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This ‘Game of Thrones’ Spin-Off Could Mean a Bunch More ‘Game of Thrones’ Mehr TV-Serien im deutschen Fernsehen - TV-Serien - › Etat. Wien – Das Serienfieber erfasst jetzt auch Deutschlands Produzenten.

Mehr TV-Serien im deutschen Fernsehen - TV-Serien - › Etat

RTL, Vox, RTL 2, Sat1, ARD und ZDF Etliche Sender haben für Herbst manches im Köcher: Ein ostdeutscher Soldat wird in Deutschland 83 auf RTL in acht Folgen in den Westen eingeschleust. Club der roten Bänder ist die erste eigenproduzierte Serie von Vox. Jugendliche meistern in einer Krankenhausstation schwere Krankheiten. RTL 2 steuert den Krimi The Godless bei. Am 15. Why Game Of Thrones Will Be The Most Pirated TV-Show, Again. In two weeks the fifth season of Game of Thrones will debut in a record-breaking 170 countries.

Why Game Of Thrones Will Be The Most Pirated TV-Show, Again

HBO is making the new series available wherever it can to give pirates no excuse, but it's doubtful that this strategy will have much of an effect on the piracy numbers. Mid April the first episode of Game of Thrones’ fifth season will find its way onto dozens of torrent sites. Like previous years, a few hours later millions of people will have downloaded this unofficial release. Traditionally, pirates have used “availability” as an excuse to download movies and TV-shows from illegal sources. In some countries there is simply no legal option available, the arguments often go. What's Your 'Game of Thrones' Warrior Name? Game of Thrones Makes History With 200,000 Strong Torrent Swarm. For the first time in history more than 200,000 people have shared a single file online at the very same time.

Game of Thrones Makes History With 200,000 Strong Torrent Swarm

A few hours ago Game of Thrones pirates smashed the old record, and a day after the latest episode came online more than 1.5 million people have already grabbed a copy. Game of Thrones has been the focus of many piracy discussions in recent years, and for good reason. The HBO hit series has a following of millions of “pirates” who prefer to watch the show through unauthorized channels instead of paid subscriptions. Some TV-industry insiders closely connected to the show see it as a compliment, or believe the show may even benefit from these rogue followers. On the other hand, however, HBO is cracking down on fans and sites who spread the show without permission. The pirates themselves are also divided in the reasons why they pirate.

Interaktive Google Map für "Game of Thrones" - Webmix. Wie weit ist Castle Black von Winterfell entfernt?

Interaktive Google Map für "Game of Thrones" - Webmix

Wo treibt sich Daenerys Targaryen herum? Und wie weit in den Norden kommt Jon Snow? TV Shows - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings. Que me devuelvan mi 'Homeland' >> Quinta Temporada. Contiene detalles de los cuatro capítulos emitidos de la tercera temporada ¿Qué le ha pasado a Homeland?

Que me devuelvan mi 'Homeland' >> Quinta Temporada

The 1709 Blog. Frank Underwood y la antipolítica. Frank Underwood no duda en mentir y manipular si lo que está en juego son los fines que previamente se ha marcado.

Frank Underwood y la antipolítica

A menudo pasa las noches en vela cavilando frente al tablero, pensando el próximo movimiento sin importarle mucho personas ni principios. Aún hoy se sigue ensalzando el realismo de Joseph Schumpeter por haber descrito en 1942 la política precisamente en estos términos, una competición feroz donde vale casi todo por obtener el caudillaje de un partido, por vencer a los líderes de otras organizaciones, por conservar lo conseguido tan duramente en una pugna llena de sombras. En el rico y posiblemente interminable debate sobre Niccolò Machiavelli, hay quienes le sitúan como el primer gran adalid de este modo de entender la política. Un gran libro de Maurizio Viroli, sin embargo, se esforzó hace unos años en cuestionarlo. La política era algo distinto.

A Frank Underwood no le gustan los ingenuos ni los pusilánimes. No era general, claro. Is Community A Postmodern Masterpiece? Is <em>House of Cards</em> TV? Its creator doesn't think so.

Is <em>House of Cards</em> TV?

A conversation with Beau Willimon about streaming, the creative process, and the meaninglessness of the word "television" Netflix. The 11 Most Influential Fictional Characters of 2013. The Women Behind ‘Mad Men’ Why 'Mad Men' is TV's most feminist show. Historians are notorious for savaging historical fiction.

Why 'Mad Men' is TV's most feminist show

We're quick to complain that writers project modern values onto their characters, get the surroundings wrong, cover up the seamy side of an era or exaggerate its evils -- and usually, we're right. But AMC's hit show "Mad Men," which ends its fourth season next Sunday, is a stunning exception. Every historian I know loves the show; it is, quite simply, one of the most historically accurate television series ever produced. El American Film Institute elige las mejores películas y series de 2013. La institución centrada en el cine estadounidense publica sus listas con lo mejor de la producción nacional en ficción, dividida entre la cinematográfica y la televisiva.

El American Film Institute elige las mejores películas y series de 2013

Por CINEMANÍA Aunque sólo sea para comprobar lo difícil que puede ser escapar a la homogenización del reconocimiento durante la temporada de premios en la que estamos inmersos, publicamos las dos listas que el American Film Institute ha elaborado para resaltar las mejores películas y series de este año. The Women Behind ‘Mad Men’ TV's First Responders ditch their DVR time-shifting so they can live-tweet in real time. From the moment it premiered, Showtime's high-stakes, wildly ambitious spy thriller "Homeland" was not so much discussed as it was anointed.

TV's First Responders ditch their DVR time-shifting so they can live-tweet in real time

It was the first drama to both embody post-9/11 anxiety and serve as a master class in acting, a narrative high-wire act told from two distinct viewpoints in which the cost of war was endlessly calculated. Two years later, "Homeland" has become a social media pinata, the subject of often outraged recaps, blogs and essays that gleefully harp on perceived flaws and inconsistencies. Last year the love affair between the two leads, Carrie (Claire Danes) and Brody (Damian Lewis), kept recappers and critics in perpetual churn while previous praise for Brody's daughter Dana did such a 180 that Dana became fodder for a "Saturday Night Live" skit. This season, a revelation at the end of the third episode twisted more than the story line.

Game of Thrones

Pirates Jump on “The Walking Dead” Despite Legal Options. The start of the fourth season of "The Walking Dead" has resulted in a worldwide piracy craze. More than half a million people downloaded a copy of the show during the first few hours following its premiere, despite efforts to minimize the release lag to 24 hours in 125 countries. Fox had hopes that the global release would curb online piracy but thus far there is little evidence that this is the case, not even in the U.S. where AMC streams the show for free. For years international TV-fans have complained about long release delays. In some cases people had to wait up to a year to view their favorite show after the U.S. release, which is unacceptable for most die-hard fans. Responding to this criticism the TV industry has systematically improved traditional release windows. S. brandon burns : copywriter extraordinaire.

Breaking Bad