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Cuttlefish: the Sentient Cephalopods by Brenna Lorenz All contents copyright © 1998 Brenna Lorenz, Megaera Lorenz, Malachi Pulte. All Rights Reserved.Reproduction of any part of site without express permission is strictly prohibited. All photos of the cuttlefish of Sentosa are by Brenna Lorenz. South of the city of Singapore is an island called Sentosa. Sentosa has been converted into a tourist haven, and you can reach it by cable car. One of us suggested that we try talking to them using our fingers as tentacles. We wonder if anyone else has tried talking to the cuttlefish of Sentosa, or any other cuttlefish. Cuttlefish are predacious carnivorous cephalopods related to squid and octopus. Read about Komodo dragons! Published: 11/7/98.Updated: 3/10/01. Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook Do you want to be informed by e-mail when we add new material to our pages? Visit the rest of our pages! Visitors since 10/29/98: FastCounter by LinkExchange E-mail me!

Compet' à la mangeoire Participez à la première expérience de Vigie-Manip’ ! Compet’ à la mangeoire est une expérience explore les choix de nourrissage des oiseaux des jardins en hiver, en fonction de la nourriture disponible et du nombre d'individus présents. Tout l'enjeu de l'expérience est de comprendre les jeux d’interactions entre les espèces d'oiseaux en fonction du contexte environnemental. © Laurent Zagni | Comment ça marche ? Le protocole consiste à compter les oiseaux présents sur deux mangeoires plateaux identiques (que l’on peut facilement construire soi-même) proposant une offre en nourriture différente (graines de tournesol, graines de niger…). Quand participer ? L’expérience peut être réalisée sur un balcon, une terrasse, un jardin privé ou public et recommencée autant de fois que le participant le souhaite entre le 18 novembre 2013 et le 15 mars 2014. Qui peut participer ? Tous les amateurs d’oiseaux sauvages ! Participer Compet' à la mangeoire - guide de terrain A lire aussi :

Accelerating Future (Build 20111120135848) There isn’t enough in the world. Not enough wealth to go around, not enough space in cities, not enough medicine, not enough intelligence or wisdom. Not enough genuine fun or excitement. Not enough knowledge. What we need is more . There is a bare minimum that we should demand out of the future. 1) More space 2) More health 3) More water 4) More time 5) More intelligence First off, we need more space . There is actually a lot of space on this earth.

Parrot Prodigy May Grasp the Concept of Zero July 15, 2005 A new study suggests that some birds may have a better grasp of numbers than the average three-year-old child. Researchers have shown that an African gray parrot may comprehend the mathematical concept of zero—an abstract notion that human children rarely understand until around four years of age. The concept of zero is surprisingly difficult to grasp, even for people. "There is some understanding of nonexistence that seems to develop naturally, but the actual use of the term 'zero' seems to need to be taught," said comparative psychologist Irene Pepperberg. The idea of zero as a nonexistent quantity was not obvious to early human cultures, Pepperberg said. Researchers in the United States and Japan have previously shown that chimpanzees and possibly squirrel monkeys can comprehend zero when taught. Zero Sum Pepperberg's most recent research with Alex, co-authored with Brandeis graduate student Jesse D.

Plankton Portal K21st – Essential 21st Century Knowledge (Build 20111120135848) "Animal Language Article" Copyright 1995 The New York Times Company The New York Times June 6, 1995, Tuesday, Late Edition - Final SECTION: Section C; Page 1; Column 1; Science Desk LENGTH: 2199 words Chimp Talk Debate: Is It Really Language? By George Johnson PANBANISHA, a Bonobo chimpanzee who has become something of a star among animal language researchers, was strolling through the Georgia woods with a group of her fellow primates -- scientists at the Language Research Center at Georgia State University in Atlanta. Suddenly, the chimp pulled one of them aside. Grabbing a special keyboard of the kind used to teach severely retarded children to communicate, she repeatedly pressed three symbols -- "Fight," "Mad," "Austin" -- in various combinations. Austin is the name of another chimpanzee at the center. "Waa, waa, waa" said the chimpanzee, in what Dr. A decade and a half after the claims of animal language researchers were discredited as exaggerated self-delusions, Dr. Dr. But some philosophers, like Dr.

Phenomer act.truemajorityaction Thanks! Now spread the word. Thanks for telling Congress to cut subsidies for dirty energy. But with over $41 billion on the line, you can bet the oil industry is sending their lobbyists to D.C. right now to pressure our elected leaders to do just the opposite. Can you help us build an unstoppable campaign by telling more friends about this action online? Send mail from your own address book Tell Congress to end the big oil bailout Every year Congress hands out billions in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry -- money that wealthy oil, gas and coal companies don't need. No more than 20 emails can be sent through this page at any one time. Donate | Contact Us | Privacy Back to Top

Animal Tool Use Created by Lauren Kosseff Benjamin Beck(1980) offers a fascinating story about the ingenuity of a crow which lived in his laboratory. The crow was fed dried mash, which needs to be moistened before the crow can eat it. However, the keepers occasionally forgot to do so. Le Suivi Temporel des Oiseaux Communs (STOC) Le Centre de Recherches par le Baguage des Populations d’Oiseaux Le Centre de Recherches par le Baguage des Populations d’Oiseaux (C.R.B.P.O.), qui coordonne notamment les activités de baguage en France, au sein du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, coordonne également un programme de Suivi Temporel des Oiseaux Communs (programme STOC) qui se compose de deux volets complémentaires : - l’un est conçu pour évaluer les variations spatiales et temporelles de l’abondance des populations nicheuses d’oiseaux communs. - l’autre vise à étudier les variations de deux des plus importants paramètres démographiques (survie des adultes et succès de la reproduction ; STOC-Capture). Mesange charbonnière [© Jean Moussus] Cette approche est basée sur la capture et la recapture de passereaux nicheurs à l’aide de filets japonais. La coordination du programme STOC points d’écoute est assurée au CRBPO par Frédéric Jiguet.

Chappa Jan :: Videos Chappa Jan- NAME A CALL_Title_1.mp4 Chappa Jan Wall Street Greed Chappa Jan - Work - YouTube.mp4 JOURNEY video.mp4 AMAZING CUTTLEFISH - Cephalopods with Natural Camouflage and Sepia Ink {*style:<b> All cuttlefish are "amazing". They are intelligent and exhibit quite complex behaviour. </b>*}
