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Artiste transmédia et féministe. Météorite narratif du BIO ART. Son oeuvre questionne le statut du CORPS dans la société. Ses sculptures, HYBRIDATIONS et autoportraits réinterprètent le rôle des nouvelles technologies.

Artiste transmédia et féministe. Météorite narratif du BIO ART. Son oeuvre questionne le statut du CORPS dans la société. Ses sculptures, HYBRIDATIONS et autoportraits réinterprètent le rôle des nouvelles technologies.
Exhibition : from the 7th of June to the 22th of September 2013 The Collection as a Character M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium Curators : Anders Kreuger and Nav Haq

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Kitsch BigPinkHeart, el pequeño corazón rosa convertido en cojín, un objeto pionero en la mentalidad consumista del kitsch. La palabra kitsch (/ˈkɪtʃ/) se origina en el término yidis etwas verkitschen.[1] Define al arte que es considerado como una copia inferior de un estilo existente. También se utiliza el término kitsch en un sentido más libre para referirse a cualquier arte que es pretencioso, pasado de moda o de muy mal gusto. Historia[editar]

ORLAN Talks Plastic Surgery, Beauty Standards And Giving Her Fat To Madonna (PHOTOS, INTERVIEW, NSFW) Mireille Suzanne Francette Porte has been making a name for herself in the art world since she became ORLAN in the early 1970s. The French performance artist and feminist icon is best known for transforming herself into a living work of art through plastic surgery. While Botox, facelifts and other techniques are routinely used to bring subjects closer to the established ideals of beauty, ORLAN uses these tools to question beauty norms. In the 1990s, ORLAN had her forehead altered to mirror the protruding brow of Leonardo's "Mona Lisa," and her chin made to resemble Botticelli's "Venus."

Le site documentaire sur Pierre Soulages Liste d'artistes en art contemporain Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Cette liste d'artistes en art contemporain répertorie les artistes plasticiens contemporains. Un artiste contemporain doit avoir exposé à partir des années 1960 et être représentatif de la définition attribuée à l'art contemporain. A[modifier | modifier le code]

Charles Pierre Baudelaire Charles-Pierre Baudelaire (París, 1821 - París, 1867) va ser un poeta, crític i traductor francès. Fou un dels poetes més influents del segle XIX i se l'anomenà "el poeta maleït" a causa de la seva vida de bohèmia i dels seus excessos. Biografia[modifica | modifica el codi] Infància[modifica | modifica el codi] Va néixer a París el 9 d'abril de 1821. El seu pare, Joseph-François Baudelaire (antic preceptor, pintor i cap del Despatx de la Cambra dels Pars), va ser qui li va ensenyar les primeres lletres. Who is Orlan? English 114EM: Women Writers, 1650-1760 Who is Orlan? Orlan is a performance artist who uses her own body and the procedures of plastic surgery to make "carnal art". She is transforming her face, but her aim is not to attain a commonly held standard of beauty.

Daniel Buren François Morellet Oeuvres Les débuts François Morellet commence par de la peinture figurative avant de passer à l’abstraction géométrique. 1952 – Premiers systèmes Maurizio Cattelan Maurizio Cattelan (September 21, 1960, Padova, Italy) is an Italian artist. He is known for his satirical sculptures, particularly La Nona Ora (The Ninth Hour), depicting the Pope John Paul II struck down by a meteorite. Early life[edit] Cattelan started his career in Forlì (Italy) making wooden furniture in the 1980s where he came to know some designers like Ettore Sottsass. Orlan-RTF David Moos* Art + Text 54 (1996), pp. 67-72 The history of art is separate from all history, but connected. It meets everything else, but it has its own constants. Willem de Kooning, 1958 In his book The Memory of the Body, theater chronicler Jan Kott describes an encounter with the eminent Polish director Jerzy Grotowski.

Orlan's art of sex and surgery In 1978, French artist Orlan was preparing to speak at a symposium on video and performance art when she had to be taken to hospital for emergency surgery. "I almost died because I had an ectopic pregnancy," she recalls as we sit in her studio in Paris. "They had to operate to save my life and remove what they told me was a non-viable foetus." Orlan took a video crew along to film the operation and insisted she remain conscious throughout. "I wasn't in pain and what was happening to my body was of profound interest to me," she explains.

Orlan Orlan (born Mireille Suzanne Francette Porte)[1][2][3] is a French artist, born May 30, 1947 in Saint-Étienne, Loire.[4][5][6] She adopted the name Orlan in 1971, which she always writes in capital letters : "ORLAN".[7] She lives and works in Los Angeles, New York, and Paris. She was invited to be a scholar in residence at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, for the 2006-2007 academic year.[8] She sits on the board of administrators for the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, and is a professor at the École nationale supérieure d'arts de Cergy-Pontoise. Although Orlan is best known for her work with plastic surgery in the early to mid-1990s, she has not limited her work to a particular medium.

DIASPORIK KIZ: Response Paper #6: Jacques Derrida Western way of thought is basically repressive, search for a universal system of thought that shows the absolute truth and beauty through the use of binary oppositions. However, Derrida argues that we can never arrive at an absolute, final meaning. Neither at the beginning nor at the end is there a point at which the definitive meaning can be found, since there is neither a beginning nor an end.
