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Use our methods DP0 (Design Project Zero) is a 90-minute (including debrief) fast-paced project though a full design cycle. Students pair up to interview each other, create a point-of-view, ideate, and make a new solution that is “useful and meaningful” to their partner. Two versions of DP0 are “The Wallet Project” and “The Gift-Giving Project”. With P2P Towards a Post-Capitalist Society * De Wereld Redden. Met P2P naar een post-kapitalische samenleving. Michel Bauwens en Jean Lievens. Houtekiet / Oikos, 2013 Please note: the original Flemish title for the book is “De Wereld Redden”, which translates to “Save the World” in English.

Resilience Alliance - Adaptive Cycle The model of the adaptive cycle was derived from the comparative study of the dynamics of ecosystems. It is meant to be a tool for thought. It focuses attention upon processes of destruction and reorganization, which are often neglected in favor of growth and conservation. MIT Technology Review’s 50 Smartest Companies 2015, from Tesla to Uber Massive solar panel factories. Fertility treatments. Friendly robots. Meet the companies reshaping the technology business. Sometimes we hear that technology companies have lost their ambition. How Loon Works – Project Loon – Google Envelope The inflatable part of the balloon is called a balloon envelope. A well-made balloon envelope is critical for allowing a balloon to last around 100 days in the stratosphere. Loon’s balloon envelopes are made from sheets of polyethylene plastic, and they measure fifteen meters wide by twelve meters tall when fully inflated. When a balloon is ready to be taken out of service, gas is released from the envelope to bring the balloon down to Earth in a controlled descent.

TC - Enrolment Process At Templestowe College we believe that the best way to decide if this school is right for you is to have an individual discussion with us where we talk about what you and your family want from your child's education. This will include a tour of the school with our Principal, Peter Hutton, where you can see our learning community in operation rather than a special program conducted on an Open Day. We do appreciate that some families who are making initial enquiries may like to just look around and hear what is happening from the Principal. We think it is always best to see schools in operation so we conduct our tours during the week commencing at 9.15am that run for approximately 1.5 hours.
