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This is onformative a studio for generative design.

How we work Work When working on traditional commissions, we give advice and support to our agency customers from the conception to the implementation of their projects. Depending on the task’s requirements, we use generative and/or classical design methods efficiently and sensibly. work Lab

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Software Development as Artistic Practice: How Open Source Has Changed the Way Art is Made Artists are notoriously secretive about their processes. Rothko never revealed the complex formulas behind his diaphanous color fields. Picasso gave his famous dictum, “Bad artists copy. Good artists steal,” which may have been why Brancusi was so loathe to let the Cubist into his studio.

Infographic Design Agency: Killer Infographics - Killer Prices, Killer Service, Killer Designs! Dance Technology: Proximity, with VDMX, Quartz Composer, OpenFrameworks, Syphon With new hybrid performance comes new hybrid tools, as artists can work with an arsenal of evolving, often open, creative visual software. In a new performance for Australian Dance Theater, multiple tools merge to produce an array of visual features to accompany the choreography. Some of the glue is Syphon, the open source framework for sharing textures on the Mac, so it’s fitting this news comes our way from Syphon co-creator Tom Butterworth. Tom writes: An Open Source Video Mixer, Inspired by DIY Space Exploration As many ponder the fate of hardware mixing, mixing in software continues to advance. And in a reminder of just how many different applications video mixing can have, here’s a fascinating article about a new open-source Linux-based video mixing tool called Snowmix: Copenhagen Suborbitals Release Snowmix, an Open Source Video Mixer [The Power Base] What’s fascinating about it is that this didn’t come from VJs or broadcasters, but people who are experimenting in DIY, non-profit human sub-orbital flight (the Copenhagen Suborbitals).

kinect projector dance flow #1 This choreography is about the duett of dance and interactive media. My ispiration is to investigate different possibilities to melt organic hiphop dance with projected light – searching for new shapes, transisition, identities and meanings. It is a portray of urban artists giving a computer the acces to their very private natural flow. Dancers follow their own flow. Beautiful enough. Art, Science and the Sublime: 3 questions with Anna Dumitriu » IAI TV Is the Romantic idea of the sublime still relevant? Yes, says Anna Dumitriu, and not just for art, but for science too. Anna Dumitriu is a Brighton-based contemporary artist best known for her work in bio-art. Her practice encompasses installations, interventions and performances, often incorporating diverse materials such as bacteria, robotics, digital projections and embroidery, Dumitriu seeks to blur the boundaries between the arts and the sciences. Dumitriu is founder and Director of the Institute of Unnecessary Research and lead artist on the "Trust me, I'm an artist: towards an ethics of art/science collaboration" project working with the Waag Society in Amsterdam. She has written extensively on the notion of the "bacterial sublime".Is science our new key to the sublime?

Markov chain A simple two-state Markov chain A Markov chain (discrete-time Markov chain or DTMC[1]), named after Andrey Markov, is a mathematical system that undergoes transitions from one state to another on a state space. It is a random process usually characterized as memoryless: the next state depends only on the current state and not on the sequence of events that preceded it. This specific kind of "memorylessness" is called the Markov property. Blog » Blog Archive » Pimp up your camera with Arduino timelapse video tutorial – auch auf Deutsch Pimp up your camera with Arduino timelapse video tutorial – auch auf Deutsch Zoe Romano — May 25th, 2013 Last month we launched the first of a series of tutorials hosted on our Youtube Channel and created by Max of MaxTechTV in german language. Today we are publishing the second video called “Pimp-up your camera with an Arduino timelapse“.
