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PIV is always rape, ok? Just to recall a basic fact: Intercourse/PIV is always rape, plain and simple.

PIV is always rape, ok?

This is a developed recap from what I’ve been saying in various comments here and there in the last two years or so. as a radfem I’ve always said PIV is rape and I remember being disappointed to discover that so few radical feminists stated it clearly. How can you possibly see it otherwise? Intercourse is the very means through which men oppress us, from which we are not allowed to escape, yet some instances of or PIV and intercourse may be chosen and free? That makes no sense at all. First, well intercourse is NEVER sex for women. As FCM pointed out some time ago, intercourse is inherently harmful to women and intentionally so, because it causes pregnancy in women. The term “fuck you” is not an insult for nothing, men know why – it’s the worst thing you can do to a human being.

Like this: Like Loading... Why corporate feminism is convenient for capitalism. The glass ceiling may have fewer cracks in than previously thought – a survey found that women still aren't filling boardroom roles and, predictably, stereotypes about women being less rational and more emotional than men are partly to blame when it comes to the recruitment process.

Why corporate feminism is convenient for capitalism

The survey, as with any discussion on boardrooms and getting "women on top", will attract a lot of attention and debate. Corporate feminism is easy to sell and is unchallenging, as issues go – it became almost impossible over the summer to find a news site that didn't feature the author of Lean In, Facebook's chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg. As a branding exercise it works – personal stories about women who have climbed the corporate ladder and smashed the glass ceiling play well. Mary T Barra, the new head of General Motors has, the New York Times tells us, "completed a remarkable personal odyssey" in becoming the company chief, despite being a woman. It’s Time to End ‘Rape Culture’ Hysteria. The man who made Femen: New film outs Victor Svyatski as the mastermind behind the protest group and its breast-baring stunts - News - Films.

“Our mission is protest, our weapons are bare breasts,” runs their slogan.

The man who made Femen: New film outs Victor Svyatski as the mastermind behind the protest group and its breast-baring stunts - News - Films

Now, a new documentary screening at the Venice Film Festival has revealed that Femen was founded and is controlled by a man. Ukraine is not a Brothel, directed by 28-year-old Australian film-maker Kitty Green, has “outed” Victor Svyatski as the mastermind behind the group. Mr Syvatski is known as a “consultant” to the movement. According to the Femen website, he was badly beaten up by the secret services in Ukraine earlier this summer because of his activities on behalf of the group. However, Ms Green reveals that Svyatski is not simply a supporter of Femen but its founder and éminence grise. Today, several of the original members of Femen – among them its best known campaigner Inna Shevchenko – are due in Venice for the launch of Ms Green’s documentary. Until now, the full extent of Mr Svyatski’s influence over Femen has not been realised.

Ms Green accompanied them on this trip. La esclavitud de follar. Foto: Alejando Olivares ¡Somos sexys, somos calientes, somos libres!

La esclavitud de follar

¿En serio? ¿En qué momento las mujeres tomamos esa consigna de feminismo peuco y nos convencimos de estar disponibles al follón sin pedir nada a cambio?. Los hombres históricamente han estado dispuestos a pagar un costo por acceder a una mujer, con una cita, con palabras de amor, en el extremo con dinero; sin embargo, hoy somos nosotras las que no pedimos ni un mensaje de texto post coitum. No pretendo caer en nostalgias reaccionarias, pero hay que reconocer que la situación actual de nuestra transacción sexual, es como haberle pedido al mismo empleador que nos tenía con contrato fijo, una boleta de honorarios. Así, muchas veces nos convertimos en esa amiga-amigo, que declara ser distinta a sus congéneres. Somebody save me (or not) — AA-batteries only. Chicas, no me hacen ningún favor. Hola, soy Mariella y vengo a iniciar un flamewar.

Chicas, no me hacen ningún favor

¿Deben existir los grupos de Mujeres en “lo que sea”? En todo el tiempo que llevo trabajando, siempre he sido o la única mujer, o una de pocas en el equipo. Obvio que me gustaría ver a más mujeres en equipos web (no sólo haciendo diseño). Estoy 100% de acuerdo con debemos buscar formas de incrementar la participación femenina en el mundo de la tecnología, pero siento que grupos “girls” o “Pink” son una especie de auto segregación: la intención me parece buena, pero no la forma. Tuve una experiencia en un evento donde la speaker defendía el evento con la premisa de “me da miedo hablar delante de hombres” y “los hombres me intimidan”. Siento qué armar grupos basados en géneros es volver al colegio, donde los niños y las niñas suelen jugar separados (ya sea por pura afinidad, indicaciones o costumbre social). Muchos estudios indican que las mujeres perciben sueldos menores.