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Sucré. Salé. Petit dej. Pains. Faux bouillon de viande. Ça fait un bon bout que je fais ce faux bouillon de poulet en poudre, mais je ne sais trop pourquoi, je n'avais jamais pris la peine de mettre la recette ici.

faux bouillon de viande

J'avais pris l'idée de base, en la modifiant pas mal au gré du contenu des mes armoires, sur ce blog. J'ai eu l'idée récemment de vous donner la recette après que ma mère soit partie avec un échantillon de la dite poudre pour la parsemer à la place du sel sur ses légumes. Je n'avais jamais pensé faire ça, moi qui me suis toujours réduite à la diluer dans de l'eau bouillante et la consommer comme ça. Je trouve en effet que c'est ainsi que ce bouillon est le meilleur: nature, ou encore juste avec quelques pâtes cuites et quelques légumes. Je ne trouve pas que ça donne un résultat fantastique pour les sauces ou les potages purée (je sais pas... ça goûte trop!)

Cette préparation ne s'adresse pas uniquement aux végétariens, oh que non! Faux bouillon de poulet en poudre végé-sans gras-sans sucre- sans agent de conservation (500ml) Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice Mix. For the past couple seasons, I’ve been on the hunt for pumpkin pie spice mix.

Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice Mix

And I’ve been slowly going crazy not being able to locate it in any local grocery stores. Don’t they know how many they would sell from me alone?! I longed for the day I would cross paths with it, making a mental note to buy 10 if I ever did. Only that day never came and I went about my life smiling on the outside, but secretly feeling like a piece of me was missing. Until that beloved day when a recipe just fell into my lap! I feel like fellow bloggers and cookbook authors, Nicole Axworthy and Lisa Pitman, get me. As Nicole and Lisa say, "Seriously, are you going to pay extra for someone else to stir your spices? In DIY Vegan, you’ll find vegan recipes like Buttermilk, Cashew Coffee Creamer, Simple Sour Cream, Coconut Yogurt, Cultured Nut Cheese, Whole-Grain and Seed bread, Cheesy Crackers, Taco Seasoning, Spelt Pizza Dough, and many more.

Yield2 1/2 tablespoons Prep Time Cook time0 Minutes Total Time Directions: Wagashi (Japanese Desserts) - The Delectable Hodgepodge. Ginger & Turmeric Honey Bomb. We don’t have a fever thermometer in our house.

Ginger & Turmeric Honey Bomb

It’s not necessary. Instead we measure the weirdness-level in our daily activities. So when someone does something exceptionally weird, we know he/she has got a fever (we have a separate scale for Elsa, since she does exceptionally weird stuff all the time). For example, Luise is pretty certain that I had a fever two days ago. Why else was I cooking ginger caramels, completely off-holiday season and with our book manuscript deadline only 90 hours away (yup, we’re counting hours here)? All members in our family have spent the last 10 days sneezing, sniffling and coughing from a nasty cold. Yesterday Luise took the very same ingredients that I used for my caramels and instead created this immune boosting honey. Here are Luise’s explanations of the science behind the magic: Ginger is a marvelous root that you can purchase in almost every supermarket in every country. Ginger & Turmeric Honey BombMakes 1/2 cup Related.

Super foods : les probiotiques maison ! Aujourd'hui je vous propose de découvrir (pour ceux qui ne les connaissent pas déjà) des superaliments pas comme les autres.

Super foods : les probiotiques maison !

Kimchi, kéfir, kombucha sont encore largement méconnus dans notre langage culinaire et pourtant si intéressants ! Leur intérêt ? Des probiotiques naturels, facile à préparer à la maison et riches en saveurs inédites. Des boissons pétillantes et saines ou des condiments qui boostent notre santé, c'est un peu le rêve non ? J'avais déjà présenté le kéfir il y a quelques années sur le blog (aïe aïe aïe les vieilles photos !) Beurre végétal (vegan) — France végétalienne. Vegan Almond Milk Yogurt - Full of Plants. Many of you have been asking for soy and coconut-free yogurt recipe.

Vegan Almond Milk Yogurt - Full of Plants

After using 6 pounds of almonds for testing, here it is! This yogurt is thick, creamy, slightly tart and made with 100% homemade almond milk! I didn’t want to go with cashews here simply because it would have made the yogurts too heavy, and I wanted something light. Almonds are great but there was one problem, when making yogurt from almond milk, it never thickens. So after checking the ingredient list of tens of vegan yogurts and reading reviews about it, I started to work with thickeners. I first went with pectin, but it’s a bit messy to work with and I was not getting a satisfying texture. I use a very small amount of agar here (1/32 tsp) because it’s very powerful and you don’t want to get a flan or jelly yogurt texture! Yogurts are packed with good live bacterias, known as probiotics.

You will need 5 ingredients to make your own almond milk yogurts: