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Tetalab — Home

Les Hackers sortent du bois -, web-tv communautaire r Rencontre avec des représentant de la scène hacker Française à l'heure ou l'expérience du TMP/Lab commence à faire des petits avec l'ouverture de 5 'hacker spaces' Découvrons ensemble avec nos invités la réalité du milieu des hackers à l'aube de leur passage dans le mainstream. Qui sont)ils ? Comment est née leur vocation ? Pour répondre à l'invitation à participer à ce tournage, veuillez sélectionner l'option appropriée ci-dessous. I confirm my response, and also send a word to the organizers: Below, I explain my motivation to the organizers: You have no friends that are available to join this webcast. You are a lecturer, journalist, blogger, speaker and you need the source video file? Fee: 1800€ Video file command Fee: 1980€ NB. Be careful, you're about to acquire the source file that permits generating this video This does not in any way correspond to an assignment of copyright or opening any proprietary and / or commercial exploitation of this file.

The Original Hacker's Dictionary [This file, jargon.txt, was maintained on MIT-AI for many years, before being published by Guy Steele and others as the Hacker's Dictionary. Many years after the original book went out of print, Eric Raymond picked it up, updated it and republished it as the New Hacker's Dictionary. Unfortunately, in the process, he essentially destroyed what held it together, in various ways: first, by changing its emphasis from Lisp-based to UNIX-based (blithely ignoring the distinctly anti-UNIX aspects of the LISP culture celebrated in the original); second, by watering down what was otherwise the fairly undiluted record of a single cultural group through this kind of mixing; and third, by adding in all sorts of terms which are "jargon" only in the sense that they're technical. Verb doubling: a standard construction is to double a verb and use i as a comment on what the implied subject does. Soundalike slang: similar to Cockney rhyming slang. ANGLE BRACKETS (primarily MIT) n. ARG n. BAGBITER 1. n.

Paul Dourish
