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Giant List of Documentaries Mining the internet for psychedelic beeswax since 1997 Posts Comments ← (VIDEO) – Symphony of Science – ‘We Are All Connected’ The General’s Drug Problem, Ibogaine Treatment a Promising Solution → GIANT List of Interesting Documentaries February 19, 2011 26 Comments 23 Votes – Giant List of Documentaries. Please feel free to make this list interactive. Don’t forget to check our’s Video Vault for MORE VIDEOS UPDATE: Many of these links are dead. I don’t take credit for making this amazing list, a fellow member of a forum that I frequent posted this today. Enjoy: BANKING 1. BIOLOGY/EVOLUTION 1. CORPORATIONS 1. CULTURE 1. DRUGS 1. EDUCATION 1. ENLIGHTENMENT 1. FOOD 1. GOVERNMENT 1. HEALTH 1. INTERESTING PEOPLE 1. MEDIA 1. NWO 1.

Mind F*ck Films list Explore Lists Reviews Images Update feed Categories MoviesTV ShowsMusicBooksGamesDVDs/Blu-RayPeopleArt & DesignPlacesWeb TV & PodcastsToys & CollectiblesComic Book SeriesBeautyAnimals View more categories » Added by Alabama1971 on 22 May 2010 04:58 1359885 Views 82 Comments Vote! Mind F*ck Films Add header image Choose file... or enter url: Sort by: Showing 18 items Decade: Rating: List Type: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Alabama1971's rating: Being John Malkovich (1999) The Butterfly Effect (2004) Donnie Darko (2001) Eraserhead (1977) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Fight Club (1999) Identity (2003) Inland Empire (2006) The Jacket (2005) Jacob's Ladder (1990) The Machinist (2004) Memento (2000) Mulholland Dr. (2001) November (2004) Stay (2005) Total Recall (1990) Vanilla Sky (2001) Voters of this movie list - View all These movies will mess with your mind. Added to 52 votes Listal Members With Most Over 100 Votes of Lists (645 lists) list by imanshole Published 3 days, 2 hours ago 5 comments 22 votes NaZeem

100 Best of the Decade EmailEmail Since we first published our 100 Best Movies of the Decade in 2009, films have continued to get bigger and better. Here’s an update to the original list. Here’s what we originally wrote five years ago. We are leaving Kubrick behind and fast approaching Hyams. If you get that reference, go grab yourself a cookie. Quick Year-to-Year by the Numbers: 2009 – 11 2008 – 11 2007 – 7 2006 – 14 2005 – 12 2004 – 8 2003 – 7 2002 – 12 2001 – 10 2000 – 8 100. 99. 98. 97. 96. 95. 94. 93. 92. 91. 90. 89. 88. 87. 86. 85. 84. 83. 82. 81. 28 DAYS LATER… (2002) – Danny Boyle 80. 79. 78. 77. 76. 75. 74. 73. 72. 71. 70. 69. 68. 67. 66. 65. 64. 63. 62. 61. 60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55. 54. 53. 52. 51. 50. 49. 48. 47. 46. 45. (500) DAYS OF SUMMER (2009) – Marc Webb 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 25th HOUR (2002) – Spike Lee 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? 19. 18. “My name is Gladiator.” 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

70 Beautiful Vector Business Cards 70 Beautiful Vector Business Cards Posted by Prakash on July 1st in Inspiration. Today a professional business card will sometimes include one or more aspects of striking visual design. Tell our graphic experts what you need, and we will create custom business cards design for you. Dirty Addiction | TDH STUDIO Kensey Lu | TunnelBravo BroHouse | BroHouse Pirate Treasure Map | Melody Wokomon | Brigada Creativa ACME estudio | info Chapolito | Chapolito Buzul | Muzaffer KESKIN Handmade cafe | Sergey Shapiro epigraphic | epigraphic impactideas | Jessica Maus de Rolley Designerfoo | Designerfoo Little | Studio Ink Sandrine Abraham – Du Bout Des Yeux | Sandrine Abraham – Du Bout Des Yeux Dawn Toner – Beauty Consultant | Angelique Toner neon ping | nikola.subic day runners | mixidot Beauty By Lisette | GeniusAdvertising Burubundi | josegarciamontes mahyar zaker jafary | mahyar_techno Mogibo | Ivan Turcin nationbuilder pop up | Lori Boos box office | Katapult Kreative BroHouse | horiaoane Prodec | MediaPanoramique

Lightbulbs Made of Paper Eliminate Packaging © Tien-Ho Hsu via Yanko Design Designer Tien-Ho Hsu has come up with a concept idea to reduce the amount of waste created by lightbulbs and their packaging. The solution, as this design presents, is emulsion-covered paper that glows when hooked up to an electricity source. I have to say, I don't really get it. I don't like to bash concept ideas -- I like to point out where they can improve but support the creative thinking behind various eco-alternatives. But with this one... Could paper possibly glow bright enough to replace a 60 watt bulb? So the pros on this idea are definitely all around how the packaging waste is eliminated. But the rest of it, I'm not so sure. While I think this concept needs to be scrapped, the thinking behind it -- minimizing packaging and making the packaging part of the product -- is something I encourage. Back to the drawing board, with gusto!

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