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Statistiques par thème

Market Access database Homepage MADB quick search Sort by: Disclaimer The information in the Market Access Tariffs Database section or Procedures and Formalities section may not be used for resale (or in the provision of consultancy services), redistribution, building of databases, storage, or for any purpose other than reference use by a European Union user personally located within one of the 28 Member States of the European Union, Turkey, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Serbia in support of the user's own international business processes in the European Union.

Nombre d'heures passées par un garçon de 13 ans devant un écran Statistiques mondiales Loisirs 99 000 000 000 Les Français ont dépensé près de 100 milliards d'euros dans des activités de loisirs en 2009 selon l'Insee(la presse et l'édition ne représenté plus que 13% de ce total) La télévision à LED 3,32Les Français regardent la télévision en moyenne 3 heures et demi par jour en 2010, soit 9 mn de plus qu'en 2009. Regional yearbook 2011 Eurostat regional yearbook 2013 Statistical information is an important tool for understanding and quantifying the impact of political decisions in a specific territory or region. The Eurostat regional yearbook 2013 gives a detailed picture relating to a broad range of statistical topics across the regions of the Member States of the European Union (EU), as well as the regions of EFTA and candidate countries. Each chapter presents statistical information in maps, figures and tables, accompanied by a description of the main findings, data sources and policy context.

Conseiller du commerce extérieur ou le bon sens du chef d’entreprise au service du développement international - Bretagne Economique Véronique Maignant, le 17.05.2017 Parmi les 4 000 conseillers du commerce extérieur français (CCEF) que compte le réseau en France et à l’international, une petite quarantaine agit depuis la Bretagne. Quelles sont leurs missions ? Intra-extra trade staistics International trade Trade statistics track the value and quantity of goods traded between EU Member States (intra-EU trade) and between Member States and non-EU countries (extra-EU trade). They are the official source of information on imports, exports and trade balance of the EU, its Member States and the euro area. Uses of the Data International trade statistics are an important data source for many public- and private-sector decision-makers at international, EU and national levels. Examples: International trade data can be used to:

Publications - CCE (conseillers du commerce extérieur) Déposé par Morgane RICHARD le 24/10/2017 - Publication Objectif AEC - n°4 - octobre 2017 Auteur(s) : Comité éditorial : Serge Antonini (Bureau Veritas), Michel Beaugier (M2 Management), Valérie Bonin (Alpana Advisory Services Pte Ltd), Antoine Chery (SER Singapour), Pascal Lambert - coordinateur (Société Générale), Stéphanie Leparmentier (INPI), Arnaud Leretour (Business France), Dominique Lombardi (Rajah & Tann), Pascale Martin-Neuville (Talentsearch), Morgane Richard (CNCCEF). European Investment Bank Release date: 27 April 2012 The Statistical Report presents in list form the projects financed and borrowings undertaken by the EIB in 2011, together with a list of the EIF's projects. It also includes summary tables for the year and over the last five years.

Business France Export s'informer sur les marchés internationaux Malaisie - Le futur de la santé mentale Nordic cooperation Council Facts and statistics about the Nordic Region and the Nordic countries Photographer Jansson
