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Cara Delevingne makes £6,500 every day. Cara Delevingne might not be close to touching Gisele's $47 million salary (yet), but she's on the right track.

Cara Delevingne makes £6,500 every day

In 2013, the 22-year-old model raked in an impressive £6,500 a day. She had £1.1 million in the bank and another £1.3 million coming her way from modelling deals taken in the year to January 2014. That means that she pulls in around $4.50 a minute. Drunk any tea today? Delevingne made over a tenner in the time it takes for you to make a cup. Delevingne's golden touch was revealed in accounts filed at Companies House by her firm Cara & Co. Last year, Delevingne worked with Chanel, Burberry, and DKNY. The women taking over the screen. Nobody could have predicted that Rosamund Pike shoving a bottle of wine in between her legs to feign sexual assault would have sparked a year of intriguingly atypical female characters on screen.

The women taking over the screen

We’re talking about her portrayal of Amy Dunne in David Fincher’s Gone Girl, the film adaptation of the best-selling book you’ve probably seen other people reading on public transport. Gone Girl was a big movie moment for 2014. Pike’s co-star Ben Affleck, being the Hollywood hero he is, was all over the posters advertising the film. Pike wasn’t. What moviegoers and critics really took away from the film was her performance, not his. In the wake of the film's commercial success, Pike just so happens to be at the forefront of a new wave of curiously strong screen heroines – the type of female characters that may only appear in split-second fragments of a film’s trailer, but as the movie unfolds, become the real show stealers.

Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. 'GirlBoss' Book - NastyGal Founder Sophia Amoruso. In 2006, Sophia Amoruso, a 22-year-old hitchhiking, dumpster-diving, community college dropout with a lot of time on her hands, launched an eBay store called Nasty Gal Vintage—a nod to bad-ass funk singer Betty Davis’ 1975 album.

'GirlBoss' Book - NastyGal Founder Sophia Amoruso

But this wasn’t your mom’s collection of cobwebby, shapeless tunics. Lena Dunham Is Not Done Confessing. Photo On a recent afternoon in Brooklyn, Lena Dunham and her sister, Grace, met up at a local hangout.

Lena Dunham Is Not Done Confessing

Grace was nursing a sprained ankle she sustained a few nights earlier, after, by her account, “tripping into a pothole while running out of a queer-poetry reading.” Dunham was concerned about the injury but also enchanted by the phrase, and had been repeating it to people everywhere she went over the last several days. This came as little surprise to Grace, since appropriating events from her family’s life is standard practice for Dunham. In her first book, “Not That Kind of Girl,” which will be published this month, Dunham writes about her sister, her parents and mostly herself with a ferocious, hilarious and occasionally worrisome candor. “Not That Kind of Girl” might best be described as a primer for millennial women negotiating the path to adulthood.

As Grace remembered it, Dunham couldn’t last two days keeping the news to herself. “It was not two days,” Dunham said. Shop Lena Dunham's Book Tour Looks. Toplessness - the one Victorian taboo that won't go away. Image copyright Getty Images Current taboos against female toplessness date from the 19th Century.

Toplessness - the one Victorian taboo that won't go away

Is it ever likely to change, asks the novelist Sara Sheridan. When I talk at book festivals and libraries about the restrictions faced by our many times great grandmothers, audiences invariably find the stories amusing. Most fascinating of all is looking at what was forbidden. Sexual fidelity generally features at the top of the list of required female behaviour but running down that list uncovers a plethora of Dos and Don'ts for our female forbears.

During the heyday of the British Empire, a woman wouldn't dream of riding anything other than side-saddle, for example - not if she was a lady. Likewise, matters of dress were key. The shocking nature of women in trousers persisted longer than we imagine from our 21st Century viewpoint. What did St Paul say about women? 17 November 2014Last updated at 20:10 ET By Trevor Timpson BBC News Can two sides in a debate - both composed of sincere, intelligent people - look at precisely the same set of evidence and reach precisely opposite verdicts?

What did St Paul say about women?

With the Church of England's first women bishops to be named soon following the final seal of approval for legislation allowing them, that is exactly the case. Supporters of women bishops say St Paul was part of an early Christian world in which some Church leaders were women. Opponents believe he forbade women to exercise power in church. As an authority on life in the earliest Christian communities, Paul is unsurpassed. His letters to early Christians were reverently collected to form a major part of the New Testament - though they are preoccupied with local disputes and organisational matters and often angry. The clearest passages? "Women should remain silent in the churches.