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NODE10 - Forum for Digital Arts - Welcome

NODE10 - Forum for Digital Arts - Welcome

**SOFTlab | LAB** We are working on an installation called CHROMAtex that is set to open at the Bridge Gallery on August 26th. The piece is comprised of over 4400 separate colorful panels. It is being made possible by all of our kind and generous friends who have donated to our Kickstarter page… Follow along, watch for updates and donate if you feel like it! There are still plenty of spaces for names and messages. So far the list of communal GH thanks extends to the following (the definition’s not quite done yet… there may be more people to thank in the end): Chris Chalmers of BIOS : Unrolling Surfaces in Grasshopper @ [ u t o ] : Mesh Analysis and Utility Component Giulio Piacentino : Grasshopper tools in C# : txtLines Damien Alomar : JPEG file output consultation .:: Le isole della spiritualità ::. “Le isole della spiritualità” San Francesco del Deserto - San Lazzaro degli Armeni - San Giorgio Maggiore Conventi, monasteri e chiostri fanno da protagonisti a questa particolare escursione. L’escursione parte nei pressi della conca di navigazione di Portegrandi, cerniera tra le acque dolci del fiume Sile e quelle salate della laguna di Venezia. Attraversate le isole di Torcello e Burano, ecco emergere dall’acqua come per magia, fra la massa cupa dei cipressi, una chiesetta col suo campanile acuminato e accanto il povero eremo, con due chiostri silenziosi, ove vivono, isolati dal mondo, pochi fraticelli Minori Conventuali. Oggi i fraticelli mostrano ancora questo pino venerando, che è una reliquia trasmessa di secolo in secolo dai primi confratelli che, dopo la morte del Santo fondatore, si stabilirono nell’isola, loro donata fin dal 1233 dal patrizio veneziano Jacopo Michiel.

i.materialise 3D printing service blog - Part 2 Elise Luttik is exhibiting at Salone del Mobile – Milano, 8th-13th April Two months ago we introduced Elise Luttik, an industrial designer living in Amsterdam. Elise’s design studio “eli5e” generates many high quality furnishing accessories set to ‘make people smile’, as she defines her projects. Her sketches made it all the way to our 3D printers, which resulted in fantastic projects. Read more… Designing Custom 3D Jewelry Made Easy with Jweel What’s more romantic than searching high and low for a nice gem for your partner? Read more… Introducing an Improved Shop Experience We’re proud to announce the launch of our new and improved shop platform. Read more… Great News for our SketchUp Users SketchUp, the favorite tool of many of our community members just received a major update. Read more… Join our Next 3D Printing Meetup! 3D printing thrives because of the inspiration provided by our community. Read more… Inside 3D Printing NYC Set to be Largest 3D Printing Event Yet – Get 10% OFF Read more…

Street artist Banksy « Quando si parla di street art non si può non citare Banksy, uno dei suoi maggiori esponenti. Di lui non si sa molto perchè ha sempre preferito l’anonimato. Si sa solo che è inglese, nato e cresciuto a Bristol. Le sue opere hanno sempre carattere satirico, denunciano ironizzando e sono molto apprezzate non solo dal pubblico ma anche dalla critica. Banksy non è soltanto uno street artist, memorabili sono infatti le sue incursioni nei musei più importanti del mondo. kube labs | Software//Hardware//Craftware I Want You To Want Me / by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar / Movements Digital Technology Architecture Lab decoded - conference for code and design Das Gestaltungskonzept der decoded basiert auf der grafischen Codierung von Worten. Diese erzeugt generative Figuren, welche die Namen von Sprechern, Leitworte oder andere Texte auf neue Weise darstellen. Die visuelle Codierung entsteht aus wenigen festgelegten Regeln für die einzelnen Buchstaben. Dreiecke werden immer von den beiden vorhergehenden Punkten und dem aktuellen aufgezogen. Farbigkeit und leichte Modellierungen der Abstände werden durch die Häufigkeit eines Buchstabens in der deutschen Sprache angepasst.

research » Grasshopper mesh relaxation component [update] Mesh Relaxation plugin update A mesh relaxation component based on a force density algorithm. The component used a mesh, rather than a brep, determines it’s naked (lose) edges and relaxes the mesh nodes.Second release of a grasshopper component. V1.02 changelist - added a component for building a quad mesh out of lines. I use it to subdivide in equaly spaced quads any brep and then relax the mesh. - added icons for all the components - please make sure to delete the old .gha from you library folder All of this woudnt be possible without the inspiration and some components from: - Jon Mirtschin : / - Ursula Frick & Thomas Grabner: - Giulio Piacentino : and it’s Weaverbird component: Before downloading the package please be advised that is protected by a licence. And the package can be downloaded here .

A take on Generative Art | Neuro Productions Ok, I did some generative art-like things before. But it was never my goal, they where always somehow the side effect of experimenting with code. But recently I did a nice project for Little Miss Robot. They asked me to make an Air application that generates images with code. At that point the code didn’t really mater. The only thing that counted was the result. Some of the type of pictures the application creates (click to enlarge): (no source code for now, but think Perlin Noise and Delaneay triangulation ) Ill update this post when the app is available. This whas a big difference in mindset for me. I looked around on the internet to see what was actually going on in the generative art scene. Some results of exploring that concept (click to enlarge): Original (public domain) pictures: Source code: generative_art_source Some of the ray traced images (click to enlarge) :

Organicités Piraeus Tower A perforated skin, non-structural, which reacts to the environment – such as the views and the noise – in the 2 dimensions of the grid and to the sun in the 3rd dimension, with its thickness changing according to the size of the perforations. Analysis of the views, looking at the parc, the entrance of the port, the mountains and the acropolis. Each facade look at two of these objects. The result of the analysis is the result of this both views for each facade. The same kind of analysis was made for the noise around the tower. On the upper drawings we can see all the analysis together, with also the projection of the surrounding buildings on the facade. Here the deformed grid, which follow attractors points determined by the results of the analysis. An idea of what could be this deformed grid, with the first try of connecting punctually the different surfaces. The perforated skin would be built out of smaller elements, prefabricated and in composite material.
