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What works best. This page has now been revised (May 2010) in the light of John Hattie's recent apparently definitive work Visible Learning; a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement (London; Routledge, 2009).

What works best

The first thing to change has been the title, which used to be "What works and what doesn't". Hattie points out that in education most things work, more or less. The questions are around those which work best and therefore best repay the effort invested. This site is mainly about your own individual practice as a teacher, and as such it tries to take into account your particular circumstances, such as the students you teach (assumed largely to be over school-age), your subject, your setting (school, college, university, work-based or informal adult education). Prezi Tutorials: How to Prezify your PowerPoint Slides. Web 2.0 in the classroom by Ryan McCallum on Prezi. Academy: 10 ways to say it with prezi by Adam Somlai-Fischer on Prezi. 712: Digital Media Group Project by Virtual Experience on Prezi. EEE Club by kai liu on Prezi. 더 필판이 만든 페이스북 에티켓 by 수야 水也 on Prezi.

Las organizaciones como sistemas políticos PeSO by Carlos Alberto CorreaVega on Prezi. The Universe by Jeremy Johnston on Prezi. Talk at Migrating arts academies by Adam Somlai-Fischer on Prezi. Coca Cola Company by Annie Nam on Prezi. Gestos de Despido by Fabian Bastas on Prezi.