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Lies. Corporations. Pétrole. Finance. Corporate psychopathy... NYPD: Muslim spying led to no leads, terror cases. By ADAM GOLDMAN and MATT APUZZO Associated Press Posted: 08/20/2012 11:47:54 PM PDT0 Comments|Updated: about a year ago NEW YORK—In more than six years of spying on Muslim neighborhoods, eavesdropping on conversations and cataloguing mosques, the New York Police Department's secret Demographics Unit never generated a lead or triggered a terrorism investigation, the department acknowledged in court testimony unsealed late Monday.

NYPD: Muslim spying led to no leads, terror cases

The Demographics Unit is at the heart of a police spying program, built with help from the CIA, which assembled databases on where Muslims lived, shopped, worked and prayed. Police infiltrated Muslim student groups, put informants in mosques, monitored sermons and catalogued every Muslim in New York who adopted new, Americanized surnames. Police hoped the Demographics Unit would serve as an early warning system for terrorism. "Related to Demographics," Galati testified that information that has come in "has not commenced an investigation. " "I'm seeing Urdu.


Pew Research Center. Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics - About - Joel van der Reijden. Purpose The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics is a project that ran from 2004 to 2013.

Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics - About - Joel van der Reijden

It was a surprisingly successful attempt to analyze the various establishments of the western world and to see how they interact with both each other and national governments. ISGP has been a unique project for some of the following reasons: It put together a list of about 1,000 important privately-funded non-government institutes (NGOs) and the key persons who form an international "permanent establishment". In the recent past not even a dozen of these organizations were mentioned on one site or in one book, let alone studied to any significant degree. It published the first detailed articles on the Pilgrims Society and the 1001 Club, based on never before seen membership lists of both groups. History The information has been gathered systematically since early-2004 and the first articles were ready in May 2005. Statistics early days "Found your website ....

"Finally! Timeline of History - 20th Century at a Glance. Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - Why Our Elites Stink. La crise a un coupable : la ploutocratie. Antiaméricain, l'insulte qui tue (la pensée) Overdose : la prochaine crise financière (VOSTFR) Mittérand sur les rapports entre les Etats-Unis et la France. US media. Evolution des défauts de paiement. Democrats and Republicans.

Antony Cyril Sutton

Noam Chomsky. Howard Zin. Intelligence. Oversight of United States covert operations. Since 1954, oversight of United States covert operations has been carried out by a series of sub-committees of the United States National Security Council.

Oversight of United States covert operations

Oversight of United States covert operations[edit] NSC 5412/2 Special Group[edit] The NSC 5412/2 Special Group, often referred simply as the Special Group, was an initially secret, but later public, subcommittee of the United States National Security Council responsible for coordinating government covert operations. Presidential Directive NSC 5412/2, issued December 28, 1954, assigned responsibility for co-ordination of covert actions to representatives of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the President respectively.

The Federation of American Scientists list of national security documents for the Eisenhower administration does not show a directive 5412/2. 303 Committee[edit] The covert actions oversight group was renamed the 303 Committee after National Security Action Memorandum No. 303 on June 2, 1964. Notes[edit]

Deep State

Militaires. DOD. FP. Les Etats-Unis, pays le plus compétitif au monde. Les Etats-Unis ont retrouvé en 2013 leur place de numéro 1 dans les pays les plus compétitifs du monde, selon le rapport annuel de l'IMD (Institute for management Development) de Lausanne.

Les Etats-Unis, pays le plus compétitif au monde

Trois raisons sont avancées par l'IMD pour expliquer cette première place : "un secteur financier en rebond, une abondance d'innovations technologiques et des société s performantes" . En 2012, Hong-Kong occupait la 1ère place, suivie par les Etats-Unis, puis la Suisse. Cette année, on retrouve les trois mêmes pays, mais dans un ordre différent : les Etats-Unis sont en tête, suivis par la Suisse et Hong-Kong.

La Suède occupe le 4 e rang et le Japon le 24 e . En Europe , les pays les plus compétitifs ont été la Suisse (2 e ), la Suède (4 e ) et l' Allemagne (9 e ). Les économies émergentes ont connu des fortunes diverses en 2013. Pour leur classement annuel, les économistes de l'IMS passent au crible plus de 300 critères, études et données statistiques.


Alimentation. Drogues. Energie. Libertés. Inégalités. Racisme. Intellectuels. Clubs. Organisations "humanitaires" Timeline. News Media. Hollywood. Laurence Michalak : la représentation des Arabes dans le cinéma américain - 48147ac.pdf.