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81 Fun Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

81 Fun Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
Advertisements As you embark on your relationship and cover the days together its only natural that you’ll be more curious about your partner. You’ll find out certain things about him during your daily conversations but there are many serious and fun ones that you’ll be eager to ask him directly. Sometimes you’ll feel like asking questions just to have a fun conversation or to get to know more about your partner’s personality and thought process. Similar posts that you may also like: 1. 1. 2. 3. Advertisement 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. Take your pick and question your boy…but don’t make it look like an interview!

The Starbucks Secret Menu. This ... is awesome cosplay. It's all so clear now! Mom, I don't have any acid. My new favorite pick up lime Earlier this year we posted about a gruesomely Earlier this year we posted about a gruesomely awesome cocktail, called the Alien Brain Hemorrhage, that’s perfectly suited for Halloween, mad scientist, or zombie-themed parties. But what do you serve if you’re holding a space or science-fiction-themed shindig? The answer is this beautiful galaxy in a glass called Aurora-Jungle Juice, created by the folks at The Campus Companion Party Lab. We know it might look like a photoshop job, but the drink is real. Aurora Jungle-Juice consists of: 2 liters Gin or Vodka9 Liters Tonic Water3-4 Bottles Roses Mojito Passion (or 3-4 Canisters of Pink-Lemonade Concentrate)Ice Mix all of the ingredients together shortly before your party begins, but wait to add the ice until immediately before serving the drinks. As you might have gathered, the trick to this pretty beverage is using ingredients that react under UV Light. "Originally conceived in 2006, it is a drink that is pink in natural light, but glows aqua-marine in black-light. [via Neatorama]

How to make a Naked Egg : Imagination Station How to make a Naked Egg A “naked egg” is an egg that has no shell. Let me say that again, an egg with no shell. The shell of an egg (typically a chicken egg) is made up of primarily calcium carbonate. CaCO3 (s) + 2 HC2H3O2 (aq) → Ca(C2H3O2)2 (aq) + H2O (l) + CO2 (g) The egg insides remain intact and are held together by the two fragile membranes just inside the shell. Here’s what you need Let’s get to the fun stuff. Vinegar (at least 16 ounces)A couple of glasses or cupsRaw eggs The process is really very simple. An egg soaking in vinegar with part of it’s shell dissolved. Now the hard part – you will have to wait as the acetic acid in the vinegar begins to react with the calcium in the egg shell. After a day of soaking you can carefully remove the egg from the vinegar. At this point you may be able to literally rub the shell off the egg with your fingers. After two days of soaking you should have a pretty cool Naked Egg. Fun things to do with your naked eggs Shrink your Egg Does it Smell? B.

Villa Escudero | Location Location A pleasant two hour drive through scenic countryside brings you to a historic colonial plantation and rural life of the 1800’s. You’ll be welcomed with a warm greeting and a cool tropical drink. Take the South superhighway and exit at 50A (Lucena, Legaspi, Batangas exit). Turn left at the Sto. 21 Very Creative, Funny Baby Announcements - Snappy Pixels Announcing the birth of your baby or announcing you are pregnant should be joyous and happy times, but why not make it a little bit funny too. Try topping this creative, funny baby announcement when it is time to let the world know about your baby. Comments comments

Repurposed Cot Recently our little Squeak made the transition from the cot to her first big girl bed. I dutifully moved the cot into our study waiting to be dismantled and either stored or passed on, but kept finding reasons not to do it. The thing is, I'm certain there will be no more babies for us. Kind of certain. OK, 99.99% certain. But every time I passed the study and saw our empty cot looking back at me forlornly (it really was) I'd procrastinate a little bit more. * baby cot with a removable drop side * mdf/particle board cut to mattress size * blackboard paint Our drop side had already been removed so all I had to do was adjust the base to the highest newborn setting. I cut two sheets of thick mdf to fit snugly into the mattress base to provide a table top. It was then easy to use hooks and suction hooks to create storage on the cot sides. On the left hand side we hung Bubble's whiteboard for doing her therapy homework using 3M removable hooks.

DIY child swing Tässäpä pientä kesähaastetta teille lukijat! Laadin jonkinmoiset ohjeet tästä itsetehdystä lastenkeinusta, jonka äitini teki Mimille samoilla kaavoilla kuin aikanaan minulle pienenä. Huh, tulipa kirjoitettua ohjeistusta ihan kahdella kielellä! Kaavat äitini sovelsi lastenkeinusta, joka on ollut tuotannossa joskus 70-80-luvuilla. Here's a little summer challenge for you! Tarvitset: - Vahvaa kangasta (esim. kahteen kaksinkertaisesta kankaasta ommeltavaan pääosaan 98 x 30 cm (2kpl) ja 106 x 30 cm (2kpl) - n. 600 cm vinokaitalenauhaa- 1 kpl 28 x 28 cm n.5mm paksua vanerilevyä- 2 x 250-400 cm minimissään n.5 mm paksua nailon köyttä (tarkista tarvittava pituus riippuen kiikun ripustus korkeudesta)- 4 x 34 cm pitkiä pyöreäprofiilisia puurimoja, paksuus n. 2 cm Huomio että näillä mitoilla kiikku on n. 1-3 vuotiaalle lapselle, riippuen kuitenkin lapsen painosta. (Check the rope length depending on how high you want to hang the swing)- 4 x 34 cm round profile wooden sticks, width about 2 cm 1. 2. 1.

DIY Baby Blocks | Domesticated Engineer First of all I would like to apologize for the long break between posts. After the holiday season we had a whirlwind of activity with our move to Oslo, Norway! We are now getting settled in our temporary housing so that I have some free time to post about all the Christmas gifts I have made for friends and family. I will post more about our Norway move later this week. A few weeks before Christmas I got the opportunity to be sponsored by The first Vinyl project that I am going to share are the baby blocks I made for two of my cousins’ kids. When little Ben opened this gift he sat and took each one out one at a time. DIY Baby Blocks Instructions Start this project by cutting and prepping your wooden blocks. Find the letters, numbers, and shapes that you would like to use on the blocks. Once the vinyl is cut, remove all the scraps from around the vinyl that you want to keep. Once all the vinyl objects are stuck onto the blocks coat all the sides with a clear coat.

LRW Creative: DIY Baby Headband and Giveaway! *update Nov. 2011 - this year this headband tutorial was chosen for Babble's Holiday Gift Guide! I am not sure who recommended it but thanks, whoever you are! I'd love it those of you who've made some headbands would link up with some photos, I'd love to see what you came up with ;) Cheers, Tysha. I think I warned you I was going to be adding more than just sneak peeks to my blog? Ever since having a daughter, I have been obsessed with making her little "girly" things. For those of you who don't have a baby around, you can also use this tutorial to make a grown-up version. Supplies: Glue Gun & small glue sticks Scissors Felt Fabric - small strips about an inch wide and 12-18 inches long Ribbon to add a little sass, if you like or Ribbon to cover adult headband (I used a fine velvet ribbon) Stretchy elastic or ribbon for baby headband Plain Metal headband for adult headband Here we go: 1. 2. 3. 4. WARNING: be careful of your fingers and the hot glue! 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. How to enter: Good Luck!

Joyful baby hat with teddy bear ears – Tutorial and pattern A few weeks a go I decided that I wanted to make Conner a warm hat for our outdoor adventures (not that we actually go outside much when it’s snowing) but he definitely needed something thicker than what he had. Luckily I have different colors of fleece for projects that I still haven’t had the chance to make, so I used small pieces and made him a cute little hat with teddy bear ears. And as usual I wanted to share a tutorial and the pattern so you can make some too, and keep the babies in your life warm and cozy! The first har I made (when I made this tutorial) was a month and a half a go, so Peanut was only 2 and a half months, I made the hat just like the pattern I’m sharing, but he grew out of it pretty fast, so I made a second one (photo below) adding 1/4″ around the pattern. Since I made this pattern measuring Conner and not with an actual hat, I’m not sure about the sizes. Now that I’ve warn all of you about the sizing, let’s start making this cute hat! [Click on images to enlarge]
