1-2: Braid two strands on each side of a center part.

High school fashions, 1969 Fashion, Vintage High school fashions, 1969 i know what you’re thinking… are these more fashion snaps from coachella? no indeed! How to Make Caramel Apple Shots Photo: Michelle Oddis Once in a while, a party trick comes along that grabs our attention. Food blogger Michelle Oddis of That's So Michelle loves making caramel apple shots we can't imagine anyone would turn down.

10 Best Sexual Drinking Games Some of the best sexual drinking games can be done either in an intimate setting with only you and your girlfriend or you can make it a party and have multiple people. The ten most commonly played sexual drinking games are: Nine cans of beer or the floor. In this game you will need about nine cans of beer per person, (NOTE: not everyone will finish this game) a shot glass and a time keeper.
