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What The Heck Is Responsive Web Design?

What The Heck Is Responsive Web Design?
Responsive websites respond to their environment Adaptive (Multiple Fixed Width Layouts) or Responsive (Multiple Fluid Grid Layouts) Recommended Approach Go All In On Responsive Make pages that look great at any size. “Day by day, the number of devices, platforms, and browsers that need to work with your site grows. Small + Medium + Large One site for every screen. Everyone. The Boston Globe Largest responsive web design project to date Grey Goose Responsive site for Grey Goose with parallax scrolling animation Barack Obama The Obama campaign continues to be at the leading edge of web technology. Time & Money Older Browsers Performance Content Website vs. “Stop Thinking in Pages. Frameworks (save time) or Roll Your Own (more control) Best Practices Content Check Start Small (Mobile First) Exit Photoshop, Enter Browser Make It Modular Always Be Optimizing *Best practices still emerging!

jQuery.parallax Download git clone A Simple Device Diagram for Responsive Design Planning Updated for 2015! Check out Analytics-driven responsive web design planning At Metal Toad we're big fans of responsive design, but a common snag in the responsive planning process comes when choosing what device widths to design to. Just yesterday we had a big internal debate over what the best widths to design to are for 3 layout sites, 4 layout sites, etc.

zLayer jQuery Plugin - Orientate Elements zLayers is a jQuery parallax plugin that allows you to orientate an element based on the position of your mouse to the page’s window, or element’s parent. zLayer is perfect for interactive illustrations and rich user experience through creative methods through a parallax effect. Best part about zLayer is how easy, lightweight, and quick the plugin is! zLayer Example – Art By: Brandon Zomora 8 Ways to Add a Responsive Navigation Menu on Your Site By Jacob Gube There are plenty of techniques for implementing responsive navigation menus on your site. One of your options: Build your menu from scratch. There are many tutorials on the Web for that if you need to learn how.

SUPERSCROLLORAMA SuperScrollorama is powered by TweenMax and the Greensock Tweening Engine. Go to for documentation on how to use it. Why Greensock/TweenMax? Great performance, ease-of-use, expandibility and basically because it is awesome. First, link to the jQuery CDN and then embed TweenMax.js and SuperScrollorama. Responsive Web Design - partie 3 : Taille d'écran, résolution et media-queries Nous allons voir ici comment mettre en oeuvre le Responsive Web Design en fonction de la taille et de la résolution l'écran des principaux appareils du marché. Le module CSS3 Media Queries permet d'adapter le rendu des pages en se basant sur des conditions comme la résolution d'écran. Les Media Queries constituent donc la brique essentielle à la mise en oeuvre du Responsive Web Design (RWD). Vocabulaire La définition : Le nombre de pixels en largeur x le nombre de pixels en hauteur.

Create Your Own Trendy Parallax Website Layout Introduction Apart form the pinterest dynamic fluid layout and big background image layout , parallax layout is still one of the trend in web design simply because it's a great technique to showcase product/service through an automated presentation by using scrolling. Take Minicooper Japan as an example, when user scrolls down the website, each slide introduces the car features with seamless, perfectly timed animations which is a really great user experience. C'est quoi le Responsive Web Design Consacré "mot-clé de l'année 2013" par le célèbre magazine Mashable, le Responsive Web design (RWD) est aujourd'hui incontournable dans nos projets web (et dans les cahiers des charges de nos clients)… mais demeure toujours aussi confus et insaisissable même chez les professionnels ! Voici donc une petite introduction pour mieux comprendre ce phénomène... Ébauche de définition

Responsive Design : avantages et inconvénients Qu'est que le Responsive Design Les internautes se connectant de plus en plus souvent depuis leur téléphone ou leur tablette, les sites internet doivent savoir s'adapter aux nouvelles modalités de connexion. Tactilité ou lenteur du débit internet, chaque terminal a des caractéristiques et une résolution d'écran qui lui sont propres et qui font que le rendu soit différent au site de base. Cela implique de repenser l'approche de création d'un site Internet pour mieux anticiper les différentes contraintes liées à chaque support. Le Responsive Design est aujourd'hui une solution incontournable si l'on veut conserver sa présence sur internet et ce, quel que soit le support de navigation emprunté. Définition Responsive Design - Wikipédia Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Dessin illustrant le principe du responsive design. Dessin illustrant le concept d'adaptive design. Un site web adaptatif (anglais RWD pour responsive web design, conception de sites web adaptatifs selon l'OQLF[1]) est un site web dont la conception vise, grâce à différents principes et technologies, à offrir une expérience de consultation confortable même pour des supports différents.

Wireframe Effectively on the New, Improved 970 Grid System by anthony on 12/03/10 at 3:56 pm Page layout is an important aspect of web design. A popular approach to designing page layouts is to use a grid system. Grid systems are used during the wireframing stage of the design process. The purpose of a grid system is to help guide the placement, sizing, order, repetition and alignment of elements on your page. ❍ IcoMoon - icon packs IcoMoon is striving to build and provide the best iconography and icon management tool for perfectionists. IcoMoon's icon library features only the very best icon sets out there. All of our icons are designed on a precise pixel grid. The IcoMoon app lets you build and use your own icon packs in many different formats including SVG, Polymer, PDF, XAML, CSH, icon font with ligatures, or good old PNG/CSS sprites. IcoMoon was first built and released back in the November of 2011. Since its release, it has changed the way icons are being used in web today.
