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Online papers on consciousness

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Anger potentiates the reporting of threatening interpretations: An experimental study - Scholars Portal Journals This paper reports the results of an experiment investigating the effect of induced anger on interpretational bias using the homophone spelling task. Four groups of participants experienced anger, anxiety, happy or neutral mood inductions and then completed the homophone spelling task. Participants who experienced anger and anxiety inductions reported significantly more threat/neutral homophones as threats compared to control participants; moods had an emotion-congruent effect on threat reporting, with negative moods increasing the tendency to report threat/neutral homophones as threats and positive moods increasing the tendency to report positive/neutral homophones as positive. The findings provide evidence that anger potentiates the reporting of threatening interpretations and does so independently of any effect of concurrent levels of state and trait anxiety.

mystery of consciousnesss The young women had survived the car crash, after a fashion. In the five months since parts of her brain had been crushed, she could open her eyes but didn't respond to sights, sounds or jabs. In the jargon of neurology, she was judged to be in a persistent vegetative state. In crueler everyday language, she was a vegetable. So picture the astonishment of British and Belgian scientists as they scanned her brain using a kind of MRI that detects blood flow to active parts of the brain. When they recited sentences, the parts involved in language lit up.

Conducting Research with Non-clinical Healthy Undergraduates: Does Effort Play a Role in Neuropsychological Test Performance? + Author Affiliations ↵*Corresponding author at: Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, Canada M1C 1A4. Tel.: +1-416-287-7424; fax: +1-416-287-7642. what things are conscious From Robert Lawrence Kuhn, host and creator of Closer To Truth: I am haunted by consciousness: the great mystery of inner awareness, seemingly so commonplace, truly so astounding. When science finally finishes the puzzle of the universe, the riddle of consciousness, many believe, will remain largely unsolved. I search for consciousness.

Glossary of Neuroscience Terms You are here Resources / Glossary of Neuroscience Terms abdomen the hindmost of an insect's three major body sections; the center for digestion and reproduction (M. sexta Wax Model) abdominal relating to or involving the abdomen (M. sexta Wax Model) level 3 of consciousness Meme Central Books Level 3 Resources Richard Brodie Virus of the Mind What’s New? Site Map Level 3 of Consciousness You are reading about something that most people don’t even know exists. Ressources terminologiques Voici une sélection de ressources d’accès libre classées par domaine. Vous pouvez contribuer à l’enrichissement de cette rubrique en nous envoyant les urls de sites intéressants. Agriculture , Agronomie, Alimentation

consciousness and science In his new book Soul Dust: The Magic of Consciousness, Nicholas Humphrey, a distinguished evolutionary psychologist and philosopher, claims to have solved two fairly large intellectual conundrums. One is something of a technical matter, about which you may have thought little or not at all, unless you happen to be a philosopher. This is the so-called “hard problem” of consciousness.

Psychopaths' Lack of Empathy Mimics Brain Injury: Research FRIDAY, Jan. 28 (HealthDay News) -- People who have suffered a frontal brain injury have been known to have difficulty showing empathy, and new research shows that people diagnosed as psychopathic also have the same emotional deficiency. The finding suggests that psychopaths may benefit from therapy similar to that used to treat frontal brain injury patients, said the researchers at the University of Haifa in Israel. Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by extreme anti-social behavior and intention to harm others. Empathy is the ability to identify and understand another person's feelings and thoughts. The study included 17 people who had been diagnosed as psychotic and did not have any brain damage, along with 25 patients with a frontal lobe brain injury.

How marijuana impairs memory The research shows that tetrahydrocanabinol (THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana) impairs working memory by inducing a form of synaptic plasticity that weakens neuronal connections. This could lead to new THC-related drugs that have therapeutic value but do not cause this unwanted effect. More interestingly, though, the findings provide compelling evidence that hitherto neglected brain cells called astrocytes are critical for brain function and play a direct role in cognitive processes. There are two different types of synapitc plasticity. One of these, called long-term potentiation, strengthens the connections between neurons so that neurotransmission – the process by which signals pass from one nerve cell to another – is more effective.

Neuroscience Figure 1: The major components of the nervous system and their functional relationships. (A) The CNS (brain and spinal cord) and PNS (spinal nd cranial nerves). (B) Diagram of the major components of the central and peripheral nervous systems and their functional relationships. 3d Brain Model : 3d Brain Model - 3d Model description of the Human Brain. The human brain is the primary part of the nervous system and controls and regulates almost all bodily functions. The brain is complex and contains around one hundred billion neurons. The first image that you see is a rendered image of a 3d brain model.
