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Well-formed data

Well-formed data
Nathan Yau’s new book “Data Points” is out, and while I am still waiting for a copy, here is already a short contribution I made — a few paragraphs of bla: Nathan Yau: With client work, you must hear “innovative”, “compelling”, and “engaging” often. Personally, I get a lot of this, and potential clients often don’t have data to work with. What makes a project interesting to you and worth your time? Moritz Stefaner: In hindsight, the most satisfying projects for me were the ones, where the client or project partners were able to follow me in exploring, questioning, and extending the original data basis and project, sometimes going far away from the original project idea. Some ideas sound really good in the beginning, but turn out bland or much too complicated once executed with real data.

Perceptual Edge We typically think of quantitative scales as linear, with equal quantities from one labeled value to the next. For example, a quantitative scale ranging from 0 to 1000 might be subdivided into equal intervals of 100 each. Linear scales seem natural to us. If we took a car trip of 1000 miles, we might imagine that distance as subdivided into ten 100 mile segments. Relation browser This radial browser was designed to display complex concept network structures in a snappy and intuitive manner. It can be used to visualize conceptual structures, social networks, or anything else that can be expressed in nodes and links. CIA world factbook demo This demo displays the relations of countries, continents, languages and oceans found in the CIA world factbook database. Click the center node for detail information or click adjacent nodes to put them in the center.

INFOGRAPHR Your Cell Doesn’t Need A Signal To Be Useful Before you throw out your busted cell phone to pick up a new one, or maybe trade in for an Android tablet, take a look at this infographic. If you’re ever in a situation where your cell is busted, you can use the parts to survive. Where Industry Discovers Geospatial Image Analysis Louisville, home of the Kentucky Derby, great food, and this year's 2014 ASPRS annual conference. Held at the Galt House hotel, this year's conference offered a great mix of all things remote sensing over a three-day agenda. It was also co-located with a Joint Agency for Commercial Imagery Evaluation(JACIE) conference, which created a nice atmosphere where some of the best and brightest minds from science and academia could meet.

Junk Charts This post is part 2 of an appreciation of the chart project by Google Newslab, advised by Alberto Cairo, on the gender and racial diversity of the newsroom. Part 1 can be read here. In the previous discussion, I left out the following scatter bubble plot. This plot is available in two versions, one for gender and one for race. Duarte Blog Just a couple more stops until the Death Star. @sean_voegeli Many of our employees live a long way from the office. One of our designers has a particularly hellish trek. Instead of whining about it — or just staring at his phone like the rest of us — he started making it a #creativecommute. Sean Voegeli* is a talented illustrator, avid Instagrammer, and loyal Star Wars fan.

Elastic lists Background: Facet Browsing Facet browsers make different aspects of the underlying data accessible in parallel. Selecting one of the metadata values, and thus filtering the result set, restricts the available metadata values only to those occurring in the results. Consequently, the user is visually guided through an iterative process of query refinement and expansion, never encountering situations with zero results.

Over 100 Incredible Infographic Tools and Resources (Categorized) This post is #6 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category. Total items listed: 112. Time to compile: 8+ hours. Follow @DailyTekk on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss a week!

Federal Plain Language Guidelines: Introduction Table of Contents and Guidelines The Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) is a community of federal employees dedicated to the idea that citizens deserve clear communications from government. We first developed this document in the mid-90s. Six Minutes Six Minutes is a public speaking and presentation skills website. We offer regular feature articles on speech writing, delivery techniques, PowerPoint and visuals, and speaker habits. In these articles, you will find tips, insights, and strategies which help you become a confident and effective speaker. In addition, we also also deliver special features including: speech critiques enhanced with video;public speaking book reviews; andweekend recaps of the best public speaking articles from the public speaking blogosphere. We feature articles by a diverse set of communication experts, with decades of speaking experience around the world.
