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Digital Humanities - Humanités Numériques

Facebook Twitter - Discover stories through timelines and tell yours, too! Our Mission. Basics of Mapping for the Digital Humanities – IDRE Sandbox. To start, navigate to this page via the URL below: “What is a map?

Basics of Mapping for the Digital Humanities – IDRE Sandbox

What is in a map? How do you map?” In the Humanities, mapping can be defined in so many different ways, there is no easy answer to these questions. In fact, your research can dictate the parameter of choices that define your map. “Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” Waldo Tobler’s statement defines his first law of geography, in ways stating the obvious correlation between objects in space, paving the foundation behind spatial dependencies.

As mentioned at the top of the syllabus for this course, space and time are dimensions that are forever intertwined due to their ontological nature. Minard The representation of 3 dimensional space onto a flat, 2 dimensional platform–a map–brings with it many challenges and compromises (e.g. projection systems). Hans Hypercities I turn off Google Maps and start to drive. Google Earth. Tools – Carolina Digital Humanities Initiative. DH ToolkitsScalarA free, open source authoring and publishing platform that’s designed to make it easy for authors to write long-form, born-digital scholarship online.

Tools – Carolina Digital Humanities Initiative

Scalar enables users to assemble media from multiple sources and juxtapose them with their own writing in a variety of ways, with minimal technical expertise required.OmekaA project of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, Omeka is a free, flexible, and open source web-publishing platform for the display of library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions. Omeka’s Showcase includes projects powered by Omeka. Tools - Digital Humanities - LibGuides at MIT Libraries. Toychest [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPage. "Toy Chest" collects online or downloadable software tools and thinking toys that humanities students and others without programming skills (but with basic computer and Internet literacy) can use to create interesting projects.

toychest [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPage

Most of the tools gathered here are free or relatively inexpensive (exceptions: items that are expensive but can be used on a free trial basis). Also on this site are "paradigms"--books, essays, digital projects, etc. --that illustrate the kinds of humanities projects that these thinking tools/toys might help create. A star indicates tools that combine power (advanced, multiple, or flexible features) with ease of use. This site is kept by Alan Liu for his "Literature+" digital humanities courses (recent examples of course: undergraduate | graduate). Dhresourcesforprojectbuilding [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Digital Humanities Tools. Guides to Digital Humanities | Tutorials | Tools | Examples | Data Collections & Datasets Online or downloadable tools that are free, free to students, or have generous trial periods without tight usage constraints, watermarks, or other spoilers.

dhresourcesforprojectbuilding [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Digital Humanities Tools

Bias toward tools that can be run online or installed on a personal computer without needing an institutional server. DiRT Directory. Dirt - pre 2012 version. Abstracts, American University of Paris, March 2017 – David Joseph Wrisley. Abstracts David Joseph Wrisley @DJWrisleyAmerican University of Paris 16-17 March 2017 Lecture: “Digital Project-Based Scholarship and Pedagogy in the Liberal Arts Institution” Thursday, March 16, 2017, 1530-1700, Combes 102 My talk focuses on the genre of the digital project and its potential for scholarly and pedagogical reflection in the liberal arts institution.

Abstracts, American University of Paris, March 2017 – David Joseph Wrisley

From a general discussion of some exemplary projects carried out in small colleges by teams of faculty, students, librarians and technologists, in what might be called the humanities “laboratory” (Lane), I will chart how digital methods can evolve from course-embedded experiments to larger research projects. I hope to show that such projects, in both process and product, embody the values of a liberal arts education in the 21st century: a well-rounded education, social and ethical awareness and creative, multidisciplinary synthesis. Wrisley AUP Digital Project-Based Scholarship and Pedagogy in the Liberal Arts Institution - Google Slides. Toolkit or Toychest? The Digital in the Classroom - Google Презентации.

JSTOR Labs Text Analyzer. JSTOR Labs. Visualize Your Zotero Collections. Beautiful Research Data (Structured Data and Open Refine) Create with Fusion Tables - Fusion Tables Help. Create with Fusion Tables These tutorials step you through using Fusion Tables’ features to accomplish neat things with your data.

Create with Fusion Tables - Fusion Tables Help

See what others have done in the Example Gallery. Basic tutorials Get started using Fusion Tables: Create a map Turn a table of locations into a map. Extending your knowledge Gathering data Create: Collaborative data gathering Give everyone their own table to update, while keeping the eagle-eye view on all of it. Maps Make an intensity map with custom boundaries Display polygons in different colors according to values in your data. Publishing / Embedding Embed visualizations in Google Sites Work around the JavaScript restrictions in Google Sites Merge tricks. GitHub - rkhatib/topotext. Palladio. Nodegoat. Sign up — CARTO. WorldMap Harvard. Historypin – Shared archives, stronger communities. StoryMapJS. TimeMapper. Can I make a timemap anonymously?


Yes! You do not need an account to create a timemap - they can be created anonymously and will have all the same features and shareability of normal timemaps. However, there are some benefits of creating an account and creating your timemap whilst logged in: Digital Humanities Toolkit. Gapminder Tools. Timeline. Vis.js - A dynamic, browser based visualization library. Learn to code. Voyant Tools. Voyant Tools Documentation. Prism. 18thConnect - TypeWright. TypeWright1 is a tool for correcting the text-version of a document made up of page images.

18thConnect - TypeWright

These text-versions are crucially necessary: they are what enables full-text searching, datamining, preserving, and curating2 texts of historical importance. Right now, the text running behind the page images of these texts has been mechanically typed,3 leaving behind errors that need to be corrected by human eyes and hands. Our contracts with Gale and Proquest allow any person or group who corrects a text to be given that text when finished correcting it to use as they wish. We will give you the document in either plain text or TEI-encoded formats, or both, for texting mining or to build a digital edition that can be submitted to 18thConnect for peer review. Additionally, the corrected text will go back to Gale and Proquest to improve our capacities for research using their products. FromThePage - transcribe handwritten documents. The Internet, peer reviewed.

Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities Now. The Association for Computers and the Humanities. The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) is a major professional society for the digital humanities.

The Association for Computers and the Humanities

We support and disseminate research and cultivate a vibrant professional community through conferences, publications, and outreach activities. ACH is based in the US, but boasts an international membership (as of November 2015, representing 21 countries worldwide). Our Mission. EADH - The European Association for Digital Humanities.

Association francophone des humanités numériques. CenterNet. HASTAC: Changing the Way We Teach and Learn. Welcome. Dh - Liste francophone de discussion autour des Digital humanities. Dh+lib ← where the digital humanities and librarianship meet. – Development for the Digital Humanities. Association of College & Research Libraries. This edition of Keeping Up With... was written by Jennifer L.

Association of College & Research Libraries

Adams and Kevin B. Gunn. Jennifer L. » About Journal of Digital Humanities. The Journal of Digital Humanities (ISSN 2165-6673) is a comprehensive, peer-reviewed, open access journal that features scholarship, tools, and conversations produced, identified, and tracked by members of the digital humanities community through Digital Humanities Now. Initiated by the PressForward project, the Journal of Digital Humanities is an experiment in sourcing and distributing scholarly communication on the open web. CUNY Academic Commons Wiki Archive. Les digital humanities et les bibliothèques. Pour l’historien du religieux Milad Doueihi, auteur de La grande conversion numérique, les sciences humaines et sociales (SHS) sont les grandes absentes du débat autour de l’impact du numérique sur nos sociétés.

Pour lui, l’environnement numérique est actuellement en crise, car il s’est « appuyé jusqu’ici sur certains éléments de la culture imprimée » qui ne sont plus adaptés à ces nouvelles pratiques. Un nouveau « savoir-lire » fait son apparition : le savoir-lire numérique 1. Pour Doueihi, ce nouvel environnement est caractérisé par une « culture du changement rapide et de l’adaptabilité ». Ce changement est principalement contrôlé par les spécialistes de la technologie qui imposent leurs normes et leurs logiques au public. Histoire et esquisse de définition. ACRL’s 2012 report Academic Libraries and Research Data Services - Tenopir Birch Allard. Digital Humanities @ Oxford. Stanford Humanities. NYU Center for the Humanities. Yale University Library.

Digital Humanities Network. Digital Scholarship Unit.