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URLSession. Scrollview. Share on whatsapp. iPhone 6 Plus support for Cocos2D 2.1 - Framework Internals - Cocos2D Forum. Iphone - OpenGL draws black screen after returning from another View. Objective c - Horizontal UIScrollView having vertical UIScrollViews inside - how to prevent scrolling of inner scroll views when scrolling outer horizontal view? Auto constraint. Ios8. Swift. iOS 7. Custom photo picker.

Ninjinkun/NJKWebViewProgress. Opengl particles. Visu & upload de documents. Connections. iOS6 Tutorial: Know Your Unique Identifiers | CapTech Consulting Blogs. iPad & iPhone apps. Ipad mini. iPhone App Design Templates - Custom Designs for Your iOS Apps. iOS.

Simultate slow connexions

Cocos2d. Ipad development. iOS. Opening links in Chrome for iOS - Google Chrome Mobile. The easiest way to have your iOS app open links in Chrome is to use the OpenInChromeController class. This API is described here along with the URI schemes it supports. The OpenInChromeController class provides methods that encapsulate the URI schemes and the scheme replacement process also described in this document. Use this class to check if Chrome is installed, to specify the URL to open, to provide a callback URL, and to force opening in a new tab. Methods isChromeInstalled: returns YES if Chrome is installedopenInChrome: opens a given URL in Chrome; can be used with or without the following withCallbackURL: the URL to which a callback is sentcreateNewTab: forces the calling app to open the URL in a new tab For example, use the OpenInChromeController class as follows: Chrome for iOS handles the following URI Schemes: googlechrome for httpgooglechromes for httpsgooglechrome-x-callback for callbacks [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL: [NSURL URLWithString:@"go.

Building for armv6 in Xcode 4.5. Building for armv6 in Xcode 4.5 The original iPhone, iPhone 3G, and first two generations of iPod touch used processors supporting the armv6 instruction set. However, with the iPhone 3GS, Apple moved to the more modern, but backwards compatible, armv7 instruction set, and the iPhone 5 includes armv7s. To support older devices while taking advantage of the capabilities of the newer processors, iOS supports fat binaries, which are multiple executables, each for a separate instruction set, combined into one. But with the latest release of Xcode (as I write this, version 4.5), Apple removed support for building armv6 components, essentially forcing developers to drop support for iOS releases up through iOS 4.2.1, the last supported version on the armv6 devices.

I like supporting older devices for a long time, though, so dropping support for anything before iOS 4.3 so soon isn’t what I would want. Here’s how to do it: Find a copy of an older version of Xcode. And that’s all there is to it. Iphone - NSDefaultRunLoopMode vs NSRunLoopCommonModes. iOS Development: What are some tricks to make an iOS app feel responsive. Friday Q&A 2010-01-22: Toll Free Bridging Internals. Friday Q&A 2010-01-22: Toll Free Bridging Internals It's been a week, and once again, it's time for a Friday Q&A. For this week's edition, I'm going to talk about how toll-free bridging works, a topic suggested by Jonathan Mitchell.

What It Is I hope that everyone reading this already knows what toll-free bridging, but if you don't, here's a summary. Toll-free bridging, or TFB for short, is a mechanism which allows certain Objective-C classes to be interchangeable with certain CoreFoundation classes. For example, NSString and CFString are bridged, which means that you can treat any NSString as if it were a CFString and vice versa. Example: CFStringRef cfStr = SomeFunctionThatReturnsCFString(); NSUInteger length = [(NSString *)cfStr length]; NSString *nsStr = [self someString]; CFIndex length = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)nsStr); Most (but not all!)

To put it concretely, look at NSString. One of those subclasses is NSCFString. This implementation has an interesting consequence. Comments: Iphone - ios app maximum memory budget. Issue #320: Issue where all requests timeout until the app is restarted · pokeb/asi-http-request. iOS Twitter framework. The official iOS SDK includes a framework that enables your iOS applications to leverage the power of Twitter. This framework removes many of the common obstacles encountered when accessing Twitter's API, including authentication and Tweet composition, and allows developers to focus on more meaningful levels of integration that enrich their applications' experiences. Note: With the Social framework, as with any iOS-related topic, the Apple Developer Site should be considered the ultimate source of development references, guides and code for developers.

It is also where you should start if you encounter generic iOS issues that you cannot resolve on your own. What can I do with the framework? As a mobile application developer, there are 3 key facets of Twitter that you can leverage in your applications: Single Sign-OnDistributionInstant Personalization As always, be aware that if your application accesses Twitter, it is bound to the Twitter Terms of Service. Single Sign-On Distribution. Cocoa touch - memory leak problem using NSData in iPhone. Adding Twitter support (iOS 5 with oAuth fallback) to your iOS App with RSOAuthEngine. Till today, the two most commonly used ways (without writing tediously long code) to integrate Twitter connect to your app is The only problem I have with both these libraries is that, they are bloated.

You end up adding at least 20 classes (more than 50 files in the first case and even more if you go with ShareKit). Call me a person with Not Invented Here syndrome, but I hate adding third party code unless it offers considerable number of features that is critical to the app’s functionality. Today, when working on a code base, I deleted over 52 files that adds a functionality that allows a user to tweet “achievements” from within the app. Deleting Twitter Sharing Code means getting rid of 52 files in your app To me, this is a bloat. Introducing RSOAuthEngine RSOAuthEngine, in the words of the original author (Rodrigo Sieiro), is a ARC based OAuth engine for MKNetworkKit. He originally posted his RSOAuthEngine on Github about a month ago.

The fork Using RSOAuthEngine The fallback. iOS Human Interface Guidelines.

Rich text editing

Threading. Object serialization / CoreData. Caching. Custom UI Controls for iOS and Mac OS X. 2228 open source and commercial UIcomponents for iOS and OS X. Sort: Date Rating Apps Platform: All iOS Filter CocoaPods: Yes No License: Apache 2.0 Commercial Custom Eclipse Public License Public Domain Unspecified zlib YHRoundBorderedButtonApril 22, 2014 • MIT Licensed • CocoaPod Is this hosted on GitHub? If this control is hosted on GitHub, paste the address below, otherwise click "Not Hosted on GitHub".

Not Hosted on GitHub. Animations.

iOS versions

Logic High Software Blog. Iphone - UIWebView: webViewDidStartLoad/webViewDidFinishLoad delegate methods not called when loading certain URLs. UIKit. Drawing. Performances graphiques. Customizing components. Dynamic ivars: solving a fragile base class problem. Introduction The post is about dynamic ivars in Objective-C. Dynamic ivars exist to solve a common type of fragile base class, specifically, the problem of ivar layouts.

A fragile base class problem is a situation where a minor change to the base class can break subclasses. The ivar layout problem is a fragile base class problem where you can't add an ivar to a base class without requiring all subclasses to be recompiled. The fragile base class problem with ivar layouts occurs because accessing an ivar requires adding the ivar's offset within the object to the object's pointer. Since a subclass' ivars are always positioned after the base class' ivars, the offset to a subclass' ivars must always be the total size of the base class' ivar region plus their own relative offset. The reality is that in most object-oriented languages (including Objective-C before dynamic ivars), adding ivars to established classes while maintaining backwards binary compatibility is practically impossible.

[iOS] How to add push animation to view controller without a navigation controller. On Dec 10, 2010, at 1:49 PM, Tharindu Madushanka wrote: > Hi, > Thanks. > > But. This works with two views appearing as pushed. But I would like to have animation for my next view controller. > > But with two view controllers when other view controller shown, how could we present that with similar animation.

Well, first it depends if you really want to present the next view in a modal state. In this case I would recommend to use -presentModalViewController:animated:. Otherwise, if you don't need or don't want the behavior of a modal presented view (for instance, just simulating a push animation for a controller on a navigation stack) you can extend the previous example to use an extra view controller as well. A few recommendation, though: Really use a navigation controller if you actually have a navigation task. > show quoted text.


The ugly side of blocks: explicit declarations and casting. Simple block declarations and casting Used as intended (simple inline code implementations) blocks are fairly elegant. This is due to one advantage they offer: in simple cases, you do not need to specify the return type — it can be inferred from the return statement in the block itself. So declaring a block that returns an int can be as simple as: In this case though, an unqualified integral value is correctly assumed to be an int.

If we want the block to return an NSInteger, we need to either cast the return type or not rely on type inference and declare the return fully: Notice that the block literal (righthand side) does not follow the structure as the block declaration (lefthand side). Casting a block looks much like declaring a block, minus the name of the variable from the declaration. Function pointers Blocks borrow their syntax from standard C function pointers.

Reading declarations correctly Consider how a pointer is declared: Declaring a block that returns a block Conclusion. MBProgressHUD. Updated iOS device and OS version stats from Instapaper. This is a quick update to my iOS device and OS version stats as reported by Instapaper 3.0. The same disclaimers apply. This sample does not represent all iOS owners. Specifically, it only represents people who: Paid $5 for the Instapaper app, and…Are using at least the 3.0 release from five months ago, and…Logged into the app with an account (or created an account from it), and…Connected to the internet long enough for an update request to be received by the service. So it’s very useful to me, but the usefulness to you will vary. Here’s the updated data from today: The biggest differences from five months ago: The iPad 2 has sold incredibly well, with its numbers now almost identical to the iPad 1’s among my customers.

Over the last few months, these stats have helped me decide to raise the minimum OS requirement for Instapaper from 3.1 to 4.2 in its next release, due out probably within a few weeks. 3D Cube View Transition On iPhone. Today I'm glad to introduce you how I implement a simple 3D Cube transition with Core Animation on iPhone.

As the matter of fact, I always think that Mac's 3D Cube Transition used for user account switch is really an amazing view switch effect, but since there isn't one I can use on iPhone, at least I didn't find one, I decided to implement it by myself. To make it easier to be integrated in my code, I followed the sample of TransitionView provided by Apple, and implement a new TransitionView with 3D Cube Transition. For better format, you can access our blog site Check how 3D Cube effect work Customized TransitionView Like iPhone TransitionView sample, my TransitionView can be used as a parent view for all views which are going to be switched in or switched out, so all subviews will be added or removed along with a 3D Cube transition, all you need to do is set direction and duration parameters.

To help you clearly understand how it works, I'd like to use a example to illustrate it. #1271948. iOS App Programming Guide: Advanced App Tricks. Many app-related tasks depend on the type of app you are trying to create. This chapter shows you how to implement some of the common behaviors found in iOS apps. Configuring Your App to Support iPhone 5 Apps linked against iOS 6 and later should be prepared to support the larger screen size of iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation) devices. To support the larger screen in your code properly, never make assumptions about the current device’s screen size. Instead, always retrieve the size of a screen, window, or view dynamically and use that size information to configure your interface.

You should also build your user interface using view-based constraints, which make it much easier to manage the changes to your view hierarchies at runtime. To let the system know that your app supports the iPhone 5 screen size, include a properly named launch image in your app’s bundle. For more information about specifying the launch images for your app, see “App Launch (Default) Images.” Objective c - App crashes when trying to obtain photos from photo library via Image picker.

Iphone - Embedding YouTube videos on iOS. Mobile - Développeurs Facebook. iOS Tutorial - Développeurs Facebook. The SDK comes with samples that demonstrate some of its features. To find and run these samples, download the SDK, and then click on the .pkg file and follow the wizard to install it. Once the SDK is installed, go to the FacebookSDK folder (located by default inside your Documents folder), and there you will find a Samples folder that contains the samples you're looking for.

You can run them from Xcode in the iPhone simulator. FriendPickerSample Demonstrates how to use a FBFriendPickerViewController in the Facebook SDK for iOS. GraphApiSample Demonstrates the basics of how to make a (single or batch) request using the Facebook SDK for iOS. HelloFacebookSample Demonstrates some basic usage of the Facebook SDK, including: PlacePickerSample Demonstrates how to use the FBPlacePickerViewController provided with the Facebook SDK for iOS. ProfilePictureSample Demonstrates how to use the Profile picture control provided with the Facebook SDK for iOS. RPSSample Scrumptious. Round() returning NaN. > > In short, the problem was that after (explicitly) using mmx instructions, you must call emms instruction to cleanup the floating point registers, else any use of a floating point instructions may behave unexpectedly.

> > Are you using mmx or calling code that may use it and does not call emms to cleanup the registers ? I'm not using mmx instructions explicitly. >> 2. I notices that if I put a breakpoint in some particular place of the code the problem doesn't occur: it is as if the actual stopping on the breakpoint cleared the bad stuff that was causing it... > > To me, this suggests a possible threading issue. My application does not produce threads explicitly. >> I would appreciate any ideas or directions that you or others might have, this is really worrying and I'm out of ideas...

> > I recommend trying the -fstack-protector-all compiler option. If that doesn't isolate it, you can move on to Valgrind. I tried -fstack-protector-all, didn't see anything. Downloads (2009-2010 Winter) | CS 193P iPhone Application Development.


Dev environment. 10 iOS Libraries to Make Your Life Easier. The operating system that powers Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices, iOS, has proved incredibly popular with developers. A large part of this is almost certainly due to the opportunity that the App Store gives developers to make money, but the great development tools that Apple provide, in the form of XCode and Interface Builder, and also the Objective-C programming language, which iOS developers are required to use, certainly play their part. The iOS SDK that developers use to build iPhone and iPad apps is relatively low level, requiring the developer to do a lot of work to get their app up and running.

Fortunately there are lots of third party libraries available that provide useful functionality that can make your life as an iOS developer much easier. Here we discuss 10 of the best: MBProgressHUD – Progress Indicator Library Many official Apple apps have a nice translucent progress display. ASIHttpRequest – HTTP Network Library JSON Framework – JSON Support CorePlot – 2D Graph Plotter. Using Blocks in iOS 4: The Basics. iOS Application Programming Guide: Build-Time Configuration Details.

Simple event dispatcher. Objective c - How to check for an active Internet Connection on iPhone SDK. Actionscript 3 - AS3 Grammar: Most accurate. Package Index : hachoir-parser 1.3.4.