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The Geometry of Bending

The Geometry of Bending
(As reported earlier in this previous post) Daniel Piker is developing ways to accurately simulate physical behavior in his Grasshopper component "Kangaroo". In the latest release there are tools for simulating bending geometry. This is nothing but a revolution for this investigation! Never before have I been able to recreate bending geometry so accurately in an "artificial way". At the moment Kangaroo works very accurately for 2d-bending with both fixed and hinged ends and also in 3d for rods. 3d-bending of developable surfaces is a little more tricky and requires a careful setup to make sure the surfaces stay developable.

Fabrication Grasshopper: Parametric CurvesThis module covers the basic parametric properties of curves along with common grasshopper methods for evaluating and dividing curves. ARCH 598 Summer 2011information >> n-formations FABRICS // LATTICES // FIELDSThis course is designed to introduce and explore computational design, algorithmic thinking, and digital manufacturing–both: the larger ramifications that emerging digital technologies and ideas are having architectural theory via readings, discussions, presentations; and the practical application of these ideas and tools through a series of hands-on, iterative modeling and fabrication assignments. ARCH 581/498 : Fall 2010Digital Design + Fabrication Foundations I Grasshopper: Surface to Planar TrianglesGrasshopper : Surface to Planar Triangles : Fabrication Layout of Planar Components Laser Cutting: Adobe IllustratorLaser Cutting from Adobe Illustrator

Grasshopper Modules - Proxy Wiki From Phylogenesis, FOA 2003 The following Grasshopper modules were created in consultation with FOA's Phylogenesis, in particular the taxonomy of forms found at the conclusion of the book. Grasshopper is an exciting and evolving modeling platform - the following examples attempt to develop a range of geometric examples to explore its form-making potentials. Andrew Payne, a GSAPP alum, has created a comprehensive primer on Grasshopper that can be found here. You should have this handy for reference. Vortex – [Complex Geometry] Another attractor definition; this time I’m using a similar principle to the one I applied in the pattern transformation exercise I published some time ago; from a regular array of points I’m applying a rotation using several attractor points, generating this kind of vortex; a really nice effect in my oppinion; if You are familiar with the exercise I mentioned before, or if you plan to give it a try, you’ll find several diferences, given that Grasshopper have had several improvements since the time I developed that excercise; I probably should take some time to revisit my old definitions and update them, maybe some day I will. As usual, you can download the definition from the link bellow, this time I’m not including any example file, since all the geometry you need is internalized in the definition; if You want to change the atractor points, just create your own ones in Rhino and assign them to the geometry inputs Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Computational Design Sandbox On April 3-4, I had the pleasure of co-teaching a computational design and fabrication workshop together with Gonçalo Castro Enriques (X-REF) at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), Portugal. The 2-day workshop, titled “Performative Morphologies“, was Rhino Namespace RhinoCommon SDK RhinoCommon SDK Rhino AngleUnitSystem Enumeration AntialiasLevel Enumeration DocumentEventArgs Class Unrolling Surfaces in Grasshopper This Grasshopper definition is proof of concept for a VB component that unrolls developable surfaces to the XY plane. To make the component, I’ve adapted a rhinoscript by Andrew Kudless (of Matsys) to run in VB, enlisting the help of CCA student Ripon DeLeon to write the code.This example uses the VB component to create unrolled surfaces from 4 curves that I have distorted using the cage edit command in rhino. To use the definition on your own projects, simply choose any 4 curves to loft between in sequential order.

Education/GH Python 7. GH Python: Custom Subdivisions - 7-1. Vertex Control 1: Offset Vertices GH file # offset each vertex randomly and create a new mesh # input type - mesh : Mesh (Item Access), depth : float (Item Access) import Rhino.Geometry as rg import random def offsetVertex(mesh): mesh2 = rg.Mesh() # create a new mesh vtx = mesh.Vertices.ToPoint3dArray() # get all vertices in a list for i in range(len(vtx)): vtx2 = vtx[i] + rg.Vector3d(mesh.Normals[i]) * depth * random.random() #offset randomly mesh2.Vertices.Add(vtx2) mesh2.Faces.AddFaces(mesh.Faces) # add all faces at once mesh2.Normals.ComputeNormals() return mesh2 a = offsetVertex(mesh) - 7-2.

first experiments in grasshopper « Growth Typologies lisa on 12|10|2011 Filled under: day-to-day, process Project: Fluent Gardens Hi! A quick guide to make a plugin for Grasshopper in Visual Studio 2015 This is a quick guide of making a plugin for grasshopper using Visual Studio. For example we want to create a component to calculate the midpoint of a curve. And following is a step by step tutorial. 1. Install Visual Studio 2015. Fractal Terrain Generator – Example 9.3 While not typically something used by landscape architects, many Computer Generated Landscape artists use procedural world generation software to create landscapes that have no basis in actual, real world landscapes, but can look astonishingly life-like. Employing the logic and algorithms of some of these “world creators” could be useful for landscape representation, and maybe even design, although I’d have to think a bit about a specific design application, since it is unlikely I will be getting a commission to design a new mountain range anytime in the near future, but if you have the $$, I’m up to the challenge! Anyways, one of the most used of these world generators is a program called Terragen and of course, they use many different kinds of algorithms to achieve their results. One common algorithm for generating mountains, which is used by Terragen I believe, is a fractal process called the Midpoint Displacement algorithm. Step One – Initial Variation (Optional)

Which components can model such a texture? - Grasshopper - McNeel Forum Hi, sorry for the late reply, I was busy with deadline and had to work overnight. here is the break down process of what I did from the beginning until final office strickly forbid to give away any model or GH def done in this office. however I can show you printscreen of how its done, you can just find the component on GH canvas and just follow the image which component attached to which parameter and so here we go = first, you can start to build a rough approximation of the base geometry, this is a crucial step and make sure everything is made of Quads (4 sided)otherwise the definition will not work can create the base geometry via "meshfrompolyline" or you can start with NURBS Srf later on convert it to mesh its the same anyway.and you will need Weaverbird Plug in to subdivide your mesh. since this is actually a 6 sided cylinder, you can isolate 1 side out of the entire mesh to keep thing simple.

mg.metric geometry - Do bubbles between plates approximate Voronoi diagrams? - MathOverflow The soap froth has a dynamics that Voronoi diagrams lack. The two-dimensional network of soap bubbles evolves in time according to the area law where is the area of a cell, the number of sides it has, and a coefficient determined by the surface tension of the bubbles. Supplemented by a mechanism by which a cell can change its number of sides (by switching sides with a neighbour or by merging with a small cell), this dynamics introduces an approximately linear correlation between the area and the number of sides known as Lewis's law.
