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10 Animals You Probably Didn't Know Existed

10 Animals You Probably Didn't Know Existed
We’ve all heard about the flying squirrel, vampire bats, and naked mole rat, but I bet you haven’t heard of Markhor, Lamprey, and Gerenuk! Here are ten animals that you probably haven’t heard of! (Too lazy to write a good introduction!) Related: 1. Tufted deers are a small species of deer that are found in China. 2. Star-nosed moles are small moles found in eastern Canada and United States along wet and low areas. 3. Southern right whale dolphins are small species found in cool waters far south. 4. Raccoon Dogs, or Tanuki, are found in East Asia. 5. Patagonian Maras are large rodents found in parts of Argentina. Relevant: 5 Members Of The Animal Kingdom That Will Blow Your Mind 6. Markhors are large species of wild goats that are found in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 7. Maned Wolves are found in South America. 8. Lampreys are the spawn of hell. 9. Gerenuks are long-necked species of antelopes found in Eastern Africa. 10. Amazonian Royal Flycatchers are found in the Amazon.

INTELLIGENCE TEST Caregiver The quintessential characteristic of a Caregiver type is the desire to take care of others. For this reason, Caregivers may be drawn to the long-term care of children or the elderly. Though some Caregivers find their need to nurture satisfied by raising a family, many others seek out work in such venues as schools, hospitals, and animal shelters. The long-term care of those with Alzheimer’s, autism, and mental illness often becomes the responsibility of Caregivers. If you recognize yourself as a Caregiver, you may already have noticed the tendency to put others’ needs ahead of your own. You are loyal to the extreme, and you guard those who are entrusted to your care with your life. Your empathy allows you to understand nonverbal emotional signals. Click here to learn more about your soul type and how it influences your soul’s age, mission, talents, and challenges, and to purchase Ainslie MacLeod’s book, The Instruction: Living the Life Your Soul Intended. Creator Educator Helper

Q&A: New Spider Weaves Spider-Shaped Web Wildlife biologist Phil Torres recently discovered a new species of spider in the Amazon that would take first prize at any costume party. This tiny five-millimeter-long spider builds a decoy spider around five times its size to scare off potential predators. After describing his find on his blog, Torres sat down with Weird & Wild to share the story of how he came to find this new species of spider. Q: How did you first spot this spider? A: I was at the Tambopata Research Center in Peru (map), which is a ten-hour canoe ride from the nearest town. It looked like a spider that had been killed by a fungus—it had this flaky, evaporated look to it. Had anyone previously documented this spider? After freaking out a bit, we took a bunch of pictures to really document what we had seen. Talking to Dr. The decoy made by this new spider is much more detailed and difficult to construct because it has the body structure and the leg structure. So is that the purpose of the decoy?

Breed Guide & Compatibility Chart - Southern right whale dolphin videos, photos and facts - Lissodelphis peronii XClose Link to this photo Embed this ARKive thumbnail link ("portlet") by copying and pasting the code below. Terms of Use - The displayed portlet may be used as a link from your website to ARKive's online content for private, scientific, conservation or educational purposes only. It may NOT be used within Apps. Read more about Volunteer This article is a travel topic Why not do more than just visit a bunch of old temples and ruins when you travel? It is possible for travellers to improve the lives of people during our trips. Give[edit] A few ideas are: Take books to drop off at schools in villages you pass through. Consider whether supporting beggars is the best directed form of assistance, or if there is a better organisation to support. See also Teaching English. Volunteer[edit] Volunteering whilst travelling is a great way to 'make a difference' but it's not just about giving. If you're only on a short trip, take time to visit an orphanage, hospital, etc. There are several ways to combine travelling and voluntary work: In Europe, young European citizens (legal inhabitants, you need at least a residence permit) can participate in the EVS program ("European Voluntary Service") [1], which allows you to work abroad for 3 months up to a year, funded by the European Union at some kind of charitable organization.

10 Psychological Experiments That Went Horribly Wrong Psychology as we know it is a relatively young science, but since its inception it has helped us to gain a greater understanding of ourselves and our interactions with the world. Many psychological experiments have been valid and ethical, allowing researchers to make new treatments and therapies available, and giving other insights into our motivations and actions. Sadly, others have ended up backfiring horribly — ruining lives and shaming the profession. Here are ten psychological experiments that spiraled out of control. 10. Stanford Prison Experiment Prisoners and guards In 1971, social psychologist Philip Zimbardo set out to interrogate the ways in which people conform to social roles, using a group of male college students to take part in a two-week-long experiment in which they would live as prisoners and guards in a mock prison. 9. Wendell Johnson, of the University of Iowa, who was behind the study Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, also seen top 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. David Reimer

Largest Web-Spinning Spider Found October 21, 2009 Meet the newest odd couple of the animal kingdom: the giant female and tiny male of the largest web-spinning spider known to science: Nephila komaci. The female of the species has a leg span of up to 5 inches (12 centimeters), while the male—which spends much of its time clambering on its partner's back—barely reaches an inch (2.5 centimeters), a new study says. Part of a well-known group of golden orb-weaver spiders—which can spin webs up to three feet (one meter) wide—N. komaci was first identified in a South African museum collection in 2000. But it wasn't until a 2007 field survey, which discovered three individuals in South Africa's Tembe Elephant Park, that scientists knew the spider still existed in the wild. The newfound spider, detailed October 20 in the journal PLoS One, is the first addition to the Nephila genus since 1879. Largest Web-Spinner a Rarity (Watch a video of the world's largest spider.)

Simple Animal Facts To Brighten Your Day Cows have best friends. A group of flamingos is called a “flamboyance.” Millions of trees grow every year thanks to squirrel’s forgetting where they put their nuts. There are two kittens in this picture, baby bunnies are called kits, which is short for kitten. Butterflies can taste with their feet. Sea otters hold each other’s paws when they sleep so they don’t drift apart. There’s an immortal jellyfish. When rabbits jump and twist out of excitement, it is called a binky. Humpback whales have their own “pop” music. Gentoo penguins propose to their lifemates* with a pebble. Sea horses are monogamous life mates and travel holding each other’s tails. Male pups will intentionally let female pups “win” when they play-fight so they can get to know them better. Monkeys don’t like unequal pay either. Worms communicate by snuggling. Elephants show remarkable empathy, even to other species. Fish use tools. A cat’s nose is ridged with a unique pattern, just like a human fingerprint. Chimp babies play with dolls.

Top 10 Misconceptions About Islam Religion In the words of Swiss journalist and author, Roger Du Pasquier “The West, whether Christian or dechristianised, has never really known Islam. Ever since they watched it appear on the world stage, Christians never ceased to insult and slander it in order to find justification for waging war on it. Misconception: All Muslims are Arabs The common image of a Muslim is a turbaned dark Arab man with a long beard. Misconception: Muslims Hate Jesus There are many similarities between the historical references of Christianity and Islam. Misconception: Children have no rights Children, according to Islamic law, have various rights. Misconception: Islam is intolerable to other religions ‘Kill the infidel’ is the phrase many people believe is the ideology that Muslims have towards the non Muslims. Misconception: Jihad means to fight for the sake of god The true Arabic meaning of the word jihad is struggle. Misconception: The Prophet Muhammad was a pedophile 1. Misconception: Women have no rights

WWOOF TAIWAN About WWOOF WWOOF is an acronym which stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. This cultural exchange allows members from all around the world that are interested in learning about Organic farms to volunteer their services by working at Host establishments. These members called, WWOOFers, will be given the opportunity to work on Organic farms with their WWOOF host in exchange for housing and food. WWOOF history WWOOF was started in England in 1971 by Mrs. There have been some cultural misunderstandings around the use of the word “work”. About WWOOF Taiwan Each WWOOFer must complete our online application form and pay the membership fee to be able to WWOOF in Taiwan. How to Join WWOOF Taiwan: Step 1: Fill out the online application under "How to Become a Member". Step 2: You will recieve instructions on how to pay your membership fee. Step 3: You will immediately recieve the farm host list once we have confirmed your payment. What comes with my WWOOF Taiwan Membership?

Nerdy Day Trips Add Your Day Trip Once you're happy with your pin position, you can save it to the map for everyone to see. Pin position cannot be changed later, so please take care to place it correctly.I am finished - place my spot. Please click on the map to drop your pin.If you get it wrong, you can move it by dragging the new pin to where you want it Once you're happy with the new pin position, please click I'm Finished, and the administrators will be notified of the change request.I am finished - request chqnge. Please click on the map to identify where you think it should actually be.If you get it wrong, you can move it by dragging the new pin to where you want it Too many spots! There are too many nerdy spots to show you (Over 1000!)

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