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Yael Naim new soul

Yael Naim new soul

Les 10 solos les plus compliqués à la guitare Un guitar hero ne meurt jamais. Nos cordes sensibles vibrent encore au solo d'anthologie de feu d'Alvin Lee, le guitariste des 10 Years After, décédé le 6 mars, près de 45 ans après Woodstock. Il avait stupéfié le public avec une séquence d'anthologie sur "I'm going home". Pour lui rendre hommage, nous avons sélectionné 10 solos qui ont fait date, et sur lesquels s'escriment encore des générations de guitaristes en herbe. 1/ Jimi Hendrix - "Villanova Junction" Commençons par le diabolique Jimi Hendrix et revenons à Woodstock avec son "Villanova Junction". Note technique : Jimi Hendrix montait les cordes mi, la, ré, sol, si, mi en fonction de cette inversion par rapport à la norme. 2/ Eric Johnson - "Cliff of dovers" Puis allons faire un tour chez Eric Johnson, avec sa très mélodique interprétation de "Cliff of dovers"... 3/ Eddie Van Halen - "Eruption" On monte le son (ou le baisse, c'est selon les voisins) avec "Eruption" d'Eddie Van Halen, maître de solo possédé. Eddie Van Halen - bis !

Walking Shadow | Jason Ratliff I have always loved to watch my shadow as it stretches along the sidewalk or the grass on a bright, sunny day. In this series entitled Walking Shadow, designer and illustrator Jason Ratliff shows us that even a long, dark shadow can be transformed into something more visually interesting, like these bright patterns of stimulating colors. Ratliff combines traditional, detailed illustrations with abstract, mosaic silhouettes. Ratliff says, “I create illustrations with a light dose of whimsy, a mixture of acrylic and ink, and a wide variety of surfaces.” Instagram Quote Rebuttals / Hipster Edits About Hipster Edits (a.k.a. Instagram Quote Rebuttals") are a series of image macros typically designed to ridicule “profound monologue” photos. It consists of a picture, usually taken with Instagram feature and hence the term “Hipster Edit”, an ostensibly meaningful quote and a buzzkilling remark denoted underneath in red text. Origin Artistic photographs with profound quotes have been circulating online prior to emergence of this series, most notably through online art communities and blog platforms like LiveJournal and DeviantArt. Self-uploaded vanity shots of emo, hardcore and hipster youths have been a staple subject of internet humor since the late 2000s, further boosted by the launch of Tumblr blog “Look At This Fucking Hipster” and Demotivational Posters. Spread On January 1st, 2011, MemeBase’s Go Cry Emo Kid posted an instagram photo of a crowd hanging out in an empty pool with the rebuttal highlighted in red text. Notable Examples Non-Photographic Variations Depressed Copywriter

ABC Classic 2 The music that shaped…Cate Blanchett “It’s a bit like love-making, you can’t think about the climax you have to just start at the beginning.” Ethereal Australian actress and former Artistic co-Director of the Sydney Theatre Company joined ABC Classic FM’s Margaret Throsby to talk about the music that has influenced her work, ‘third-eye’ acting, and preparing for the stage. You can stream the Spotify playlist below and read more about why Cate chose the music she did, or head to this ABC Classic FM ‘Midday’ podcast link and listen to the interview. Balam Acab Oh, WhyI came across this because Benedict Andrews - who directed a production for us at Sydney Theatre Company, called Grosse and Klein - chose it as the final piece of music after a very extraordinary night in the theatre. Prokofiev Peter and the Wolf, Op.67 (excerpt)I grew up with this. Lyubov Orlova Funny Guys: Tyuh TyuhI think in Hungarian it means ‘Wow, Wow’. Click here to read about The Music That Shaped…Ralph Fiennes

Pearl Jam Live at The Garden 22 - Daughter (featuring Ben Harper) (High Quality) Karl Taylor's FREE Photography Course by Karl Taylor Karl Taylor is passionate about bringing you inspirational photography tips and the very best “no nonsense” photography education and training available. Karl has been a professional photographer for more than 15 years. His work is published internationally and he regularly works for some of the world’s leading companies. Karl became involved in the photography training market several years ago after hosting lectures in photography and finding he had a knack for explaining the subject in an entertaining and understandable way. Since then Karl has become very passionate about his Masterclass Training Series and is keen to demonstrate professional but achievable photography techniques in the simplest way possible. As well as presenting and shooting he writes the scripts, formulates the ideas and formats the programmes and training. Outside of work Karl is happily married to Hélène and they have two young children.

Two Suns? Twin Stars Could Be Visible From Earth By 2012 By Dean Praetorius | Earth could be getting a second sun, at least temporarily. Dr. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland, outlined the scenario to Betelgeuse, one of the night sky’s brightest stars, is losing mass, indicating it is collapsing. When that happens, for at least a few weeks, we’d see a second sun, Carter says. The Star Wars-esque scenario could happen by 2012, Carter says... or it could take longer. But doomsday sayers should be careful about speculation on this one. In fact, a neutrino shower could be beneficial to Earth. UPDATE: To clarify, the article does not say a neutrino shower could be beneficial to Earth, but implies a supernova could be beneficial, stating, "Far from being a sign of the apocalypse, according to Dr Carter the supernova will provide Earth with elements necessary for survival and continuity." UPDATE II: In a follow-up piece on, Dr. Top Image: Source

Shiv Shakti ~ Bliss (Lyrics) The Latest in Street Art | twelve21gallery Monday, January 9th, 2012 The Latest in Street Art Just a little update about what’s going on in the world of street art…because it’s awesome! We found the latest from Vhils, Vinz Feel Free, Zed1, Steve Powers, SmugOne, Fintan Magee, and Stik! Vihls straight up chisels out of the wall, sick right? Vinz Feel Free with the clever placement Zed1 in Italy Steve Powers in Brooklyn Smmmeeaaagolll! Fintan Magee in Australia Stik in London Who’s your fav?

Play One and One Story Check your security settings Connection issues are typically caused by security settings on your network or computer. Check that your firewall or router has port 5222 open and allowing traffic. If you are on a school or office network, you may need to contact your network administrator to make the necessary changes. Is your version of Flash current? Ad blockers and browser plug ins Ad blocker programs like AdBlock Plus, proxy software and a variety of other browser add-ons can prevent users from connecting to chat. Try again in a few minutes Sometimes the internet is just not happy. Did you lose an achievement? loading Check your security settings Connection issues are typically caused by security settings on your network or computer. Is your version of Flash current? Ad blockers and browser plug ins Ad blocker programs like AdBlock Plus, proxy software and a variety of other browser add-ons can prevent users from connecting to chat. Did you lose an achievement? loading loading
