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Lite. ‎ Partir à l"étranger. Secteur de la culture - Patrimoine immatériel - Convention 2003 : Retour à la liste complète Inscrit en 2013 (8.COM) sur la Liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité Pays : Brésil Identification Description.

Secteur de la culture - Patrimoine immatériel - Convention 2003 :

Centros Culturais Portugueses - Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua. Steven Cohen. News, Augmented » Articles avec le tag » #pixadores. Do not litter « SEAN HART. Dispositif de programmation 2014 pour le Département des échanges et coopérations artistiques. 5 dispositifs accessibles L’Institut français propose une démarche de programmation permettant, autour de la stratégie fixée par les COCAC, d’établir un dialogue entre le réseau, les partenaires professionnels et les équipes de l’Institut français, et de construire ainsi des projets à moyen et long terme.

Dispositif de programmation 2014 pour le Département des échanges et coopérations artistiques

Il est donc attendu que les postes établissent une stratégie qui sera prise en compte dans la sélection des projets à soutenir. Les projets des Instituts français tout autant que ceux des Alliances françaises sont éligibles. Invisible Borders: The Trans-African Project. In 2014, the Invisible Borders Trans-African Photographers Organization will embark on the 5th edition of their Road Trip Project.

Invisible Borders: The Trans-African Project

This trip will be the first Trans-Continental Road Trip of the collective and will be from Lagos (Nigeria) to Sarajevo (Bosnia) through 21 countries in Africa and Europe notably Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Senegal, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Morocco, Spain, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and eventually Bosnia. During the last four editions of the Road Trip the group has explored African countries from the West to the East and Central Africa. The impressions of the last four years have given rise to reflections and subsequent evolution of questions surrounding the complexness of borders. This year’s road trip is therefore an attempt to approach the core of what necessitates borders: Movement. Participants [Subject to change] Dawit L. Street Artists of Salvador: TarcioV. TarcioV is an artist based in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.

Street Artists of Salvador: TarcioV

He rarely discusses his life and work but agreed to a brief interview as part of the Street Artists of Salvador series. The following is a sampling of his thoughts and images. When people ask about your work, how do you answer? My work is based on the power and expression of human figures in relation to the space they occupy. On every wall, or whatever other surface, I try to offer people a chance to reflect and let go of conventional impressions about the space. Can you tell us about how you got started doing street art? Around the late 1990s, I always used to draw on the way to school. What are your artistic inspirations? The people have been my biggest inspiration, and I have a strong connection with faith, as well as Afro-Brazilian stories and legends that tell the history of where I live.

Why do you gravitate towards black-and-white color schemes? What do you try to convey to the people who see your work? + share.


Culture and Arts for Social Change. Lonely together. Iberescena. Cultura Iberescena integración del espacio escénico iberoamericano Iberescena es un Programa Institucional al servicio de creadores y gestores de las Artes Escénicas, que tiene como eje fundamental de sus líneas de acción a la ciudadanía y al concepto de cultura como bien público que ayuda a asentar un pensamiento de libertad y calidad de vida.


Drugo more » ZOOM Festival: Discussion – Green Action / Art and ecology. Saturday 07.09.18:00 / Tunel, Školjić 12 Discussion: Green Action – Art & Ecology- collaboration with Perforacije Festival As environmental changes pose some of the biggest challenges of the 21st century, action must be taken to prevent environmental disaster and shape the path to a sustainable future.

Drugo more » ZOOM Festival: Discussion – Green Action / Art and ecology

After scientists’ repeated warnings about the ongoing pollution trend for years, artists all over the world have felt the urge to point at the destructive human impact on the environment. Having investigated various national and international environmental movements for the past six years, Luka Tomac devoted his work precisely to the points of intersection between arts and ecology. He attended United Nation’s climate change meetings, gave speeches and exhibited photography all over Europe, Asia and Africa. COART艺术现场 官方网站. Vision - Athens & Epidaurus Festival 2013. The “Hellenic Festival” is a limited company established in 1998 for the organisation of music, theatre, and other cultural events, the publication and distribution of periodicals, books and other types of publications, and the creation of audiovisual material for the promotion of its events.

Vision - Athens & Epidaurus Festival 2013

The company is administered by a seven-member board of directors that serves a three-year term. The resources of the company are derived from the regular, budgeted funding of the Greek state, a proportion of the revenues of the casinos on Mount Parnitha and Corfu, the sponsorships and revenues of performances, and the granting of its venues. As of January 2007, shareholders in the company are the Greek Ministry of Culture (which also oversees the company administratively), and the Greek Ministry of Economy and Finance. Dimitris Papaioannou - NEWS. Festival du théâtre de rue de Bat Yam - La France en Israël - Ambassade de France à Tel Aviv. Festival du théâtre de rue de Bat YamTrois compagnies françaises participent Du 2 au 4 octobre 2012 Le Festival International du théatre de rue de Bat Yam est l’un des plus anciens festivals en Israël et le seul consacré à la création théâtrale originale dans l’espace public et dans les espaces urbains non conventionnels.

Festival du théâtre de rue de Bat Yam - La France en Israël - Ambassade de France à Tel Aviv

Cette année, le festival accueillera des artistes de différentes disciplines artistiques telles que le théâtre, la danse, le cirque, la musique, le design, l’art vidéo, les arts plastiques et la poésie. Parmi les nombreux pays représentés durant cette manifestation, qui se déroulera du 2 au 4 octobre, la France n’est pas oubliée. Trois compagnies françaises participent cette année au festival, avec l’aide de l’Ambassade de France et de l’Institut français d’Israël : Tania’sparadise La compagnie « Attention fragile » avec Tania’s Paradise Tous les jours à 18h30 et 21h15 (entrée 20 NIS)En savoir + Meurtre au motel Les scotcheurs éclairés.