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OpenURL: - UIApplication Class Reference. Discussion In iOS 8 and later, voice-over-IP (VoIP) apps register for UIRemoteNotificationTypeVoIP push notifications instead of using this method.

openURL: - UIApplication Class Reference

Using push notifications eliminates the need for a timeout handler to check in with the VoIP service. Instead, when a calls arrives for the user, the VoIP service sends a VoIP push notification to the user’s device. Upon receiving this notification, the device launches or wakes the app as needed so that it can handle the incoming call. In iOS 7 and earlier, VoIP apps use this method to install a handler whose job is to maintain the app’s network connection with a VoIP server.

Timeout values and handlers are not persisted between app launches. For calls to this method to succeed, the app must have the voip value in the array associated with the UIBackgroundModes key in its Info.plist file. AdaptivePhotos: An Adaptive Application. KeychainTouchID: Using Touch ID with Keychain and LocalAuthentication. Strip Emoji (NSString)

Sign in with your Apple ID - Apple Developer. Ios - failed to find PDF header: `%PDF' not found. ShinobiControls/iOS8-day-by-day · GitHub. Uitableviewcell - Is there a way to make UITableView cells in iOS 7 not have a line break in the separator? Adopting Modern Objective-C. Over the years, the Objective-C language has grown and evolved.

Adopting Modern Objective-C

Although the core concepts and practices remain the same, parts of the language have been through significant changes and improvements. These modernizations improve type safety, memory management, performance, and other aspects of Objective-C, making it easier for you to write correct code. It’s important to adopt these changes in your existing and future code to help it become more consistent, readable, and resilient. Xcode provides a tool to help make some of these structural changes for you. But before you use this tool, you want to understand what changes it will offer to make to your code, and why.

Instancetype Use the instancetype keyword as the return type of methods that return an instance of the class they are called on (or a subclass of that class). Using instancetype instead of id in appropriate places improves type safety in your Objective-C code. The compiler gives the following warning about this code: App Extension Programming Guide: App Extensions Increase Your Impact. An app extension (or extension) lets you extend custom functionality and content beyond your app and make it available to users while they’re using other apps.

App Extension Programming Guide: App Extensions Increase Your Impact

You create an extension to enable a specific task; after users get your extension, they can use it to perform that task in a variety of contexts. For example, if you provide an extension that enables sharing to your social sharing website, users can use it to post a remark while they’re reading email messages or surfing the web. Or if you provide an extension that displays current sports scores, users can put it in Notification Center so that they can get the latest scores when they open the Today view. You can even create an extension that provides a custom keyboard that users can use in place of the iOS system keyboard. There Are Several Types of Extensions iOS and OS X define several general types of extensions, each of which is tied to an area of the system, such as sharing, Notification Center, and the iOS keyboard.