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Wikiversity The Future Of Work Is Play Humans love games. Just check the current news cycle for evidence: The Xbox 360’s sleek, new controller-free gaming device, Kinect, is the fastest-selling consumer electronic product ever. Foursquare has attracted millions of badge-seeking users and aspiring “mayors.” And new programs like Quest to Learn are bringing game dynamics into our educational system. What is it about games that makes them so appealing? And how can we translate our enthusiasm for play into the workplace? What’s the most basic definition of a game? I’m partial to the definition put forth by Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman in their book Rules of Play: A game is a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome. What are some examples of how I could use the power of games to keep myself motivated during a long, personal project (say, making a documentary film)? Smaller self-imposed challenges can spark your creative drive in ways you don’t expect.

How to Memorize - Learn to memorize and increase memory If you are visiting from StumbleUpon and like this article and tool, please consider giving it a thumbs up. Thanks! Memorizing does not have to be as hard as most people make it. In this article we are going to focus on a technique that will let you easily: Memorize a speechMemorize the BibleMemorize linesMemorize Scripture At the end of this article is a Javascript tool that makes it easy to implement this method. Synapses and Neurons and How to Memorize In the simplified model of the brain in this discussion, we’ll be looking at neurons and synapses. When you remember something neurons fire signals down particular synapse pathways to other neurons which in turn fire signals to other neurons. Strong Pathways Synapses appear to exhibit plasticity. For example, consider remembering your home telephone number. Now consider a number that you will have trouble remembering. How to Memorize – Practice Recalling not Repeating This is the crucial concept of any type of memorization.

tōd:Connect Real World Actions to Mobile Devices and the Web by Rowdy Robot Mashable - " an even closer connection between our real lives and mobile devices" Engadget - "...similar to NFC tags, but with the advantage of a vastly greater range" Geeky Gadgets - "...connect real world actions directly to your smartphone" MyLovelyMac - "...Tod was built for some serious action" Like many of you, the Rowdy Robot team loves to tinker with both software and hardware projects. For quite some time we have wanted to extend the functionality of the mobile devices we already own by being able to connect our projects to the web. We experimented with a variety of options including Arduino, Active RFID and a few RF based technologies to create a smooth, seamless connection to a mobile device. So after a lot of hard work... tōd (pronounced "toad") is an exciting and powerful new way to connect your mobile device* to the world around and right in front of you, using our bite-sized ultra low power Bluetooth 4.0 enabled Smart Beacons. Perimeter Perimeter Examples: Locate Engage

VideoLectures - exchange ideas & share knowledge Why the future of work is play - TNW Industry Is this what you look like right now? You’re not alone. But it doesn’t have to be like that. On Friday at the annual PSFK conference in New York City, Founding Partner and CEO of Undercurrent, a digital strategy firm and author of Game Frame Aaron Dignan took the stage to discuss why the future of work is play. For years, society has polarized “play” and “work,” associating the former with laziness and the latter with grave importance. But in these two pictures below, who looks indolent and who looks filled with competitive ambition? “There’s a clear difference in emotion, sensation and engagement when people are engaged in gaming because it’s rich in structure and there’s a reward. Why aren’t people doing what they want to do and why aren’t they engaged at work? Real life is full of unstructured spaces and in contrast, games are incredibly structured experiences. Why? “If you’re not playing you’re not learning,” says Dignan.

Basic Concepts — Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation Overview¶ To fully understand the rest of this guide, you need to be familiar with the concepts presented in this section. Conventions¶ Written from the perspective of a Windows user, most instructions will only require trivial changes to work on other platforms. Relative paths, like Packages/User, start at the data directory unless otherwise noted. We assume default key bindings when indicating keyboard shortcuts. With Great Power Comes A Lot of Questions¶ Unquestionably a versatile tool for programmers, you don’t need to be one in order to use Sublime Text, or even to configure it extensively. This guide will teach you how to configure Sublime Text. Sublime Text can’t be mastered in a day, but it’s built on a handful of pervasive ideas that make for a consistent and easily understandable system once all the pieces come together. In the following paragraphs, we’ll outline key aspects that may not click in your mind until you’ve spent some time using the editor. The Data Directory¶ Confused?

17 Mutable Suggestions For Naming A Startup Naming a startup is hard. Very hard. On the one hand, the pragmatic entrepreneur thinks: “I shouldn’t be wasting time on this — for every successful company with a great name, there’s one with a crappy name that did just fine. It doesn’t seem like a name has much influence on the outcome at all. I’m going to get back to writing code.” One more reason why spending calories on picking a great name is important: It’s a one-time cost to get a great name — but the benefit is forever. One last note before we get started: Not all of these are weighted equally. The 17 Mutable Suggestions Of Startup Naming 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 16. 17. That’s all I have for now. Oh, and I'm thinking of creating a simple web-based tool that assesses a name (which I think is hard to do via software).

Khan Academy Global Pulse Twitter is a remarkable tool to analyze information diffusion, and investigate social patterns and trends. In June 2011, Abdur Chowdhury and his team at Twitter posted a few visualization experiments covering the volume and worldwide scale of Twitter messages during the devastating earthquake in Japan on March 11. As they stated on the original post: "During major events, people use Twitter to share news and thoughts with friends, family and followers around the world. Messages originating in one place are quickly spread across the globe through Retweets, @replies and Direct Messages. We see this behavior during everything from sporting events like the World Cup to widely-televised news events like the royal wedding, and also in the face of major disasters like the March 11 earthquake in Japan, where the volume of Tweets sent per second spiked to more than 5,000 TPS five separate times after the quake and ensuing tsunami."

How To DJ Properly On A Mac With Just A $1 Sound Card Looking similar to a tiny USB drive, the $1 sound card gives you an extra headphones socket. It’s annoying to buy a budget DJ controller only to realise that you need to buy a sound card just to get it to work correctly. Last week we showed you how to DJ with Traktor on a PC with the purchase of just a $1 sound card. While no replacement for a decent sound card, this certainly gives new DJs the chance to practise and play small parties without the extra expense. Now, Digital DJ Tips reader Jake Shauli has got in touch with detailed instructions on how to do the same thing if you’re one of the many DJs here who are Apple Mac users. Before we hand over to Jake, it’s worth reiterating the following: The DJ sound cards we normally recommend have TWO outputs – one for the headphones, and one for the main speakers. Where can I get it? Buy it from How to do it… These instructions are for Traktor Pro on a Mac. How good is it? Kidsinister gave us some good feedback on that question:

Dribbble, le réseau social pour les créatifs J’entends encore dire ici et là, parmi mes confrères créas : « Dribbble tu dis ? nope, connais pas, c’est quoi ? » Moi qui pensais que le ballon rose était aujourd’hui aussi connu que le loup blanc… Voici donc une session de rattrapage pour tous ceux d’entre vous qui n’auraient pas encore entendu parler de ce réseau social dédié aux graphistes, web designers, typographes et autres illustrateurs… 400 x 300 Dribbble fonctionne un peu à la manière de Twitter : ici, les twittos sont des « players » et les tweets sont des « shots ». Un shot est une vignette de 400 par 300 pixels, un format volontairement restreint qui permet de ne se focaliser que sur le détail d’une création, souvent une icône, un échantillon d’interface web ou mobile… Une mine d’or lorsque l’inspiration ne vous a pas suivi au bureau le lundi matin. Je vous laisse découvrir par vous-même une sélection de quelques shots d’une rare beauté : T’as pas d’invit’ ?

The Code Academy qualify their users to code HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and other coding languages, free of charge. They also have a strong presence on Facebook where their students regularly advise (and question) on one another's work.

- See more at: by raviii Aug 30

Moins de Bug que la version FR by wouf Apr 22

Great site for learning computer code. by nametakentwice Oct 22

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