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How Simple Ideas Lead to Scientific Discoveries

How Simple Ideas Lead to Scientific Discoveries

Khan Academy 25 TED Talks Perfect For Classrooms The 50 Best Sources of Free STEM Education Online 12.05K Views 0 Likes Colleges, universities, and other educational forums in your community can be excellent places to learn more about a variety of STEM topics, but there is also a wealth of educational material available on the web for those who prefer to learn at their own pace or take a more individual approach.

The so-called “startle reflex” is probably the Coursekit is now Lore. What’s the Story? The so-called “startle reflex” is probably the fastest response you can have. The science of why certain sounds scare us – another great illuminator from Joe Hanson. This might explain why Dickens and Babbage waged a war on noise… Pair with Alfred Hitchcock on the fright complex and Vi Hart’s animated explanation of the science of noise. #scinece and technology#science#Halloween#biology 641 notes

iTunes U - Aprende todo, en cualquier momento y lugar. Spindeln - söktjänst för skolan Spindeln är en söktjänst som är speciellt framtagen för att pedagoger och elever lätt ska kunna söka efter digitalt material för skolarbete. Du kan infoga Spindeln på din webbplats. Infoga Spindeln på din webbplats Den som vill kan infoga Spindeln på sin webbplats. Här finns intruktioner för hur du infogar Spinden Har du frågor om hur man infogar Spindeln kan du kontakta Fredrik Pausson på Umeå universitet. Material från flera arkiv Spindeln söker i flera arkiv men är begränsad till de arkiv som innehåller material för skolarbete. Samarbete med flera aktörer Tekniken bakom Spindeln har utvecklats av Umeå universitet i samarbete med Skolverket. Chimp Logic Chimpanzees are highly social primates. They form communities with dominance hierarchies and subgroups. But while chimpanzees may be influenced by group mentality, they know a better deal when they see one. Researchers at Wolfgang Kohler Primate Research Center in Germany reported that when presented with a choice between rewards, logic, not popularity, prevailed. Edwin van Leeuwen and colleagues from the MPI's for Psycholinguistics and Evolutionary Anthropology devised an experiment to test the strength of social influences. Since things are going so well, the researchers decided to mix things up and see how the groups respond. The researchers stress that conformity still has a major role in chimpanzee social interactions in the wild.

e-book ligas The Ten Most Disturbing Scientific Discoveries Science can be glorious; it can bring clarity to a chaotic world. But big scientific discoveries are by nature counterintuitive and sometimes shocking. Here are ten of the biggest threats to our peace of mind. 1. The Earth is not the center of the universe. We’ve had more than 400 years to get used to the idea, but it’s still a little unsettling. … his contemporaries found his massive logical leap “patently absurd,” says Owen Gingerich of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Galileo got more grief for the idea than Copernicus did. 2. Antibiotics and vaccines have saved millions of lives; without these wonders of modern medicine, many of us would have died in childhood of polio, mumps or smallpox. The influenza virus mutates so quickly that last year’s vaccination is usually ineffective against this year’s bug. 3. The concept of extinction took a while to sink in. Today, according to many biologists, we’re in the midst of a sixth great extinction.

100 Websites You Should Know and Use (updated!) In the spring of 2007, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, gave a legendary TED University talk: an ultra-fast-moving ride through the “100 websites you should know and use.” Six years later, it remains one of the most viewed TED blog posts ever. Time for an update? We think so. Below, the 2013 edition of the 100 websites to put on your radar and in your browser. To see the original list, click here. And now, the original list from 2007, created by Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH.

Comunicación y tecnología 50 Really Cool Online Tools for Science Teachers A 21st-century education revolves around the Internet for everything from collaboration, tools, lessons, and even earning degrees online. If you are looking for ways to integrate online learning into your science class or science degree programs, then take a look at these cool online tools that are just perfect for both teachers and students. Science Tools to Use with Students These tools offer opportunities for learning about climate, cells, the human body, nature, and more. ChemiCool. AP Tools Whether you are setting up a new AP curriculum or are just looking for additional material to use with your AP science students, these tools will help. Advanced Placement Biology. Websites and Resources for Science Teachers These websites are chock full of amazing resources and tools for science teachers. Discovery Education. Calculators Use these informative environmental calculators with your students. Ecological Footprint Quiz. Online Games Online Science Games. Google Earth Google Earth Ocean.

How to Block a Surveillance Camera: A DIY Art Tutorial from Ai Weiwei by Maria Popova A wine opener usage George Orwell would approve of. “When things get tough,” Neil Gaiman advised on in his fantastic commencement address on the creative life, “this is what you should do: Make good art. I’m serious. Husband runs off with a politician — make good art. Leg crushed and then eaten by a mutated boa constrictor — make good art. CCTV SPRAYHow to make a spray device to block a surveillance camera:Do you feel uncomfortable, confused, disgusted, or even irate because of a surveillance camera fixed at the wrong place? He goes on to list the materials needed — a spray bottle, a wine bottle opener, a bike bottle cage, a bike brake bar, a screw, and a stick — with the instruction to “choose materials that are as practical and reliable as possible” and are also “cheap and easy to obtain.” First find a long stick of suitable height. Under “Usage,” he instructs: First fix the wine bottle opener at the top of the tree pruner (a.01). Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr

RSS | RSS Explicado Los términos y el vocabulario que empleamos para referirnos al RSS son más sencillos de lo que puedan parecer a primera vista. Muchos de estos términos están “heredados” del inglés. Las siglas de RSS provienen de la expresión en inglés Really Simple Sindication; es decir, sindicación realmente simple. Este término hace referencia al sistema completo por el cual una página publica información a través de los canales o fuentes RSS y otras personas pueden acceder a los titulares, noticias o actualizaciones de las páginas web que desean recibir desde a través de su lector de RSS. Ejemplo ilustrativo sobre el funcionamiento de las RSS: Vamos a explicar cómo funciona un sistema RSS a través de un ejemplo ilustrativo. En el caso del mundo online y los RSS, esto funcionaría de la siguiente forma. Los sistemas RSS tienen muchísimas ventajas, entre las que cabe destacar, que te permiten mantenerte informado con un importante ahorro en tiempo.

