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QUIZ: Should You Exercise When Sick? When you've got a serious case of the sniffles, you may not feel like hitting the gym (and other gym goers may not want you there sneezing on them, anyway) but should you? Breaking a sweat can protect you from runny noses and sick days. In a 2010 study, David Nieman Ph.D., director of the Human Performance Lab at Appalachian State University, and colleagues found that regular exercisers experienced 43 percent fewer sick days than people who didn't exercise.

Three-Week Body Makeover The secret to dropping pounds and inches quickly is high-intensity walking workouts. But don't panic—you don't have to run for miles or lift 50-pound dumbbells. What's high intensity for someone who's less fit may be low for you, or vice versa. The point is to push out of your comfort zone so you boost your calorie burn an extra 25 to 50 percent in the same amount of time—and incinerate another 75 calories over the course of the day to boot. This firm-up plan consists of three parts: a walking workout to burn fat, body shaping with weights, and tummy-toning calisthenics.

Global Food Disparity: A Photo Diary In an increasingly globalized world, it’s still sometimes shocking to see just how disparate our lives are compared with other human beings around the world. A book of photographs by Peter Menzel called "Hungry Planet: What the World Eats" ("©Peter Menzel Ten Speed Press, published in 2005) makes a relevant point with great irony: at a time when hundreds of millions of people don't have enough to eat, hundreds of millions more are eating too much and are overweight or obese. In observing what six billion eat for dinner the authors note, "Today, more people are overweight than underweight." Ultimate Tummy Toner Your passion for healthy living brought you here - let's keep talking! From Health magazine Lie on your back on a mat, and place your hands behind your head. Bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor, pointing your toes toward the ceiling. Contract your abs and curl up your tailbone, slightly lifting your lower back off the mat. Return to starting position, and repeat for 1 minute.

21 Tips For Building the Body of Legend Bruce Lee 5 Flares Facebook 4 Twitter 1 Google+ 0 StumbleUpon 0 Pin It Share 0 5 Flares × Bruce Lee had one of the most iconic bodies in the film industry. Even the big-shots of bodybuilding like Joe Weider and Arnold Schwarzenegger have nothing but praise for him. Here’s what Arnold Schwarzenegger has to say about Bruce: There’s a lot of people that do all those moves and they do have the skill, but they don’t look visually as believable or as impressive as Bruce Lee did. He was one of a kind. – Arnold Schwarzenegger How to Rapidly Increase Your Pullup Numbers in 3 Months or Less A Complete Pullups Workout Program to Help You Shatter Your Personal Record and Dramatically Improve Your Pullups Performance Note: this pull-up training program is one of the lessons in my free 5-day Pull-up Training Crash Course. If you haven’t signed up and you want to improve your pull-up strength and performance as soon as this week, then Click Here to learn more about the free course. I’ll hook you up with the rest of the lessons and my very best tips on mastering the pull-up and chin-up exercises. If you want to strengthen your arm and back muscles, spread your wings (lats) to create that V-tapered back appearance, and increase that critical vertical pulling strength that everyone needs, AND if you want a laser-focused pullups program that was created exactly for improving your pullup numbers, then you’ve come to the right place.

Guide to Common Edible Wild Plants It’s often said that the last thing you need to worry about when in a survival situation is what you’re going to eat. The human body is highly resilient, and can go without food for longer than you think. Shelter and water, on the other hand, are pretty much non-negotiable in order to survive. However, it is possible to familiarize yourself with edible wild plants before you get into a survival situation, in which case you’ll have a good idea of which wild plants you can eat if necessary. In addition, once you learn to identify some of these common edible wild plants, you might be able to add them to your diet while you’re still in the city. READ MORE: 7 Mountaineering Knots to Use in Everyday Life

Kitchen Helpers I found these helpful charts last week and just had to share! Both of these beauties are from Chasing Delicious (aka one of the most fab foodie blogs out there)! Aren’t they faaaaabulous?! Buy them here. (Note: There are lots of little charts like this online, but these are my favorites). I love tea, but I’m no expert. Abs Diet: Oblique Exercises Working your obliques is crucial to having the strong, lean body you want. Try these 6 exercises to strengthen your core and bulletproof your obliques. Oblique V-Up

How I Got Ripped At 500 Startups Editor’s note: Dick Talens is one of the founders of Fitocracy and an amateur competitive bodybuilder. Follow him on Twitter @DickTalens. Little sleep, lots of stress, free food at all hours, and Paul Singh constantly try to booze you under the table. Sounds like the old college days when you tried to rush for Sigma Chi, doesn’t it? But nope.

Workout: 300 (Stay At Home) - Explore Fitness - I've been asked recently about posting a workout that can be done at home, with no equipment and one that can cater for beginner and for progression to intermediate and more advanced levels. So here you go! Warmup: 5 minute shadow boxing/skipping (or virtual skipping if you have no rope). Workout: Stay At Home Advanced: (300 reps)

50 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere Who needs a gym when there’s the living room floor? Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength without machinery or extra equipment. From legs and shoulders to chest and abs, we’ve covered every part of the body that can get stronger with body resistance alone. Full Body 1. Inchworm London’s Best Farmers' Markets London’s your oyster when it comes to finding mouthwatering produce. We pick the city’s best (and most easily accessible) farmers' markets that specialise in quality, well-sourced wares Vernal abundance at Cabbages and Frocks © Natalie Pecht Central | North | East | South | WestCentralPimlico Road Farmers’ Market Incredibly chi-chi, but not without a bit of eccentricity – sure there are lots of straw hats, tea dresses and wicker baskets, but on our visit a jovial old man was entertaining the market goers with a hearty song played on his battered accordion. Suddenly, it felt like Paris. Pimlico Road is a six-year-old market, though Orange Square was once host to roaming sheeps and donkeys as well as a local vegetable market way back in the eighteenth century. In 1764, a young Mozart penned his first symphony nearby at the tender age of eight.

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