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MISPRINTED TYP E   COMMERCIAL WORKS   (2002-2006) Eduardo Recife

MISPRINTED TYP E   COMMERCIAL WORKS   (2002-2006) Eduardo Recife

The World’s Greatest LP Album Covers, 45’s too Naldz Graphics | All Designs,Graphics and Web Resources BeauSoir Free Vector Maps 免費下載世界地圖向量圖格式,含各國家國土板塊、世界大陸板塊、地球模型 我們介紹過許多向量圖庫,大多提供圖片素材,本文要介紹的 Free Vector Maps 是一個比較特別的圖片網站,Free Vector Maps 收錄世界地圖及各國家版圖的向量圖,很適合用於教學、投影片或網頁設計使用,網站將所有國家依照洲別分類,更容易被檢索,所有提供的圖片資源皆能免費下載,包含多種類型和檔案格式。 Free Vector Maps 除了提供各國家國土板塊的向量圖外,也有多種世界地圖、世界大陸板塊圖、大陸和地區地圖、地球模型圖可供選擇,資源非常多且豐富,其中在圖片方面有彩色、單色等多種不同類型,也會標示出該國家的首都位置。從 Free Vector Maps 下載的地圖包含多種常見檔案格式,包括 .ai、.eps、.jpg、.png、.pdf 五種。 需要注意的授權部分,Free Vector Maps 採用 Creative Commons(CC 授權)姓名標示 – 禁止改作授權,使用者可以自由下載、使用網站提供的圖片素材,不過在未付費的前提下,必須要署名地圖來源為 ,若付費購買則不受此限。 網站名稱:Free Vector Maps 網站鏈結: 使用教學 開啟 Free Vector Maps 網站後,立刻從 Asia 分類下找到台灣,可以看到台灣地圖提供包括彩色和單色兩種類型,前者還包含首都位置、名稱。 開啟地圖頁面後,點選右邊的「Download」按鈕即可下載該圖片的完整包。 下載前,記得稍微了解一下 Free Vector Maps 授權方式,其實就是把一段文字、鏈結加入你的網站或設計裡,確認後點選「I Agree & Download」就能下載檔案。 如同前面所述,從 Free Vector Maps 下載的地圖包解壓縮後可以獲得五種檔案格式,包括向量圖 ai、eps,以及一般圖片 jpg、png 和 pdf。 Free Vector Maps 地圖都相當清晰,彩色地圖還會標註國家、首都名稱。 Free Vector Maps 真的是一個相當好的免費資源啊! 值得一試的三個理由: 收錄全世界各國家位置圖多種世界地圖、大陸和地區地圖、地球圖地圖有彩色、黑白類型,五種不同檔案格式

watching traffic | written and directed by ed stockham WebTreats ETC TYPOGRAPHY, ILLUSTRATION, FASHION, DESIGN,T-SHIRTS,BARCELONA, STUDIO October 27th 2011 YESS! after a few months collaborating with Society 27, that was an incredible pleasure...XD, Today is the launching of SNEAKER Nº2 ·THE ORIGINS· → Check it out! Icon Archive - Search 582,534 free icons, desktop icons, download icons, social icons, xp icons, vista icons bebe le strange bebe le strange 'Images -- millions of images -- that's what I eat' --William S. Burroughs (click here for pics only) alyptoph: (Source: velvetharrys) (Source: shelley-fabulous) RIP Peaches Geldof daily-boombox:Ladytron- Seventeen Play count: 6,877 negat0ry: doc martens pascal boot (the classic eight-eye) now comes in a reproduction of the right panel of heironymus bosch’s garden of earthly delights gtfo (Source: (Source: daynaelaine) songs4lyf: Metallica - Whiplash Play count: 3,815 (Source: kaliforniababylon) 4cp: gameraboy: Marc Davis explaining the “elongating stretching room” in the Haunted Mansion for the Disneyland Tenth Anniversary Show in 1965. (Source: thewholigans) soundsof71:sarah-kuran:jimmy page (Source: lolcatsinlove) Powered by Tumblr | Theme by Heather Rivers

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials from Beginner to Advanced | Psdtuts+ Thomas Allen (découpage) I am curating an exhibition at the Lubeznik Center for the Arts (Michigan City, IN). The show will feature photographers who ‘make’ pictures before ‘taking’ them. While this falls under the category of still-life photography, I am only seeking work by artists who create photographic tableaux—images that display some sort of handwork (cutting, breaking, folding, painting, mowing…). While there is nothing wrong with pictures of flowers in a vases, people making funny faces, or tilt/shift landscapes that create the illusion of miniature dioramas, they don’t ‘push the envelope’ far enough and will not be considered for the following categories—tabletop, staged portraiture and altered landscape/interiors. Criteria: Work should have been completed within the past 5 years.All work must be created in-camera. Submission Process—PART I (via Dropbox): Submission Process—PART II Submission Process – PART III I’m sure I’ve missed something and may have misquoted some things. Like this: Like Loading...

Material icons - 由 Google 提供的免費精美向量圖示集隨你使用 | 就是教不落 - 給你最豐富的 3C 資訊、教學網站 Google 不僅提供非常多的免費實用服務給大家(像是 Gmail、Google 雲端硬碟等),也提供很多免費素材可以使用,像是 YouTube 音樂庫、Google 的思源字型等,而這次 Google 再推出的向量圖示集「Material icons」,包含各種主題像是 Action、Alert、AV、Communication、Content 等通通都有,圖示都很有品質且數量不算少,重點還是可以下載向量檔案,在運用上方便很多,這無疑對設計者來說是一大福音呀。 Material icons 介紹: 網站:請點我 進入網站後,可以看到上方有一點簡單的說明,主要是讓大家可以用在像網站、手機 APPs 上,未來應該也會持續增加圖示。 目前分類總共有 Action、Alert、AV、Communication、Content、Device、Editor、File、Hardware、Image、Maps、Navigation、Notification、Social、Toggle 這麼多,而圖示數量也有幾百個,直接找到你想要使用的吧。 點擊想要下載的圖示,在下方就會出現一條工具列,你可以選擇要使用的解析度,顏色可以選黑或白,檔案格式的部份可以下載為 svg 向量檔、PNG、ICON FONT,完全貼近所有的使用需求呀,設計者們快去找想用的圖示吧。 Here to There [oF] - "programmed illustrations" by @theowatson + Emily Gobeille aka @design-io / + WIN ONE! Inspired by the childhood memories of artworks on their bedroom walls, Here to There is a project by Emily Gobeille & Theo Watson (Design I/O) created two years ago, now available as a limited run of prints. For the project, the duo developed a suite of software tools using openFrameworks to programmatically build elements based around concepts like algorithm, permutation, cause and effect, and topology to name a few. More than 25 mini openFrameworks applications were created that would output graphics as postscript. The graphics outputted by the OF apps became the basic building blocks for the posters, which were combined with character design, narrative and illustration, to create the story of the two worlds of Here To There: the ‘City’ and the ‘Jungle’. Some of the apps would process input input images, while others were drawing tools which would be used to create custom elements for the posters. To read more about the project, visit the project page. Contest Contest now closed.

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