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A Vegetarian Food Blog

A Vegetarian Food Blog
Fennel and Cabbage Slaw It wasn’t until I started making slaw myself that I began to understand its merit. I never could get on board with mayo-drenched cabbage, but tossing fresh in-season vegetables together with zesty dressing makes for a flavorful, healthful slaw that is utterly addicting. As in I’m-eating-slaw-for-dinner, back-away-from-my-slaw, #slawfordays, I-can’t-get-no-slawtisfaction, we’re-getting-slawshed sort of addicting. I’m just going… Read More »

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Toasted Coconut Brussels Sprouts I think we’re all still pretty shocked that I actually enjoy brussels sprouts. And! Let’s take a moment thank the heavens above that I do or else… nary a vegetable would cross my lips. And in order to continue this… fondness… I have for the little green chunks o’ love, I gotta make sure they don’t overstay their welcome.

The Ultimate Food Guide You’re Not Going To Use But You Feel Healthier Just By Reading It TL ; DR – Bookmark and forget it 1 : This is how one serving of fruit really looks like 2 : 7 five-minute dinners nutritionists eat 3 : Hey , is this paleo ? 4 : This is how you check to see if your Avocado is ripe Cranberry and Pecan Vegan Cheeseball Recipe Growing up as the only vegetarian in a big family of omnivores was pretty rough. Most of my holiday meals involved a plateful of sides, appetizers, or worse, hanging in there until after dinner and making a meal of dessert. My family has changed quite a bit since those days, and so have I. For one thing, I learned to cook, which means I’ve always got a dish in hand and will never go hungry again at a family gathering.

10 Things You Should Know About Cucumbers Well, we know who has replaced Panacea, Greek goddess of universal remedy: the cucumber. They’re delicious, yes, but cucumbers are so much more than just taste. Here are ten things that the supernatural cucumber does. 1. Is there more to cucumbers than just water? Wild Rice & Roasted Root Vegetable Bowls Photos by Emily Caruso I always find myself spending the first few weeks of January using up stray ingredients from the holidays. Half a bag of polenta, candy canes, creme fraiche that I stuck in the freezer until I could think of a use for it. This year, I had a small amount of wild rice left from a casserole and using it as a grain in a meal bowl seemed like a good idea. And it was!

Fresh Food Central - Mushrooms Popular Varieties: White, Chestnut, Shittake Store At: Chilled but keep them dry; mushrooms not refrigerated will go mouldy quickly. Keep them dry too. Comes From: Worldwide Seasonality: All year round Fungi are not really plants; they have neither chlorophyll (which gives plants their green colouration), or root systems.

General Tso's Cauliflower 1. In a medium bowl, whisk the flour, cornstarch, baking powder and salt to combine. In a liquid measuring cup, whisk the eggs, soy sauce and vinegar to combine. The nine rules of best-before dates: when to freeze, when to chuck out food Most of us have swigged milk teetering on the edge of its use-by date, and shorn the green shoots off a potato. Now it seems our spirit of rationing, or rather our gross refusal to clear out the fridge, has been vindicated. A report by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (Wrap) found shoppers could save £600m a year if best-before dates were extended by even one day. Wrap investigated short-life products, lasting between 3-12 days, that typically have high levels of waste, including sliced ham, potatoes, apples, minced beef, chilled pizza, bread, bagged salad and milk. “Some 1.3m-2.6m tonnes of food waste arises ... because the product date code has expired,” the report states. So how do we know when our potatoes are past it?

Video: Nutrition on Steroids - How to Sprout Superfoods for 1000x Nutrition If you want to get some of the most amazing nutrition available from the smallest food sources around, there is nothing equal to sprouting. Sprouted beans, lentils, buckwheat, chickpeas, alfalfa, broccoli seeds, and numerous other foods can be sprouted, in many cases giving you up to 1000 times the nutrition of the fully-grown plant! By waiting just three to seven days to watch the wonders of nature break open seeds, beans, nuts, and grains into their fuller potential, we can enjoy some astounding nutritional benefits. Without much effort, and just a little water and a warm environment, seeds start to germinate. I Wish I Knew These 13 Easy Homemade Hummus Recipes Earlier Hummus, a delicious and healthy Eastern Mediterranean dip, is in seriously high demand right now! And why not? It’s low in fat, high in protein, and has so many different variations that it can never become boring to eat. Prepared hummus is becoming one of the most popular foods in the USA, with sales reaching $250 million in 2013 alone, but the folks over at Shape have created 13 alternative recipes you can use to make the best hummus ever.

Featured Health Recipe - Monthly Healthy Newsletter - February 2016 Newsletter Home » Red, White, and Blue Potato Saladan Originally posted by the Salt Free Vegan, the red, white, and blue potato salad has such fabulous flavor that you won’t believe it’s salt free! Ingredients 1 1/2 lbs. potatoes 3 scallions, sliced 5 cloves garlic 2 T. plain unseasoned rice vinegar 1 1/2 T. olive oil 2 t. no-salt-added prepared mustard 1/4 t. ground white pepper Directions Get out a steamer pot. Easy Vegetarian Chili It’s that time of year again! The jackets, the scarves, the boots … but most important, the chili! We have a staple recipe in our home. It covers all tastes; it has some spice but not too much for kid palates. And of course, we add some macaroni for fun. The best part about this recipe is how quickly it all comes together!

Raw Soup Recipes - Super Delicious and Nutritious Raw Soups Try our raw soup recipes that blend your favorite greens, raw fats, and nuts & seeds into one delicious bowl of nutrient dense, enzyme rich soup. We love the ease and immediacy of raw soups and we think you will too, once you get the hang of how to put together the ingredients for a smooth and creamy soup your taste buds will enjoy. Why cook out the vitamins when you can eat your soup raw? Raw soups are a "fast food" because there is no cooking involved.

Dip 'n' Share Eggs I’m going through something of a breakfast food obsession at the moment. For a while I used to skip breakfast, especially at school when I’d have skipped anything for an extra half hour in bed. But in my old age I’ve found a new appreciation for all things brunch-like.
