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21 Tips to Keep Your Shit Together When You're Depressed.

21 Tips to Keep Your Shit Together When You're Depressed.
A while ago, I penned a fairly angry response to something circulating on the internet – the 21 Habits of Happy People. It pissed me off beyond belief, that there was an inference that if you weren’t Happy, you simply weren’t doing the right things. I’ve had depression for as long as I can remember. It’s manifested in different ways. I did therapy. I did prozac. So, this Cult of Happy article just set me off. It’s bad enough without people ramming Happy Tips at you through facebook. A friend of mine suggested that I write something from my point of view because, surprisingly, I manage to give an outwards impression of having my shit together. So, here it is. My 21 Tips on Keeping Your Shit Together During Depression 1) Know that you’re not alone. 2) Understand that the Happy People are usually acting out of some genuine (albeit misguided) concern for you, that it’s coming from a good place, even if the advice feels like you’re being blamed for your disease. 9) Learn how to meditate.

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