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Vegan Champurrado {Mexican Hot Chocolate Atole} In this dairy-free version of champurrado, almond milk forms the base for spiced hot chocolate thickened with masa harina, all decked out in coconut whipped cream and hella chocolate.

Vegan Champurrado {Mexican Hot Chocolate Atole}

What is Champurrado? Champurrado is a chocolate-flavored version of atole – a warm, drinkable pudding of sorts made from sweetened milk and corn flour. The corn flour adds a surprisingly pleasant thickness to the drink while maintaining little nubs of texture. Some champurrado is thin enough to sip, while others are thick enough to eat with a spoon. Atole and champurrado date back to the Mayans, who famously spiked their hot chocolate with sweet spices and chili. Hot Blender Chocolate + Vitamix Competition. We’ve had intense snow falls and cold days here in Stockholm for the past week.

Hot Blender Chocolate + Vitamix Competition

A weather that calls for furry sweaters, warm soups, spicy stews and large cups of hot chocolate. Our favourite chocolate recipe is thick, rich, creamy, vegan and insanely delicious. And we are sharing it here today, along with a competition to win a Vitamix blender (further down in this post). We actually make our chocolate directly in the blender, which not only saves dishes but also makes it perfectly frothy. This recipe is based on one of the recipes from our smoothie book, but we have adapted it slightly for our current mood. We use soaked cashews, soft dates and salt for a plant based creamy sweet milk. Win a Vitamix! As a belated celebration of our Green Kitchen Smoothies book (which now is out in UK, US, Australia, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish and Polish), Vitamix has kindly agreed to give away one of their new Vitamix S30 blenders (the one we have used in this post) to one of our readers. Related. Chocolat chaud sans lait, sans sucre ... un pur moment de gourmandise ! - Cook and Dôme.

Chocolat chaud pour mes deux lutins hier ; mon chocolat spécial, que je ne fais pas à partir de lait, même végétal … goûtez-le, vous n’en voudrez plus jamais d’autre !

Chocolat chaud sans lait, sans sucre ... un pur moment de gourmandise ! - Cook and Dôme

Editions La Plage. Le chocolat blanc, généralement composé de beurre de cacao, de lait et de sucre, est dénigré par de nombreux amateurs de chocolat et les personnes qui font attention à leur santé.

Editions La Plage

Trop gras, trop lacté et trop sucré. Superfood lattes part 2! Pin it!

superfood lattes part 2!

Another round of drink recipes! I know, I know. But is there anything better than sipping on something warm, frothy, creamy, and delicious (and healthy yaaaaay) while you’re all bundled up over the holidays? I’d (obviously) have to say no. After this post had been around for a while, I had a request to come up with some more superfood latte concoctions (thanks for the nudge, Sophie!). I’m going to have to take some of my own advice and cozy up with a couple of these before we flip it over to 2016. Anyway, I’ll leave you with three snuggly mugfuls to keep you bright and glowing through the next little bit. Sending out all of my Christmas sweater-y hugs, wishing you happy and restful days, and hoping I’ll see ya here next week ;) pin it! 1. earl grey, lucuma + dark chocolate latte Notes: This is a rich cupful of one of my favourite dessert combinations.

In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, bring the plant milk and tea bag to a boil. You might also like… Chia, Lucuma, Coconut Smoothie. Sometimes you just don't want a green smoothie.

Chia, Lucuma, Coconut Smoothie

As much as we adore a glowing fresh puree of spinach, kale, fresh fruit and nuts, sometimes what our body really wants is something richer... Something creamy, smooth, sweet, and reminiscent of the french vanilla soft serve of our youth. Yeah, baby! And when cravings point you and in that direction, it's always good to try to balance those elements with some protein and fat, lest we sugar rush our way into oblivion, and then the always inevitable post-high crash. The recipe that follows is a super simple combo of all of the above attributes, that also packs some extra power-food punch! Take chia seeds for instance. Our sweetener of choice in this recipe comes in the form of lucuma powder. Infusion aux fèves de cacao, gingembre et coco. Photo par Ôna Maiocco Les bienfaits du cacao ne sont plus à prouver : riche en minéraux (manganèse, zinc, phosphore, fer, cuivre…), riche en antioxydants, il a tout pour nous plaire, sans oublier son délicieux et envoûtant parfum.

Infusion aux fèves de cacao, gingembre et coco

Connaissez-vous les fèves de cacao crues ? Au lieu d’être torréfiées, elles sont déshydratées en dessous de 45°C afin de conserver leurs propriétés nutritionnelles et leur parfum « brut ». Ce sont les fèves entières de cacao cru qui sont utilisées dans cette recette. Dans une première variante, l’infusion est réalisée seulement avec la peau des fèves, très parfumée (l’intérieur peut être croqué comme un fruit sec ou réduit en poudre pour s’intégrer à un dessert).

Recette Sweet potato chaï latte - FemininBio.