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The Girl Who Loves to Levitate (14 photos) - My Modern Metropolis - StumbleUpon Natsumi Hayashi is a sweet-looking Japanese girl who, one day, decided to take self-portraits..of herself levitating. She can be spotted in and around Tokyo, equipped with her SLR and her self-timer. When she feels the moment strike, she presses the shutter button down and then, quite literally, "jumps" into place. NAture Photos There are 7127 Landscapes Wallpapers in 179 Galleries, Total 12 Index Pages. Landscape photography is a great field of photography, especially if you love nature and if you love to travel. You can travel the world taking pictures of beautiful scenes across many countries. REPRESENTATIONAL : This style results in pictures that show scenery at its most natural and realistic, with no visual manipulation or artifice. It is a straightforward style - what you see is what you get. Successful images in the representational style are not simple snapshots.

70 Photographs That Will Take Your Breath Away We here at DPShots believe that the easiest way to learn photography is to learn it by example. Every now and then we come up with some amazing photography examples that take your breath away. This post is no different. photography by Angus R Shamal A selection of some of the most awesome Behind-the-scenes shots I’ve seen from some famous movies. Back when set designs were huge and hand made, when special effects where mechanical and photographic and film stars were risking their lives on the set. source: Ain’t It Cool News.

Back to the future Article by James Pond I am the owner of / art lover / electrical engineer / software developer / MBA in e-business student. I blog for pleasure and love to share my Internet findings. Web site: Irina Werning, a Buenos Aires Photographer asked friends and family to “re-enact” old photos of themselves for an ongoing project, which she christened “Back to the Future.” Did you like these photos?

Creepy, Crusty, Crumbling: Illegal Tour of Abandoned Six Flags New Orleans ... - StumbleUpon Hurricane Katrina killed this clown. According to the photographer, “An abandoned Six Flags amusement park, someone spray painted ‘Six Flags 2012 coming soon’ on the wall above the downed head. But they were clownin.’ Six Flags will never rebuild here.” That’s sad, but much of New Orleans has not been restored to her former glory. This defunct amusement park on the city’s eastern edge must surely serve as a constant reminder that Katrina tried to wash them off the map. China Photos The temperature in Harbin reaches forty below zero, both Fahrenheit and Celsius, and stays below freezing nearly half the year. This Chinese city is actually further north than notoriously cold Vladivostok, Russia, just 300 miles away. So what does one do here every winter? Hold an outdoor festival, of course! Rather than suffer the cold, the residents of Harbin celebrate it, with an annual festival of snow and ice sculptures and competitions.

Animated stereoviews of old Japan 28 Oct 2009 In the late 19th and early 20th century, enigmatic photographer T. Enami (1859-1929) captured a number of 3D stereoviews depicting life in Meiji-period Japan. [Sumo wrestlers] a.y. - just so beautiful pictures ...oO° 2430 2818 553 333 1249 2167 805 872 1792 452 20 394 281 1124 498 133 1333 602 330 1015 847 1289 946 272 686 1689 612 2631 2414 907 623 311 835 272 1705 1131MSNERDS - Myspace Layouts, Default Layouts, Skinny Layouts, Skinny Defaults, Double Background, Bulletin Surveys, Music Skins, Comment Boxes, Page Graphics, Drop Down Menus

88 Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective Photography Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. Here in this showcase, we presenting a Stunning collection of Forced Perspective Photography and Pictures taken by various artists in which all pictures are linked to the author’s pages. You may want to explore further works of the photographers we’ve featured below.

Pictures of Various Travels David and Bill have many more pictures from the various walks than are shown on the walk pages. Here are some of the extra pictures in large thumbnail form. Check with us from time to time to see the latest batch.

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