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15 Movies from Your Childhood to Rewatch with Your Kids

15 Movies from Your Childhood to Rewatch with Your Kids
Watching movies with your kids is a great way to bond, not to mention introduce them to some of your favorite and most beloved films from when you were their age. It’s a win-win: they get the joy of watching something they've never seen before while you can bask in a nice dose of nostalgia. Here are 15 movies we loved when we were younger that we'd eagerly rewatch with our own children. 15. Hook (1991) A fun twist on the well-known Peter Pan story, Hook explores what would happen if the boy who never grew up actually did. 14. This movie is a handy little lesson about the importance of looking after your siblings. 13. Your kids will get a kick out of this monster mashup. 12. The original movie starring Gene Wilder is a little on the trippy side, but kids will enjoy seeing the magical wonders of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. 11. Every kid has fantasized about having the house all to himself so he can eat whatever he wants and watch countless hours of television. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3.

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