What's Okay, What's Not User Rating: Last Updated on Monday, 26 August 2013 13:14 Published on Monday, 08 February 2010 16:29 Hits: 513028 Paul & Lori Byerly We are often asked questions like "Is oral sex okay?" Where scripture is silent, we must look at Biblical principles to build outlines for what is, and is not, good for our marriage bed. Let's start with what the Bible does say We are to abstain from immoral sex. Anything that does not violate these principles should be okay within the marriage bed. To help us understand the variety of sex acts possible, and the fact that each couple will engage in a different subset of these sex acts, we like the analogy of a playground; the marriage bed playground. But where is the fence? Manual Sex Manual sex is using the hands to sexually stimulate your spouse's genitals. Manual sex can be a good way to deal with seriously mismatched sex drives. ~ Back to Index ~ Oral Sex Oral sex is using the mouth to sexually stimulate your spouse's genitals. Sex During Menstruation Sex Toys
The One Thing Men Want More Than Sex —RSVP to join weekly calls on Love, Sex & Relationships–How many times have we heard the phrase, “All men want is sex?” When I was 17 years old I was sure it was true. When I was 37 years old, I suspected it might not be true. This understanding has dawned on me slowly and became most evident to me in my men’s group. From the time I was a young I learned that wanting sex was synonymous with being a man. This early lesson was validated through the years: Always wanting sex is the mark of manliness for many. So, what do men want more than sex? The world of men is a world of competition. Getting taken into her body gives us a sense of peace and homecoming that goes way beyond simple sexual pleasure. Many of us remember the early school dances we attended. By the time we become adults, we’ve already been battered and bruised by the world of competition and rejection. “Always wanting sex” is part of the male persona we wear to show we’re manly. What Next? Register New Account
10 Truths To Keep Your Relationship Healthy | Psychology Today - StumbleUpon I think it's easy to make things more complicated than they need to be. Here are some basic rules of the relationship road that will keep you headed in the right direction 1. Successful relationships take work. They don't happen in a vacuum. They occur when the couples in them take the risk of sharing what it is that's going on in their hearts and heads. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. There are no guarantees, but couples who practice these techniques have longer and stronger relationships than those who are not proactive in their love. Dr. Fairy Tales Can Come True Here's a "photo story" based on the book, Fairy Tales Can Come True (Just Not Every Day!), published by Shake It! Books. Falling in love is the easy part. "This relationship stuff. Try to change your attitude a bit. "Okay, I'm taking notes!" Tip #1 Make a list. "Hmmm... Pretty soon, you'll find yourself thinking... "Say, he's not so bad after all!" And making that list goes for both of you —to help you both remember the good. "That's what we do. Click to continue
Venus In Love, Mars In Heat posted March 18, 2008 08:53 PM I came across this Mars/Venus synastry article and found the interps to be pretty accurate. Thought some of you who are also "synastrically" inclined (think I just invented a new word) would like it as well. 8th **************************************** Here's a rundown of how feminine Venus and masculine Mars work together as a team to help us get (Mars) what we want (Venus) in matters of love and sex (keep in mind that most people have Venus and Mars in different signs, so mix-and-match "teammates" is highly likely). Disclaimer: There are others astrological indicators of love and sex styles, but this entry is only discussing Venus and Mars. Note: In a woman's chart, her Venus sign represents her love style, while her Mars sign represents the type of man that makes her feel ... lusty. Team Aries Team Taurus Team Gemini Team Cancer Team Leo Team Virgo Team Libra Team Scorpio Team Sagittarius Team Capricorn Team Aquarius
The Pleasure of Pain By Marianne Apostolides, published September 1, 1999 - last reviewed on June 9, 2016 Bind my ankles with your white cotton rope so I cannot walk. Bind my wrists so I cannot push you away. Place me on the bed and wrap your rope tighter around my skin so it grips my flesh. Of every 10 people who reads these words, one or more has experimented with sadomasochism (S & M), which is most popular among educated, middle- and upper-middle-class men and women, according to psychologists and ethnographers who have studied the phenomenon. article continues after advertisement For James, the desire became apparent when he was a child playing war games--he always hoped to be captured. At first the scene found him. James, a father and manager, has a Type A personality--in-control, hard-working, intelligent, demanding. As James' experience illustrates, sadomasochism involves a highly unbalanced power relationship established through role-playing, bondage, and/or the infliction of pain. Abuse Boundaries
Wisdom in few words Throughout last couple of years I’ve been collecting my personal favorite quotations from various inspirational people in my Evernote. As a result I got quite a long list of sayings which I personally consider to be one of the smartest, wittiest, daring and positive at the same time. Moscow, 2008. So, I thought why not to share them with you? Assuming I have a lot in common with my readers, you might enjoy them too. If you don’t then you might just skip the post and excuse me for wasting your time. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi“Life isn’t about finding yourself. “Interviews I conducted with more than 70 CEOs and other leaders point to 5 essentials for success — qualities that most of those C.E.O.’s share and look for in people they hire. “Pause now to ask yourself the following question: “Am I dreaming or awake, right now?” You might also like:Thoughts, pictures, music
How to Be a Better Conversationalist Being able to hold good conversation is the foundation of every social interaction. Without this ability, getting past small talk and building stronger connections is damn near impossible. We talk to people every single day yet we get nervous and struggle during the moments that matter most. I’ve always been decent at riffing with people I already knew or was introduced to in a casual setting, like school or parties. Stay in the conversation Get out of your own head and into the conversation. If you’re thinking about what to say next you’re not involved enough. Make statements Asking questions are great for getting to know someone, when used wisely. Statements are much more comforting and natural. Rephrase your questions as statements. Use hook points Have no idea what to say next? Let’s use the example above, “You’re definitely from Boston.” Now, you can take one of those points and relate back to them. Ask questions you care about As I said, you want to use your questions wisely.
Choose the Right Person For You When you’re looking to build a healthy relationship, how do you make sure someone is right for you? For a long time, I had no idea. So I asked other people what they looked for in a partner, and I got answers like… “A sense of humor, attractiveness, intelligence, creativity, sexual compatibility, passion, an active lifestyle, a stable career.” I knew those qualities were important. After a breakup, I asked a former boss who had been happily married for over 20 years for advice. “Do they respect you?” This simple guideline has profoundly changed the relationships in my life. Once you like someone, respect is the first thing you should be screening for. None of the other qualities will matter if you aren’t treated well. By prioritizing your self-respect you immediately: Avoid wasting time on unfulfilling relationships that make you feel miserable.Spend time being happy and building healthy relationships with good people.Reinforce your self-worth. Want to build healthy relationships with women?
Your Brain on BDSM: Why Getting Spanked and Tied Up Makes You Feel High In honor of Valentine's Day, we're spending the week debunking myths and lies about romance. Read the rest of our "Love is a Hoax" coverage here. There's no denying that understanding how the human body works can lead to some intense sex. After all, as clichéd as it is, the brain is the biggest erogenous zone—and BDSM is no different. It may conjure up images of bondage, discipline, sadomasochism, dominance, and submission, but many BDSM practictioners attribute the pleasurable pain of their fetish to the endorphin rush that accompanies the acting out of their fantasies. "For all of us, endorphins bind to opiate receptors to naturally relieve pain," explains Maitresse Madeline Marlowe, a professional dominatrix who also works as a performer and director for Kink.com, a leading BDSM content producer. As far back as 1987, leather activist and author Dr. In a 2009 study titled Hormonal Changes and Couple Bonding in Consensual Sadomasochistic Activity, Dr. Photo by Juan Moyano via Stocksy