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Basics of Mapping for the Digital Humanities – IDRE Sandbox To start, navigate to this page via the URL below: “What is a map? What is in a map? 21 Brilliant Productivity Tools Every College Student Must Use: Get Degrees If you ask a college student about productivity, he won't have much to say. And you really can't blame him. He leads a dynamic life where academics and fun go hand in hand, with the latter becoming a more important activity most of the times. However, with the advent of internet and web 2.0, a college student now has access to so many amazing tools that he could finish up his work as well as enjoy life to the fullest without the guilt.

100 Terrific Time-Management Tools to Get Your Degree in 3 Years Posted on Sunday July 26, 2009 by Staff Writers By Emily Thomas Getting your degree in three years isn’t impossible, especially if you’re earning your degree online. It just takes some dedication and excellent time management skills. The following tools will help you take shortcuts, take an honest look at how you use your time, help create lists and schedules, organize your tasks, help with research and projects, keep you connected with classmates more efficiently, and more. Shortcuts

Top 3 Tips To Make Your E-Newsletter A Success If you want people to actually read your e-newsletter instead of deleting it from their inbox, you need to make it worth their time. You need to provide a valuable and useful gift. That means NO “free” white papers on “how to make make your Twitter account reach 10,000 followers”. Smart Searching Just Got Smarter with instaGrok - Getting Smart by Adam Renfro - instaGrok, Knowledge Graph, smart searches Content used to be difficult to find, behind closed doors, and very proprietary. Those days are long over. Now it’s just the opposite. We now have so much content, we don’t know where or even how to start. We went from trying to find a needle in a haystack to trying to find a needle in a needle stack.

TimeMapper Can I make a timemap anonymously? Yes! You do not need an account to create a timemap - they can be created anonymously and will have all the same features and shareability of normal timemaps. However, there are some benefits of creating an account and creating your timemap whilst logged in:

Hacking Knowledge: 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better If someone granted you one wish, what do you imagine you would want out of life that you haven’t gotten yet? For many people, it would be self-improvement and knowledge. Newcounter knowledge is the backbone of society’s progress. Great thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and others’ quests for knowledge have led society to many of the marvels we enjoy today. Your quest for knowledge doesn’t have to be as Earth-changing as Einstein’s, but it can be an important part of your life, leading to a new job, better pay, a new hobby, or simply knowledge for knowledge’s sake — whatever is important to you as an end goal.

Free Online Grammar Checker Can a grammar checker really help improve your writing? While they may sound like a wonderful idea, grammar checking programs have several limitations. About Grammar Checkers In theory, a computer-based grammar checker should work like a spell checker. It should identify errors and suggest alternatives for corrected text. However, spelling is fairly straightforward. Transmission Model of Communication Introduction Here I will outline and critique a particular, very well-known model of communication developed by Shannon and Weaver (1949), as the prototypical example of a transmissive model of communication: a model which reduces communication to a process of 'transmitting information'. The underlying metaphor of communication as transmission underlies 'commonsense' everyday usage but is in many ways misleading and repays critical attention. Shannon and Weaver's model is one which is, in John Fiske's words, 'widely accepted as one of the main seeds out of which Communication Studies has grown' (Fiske 1982: 6). Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver were not social scientists but engineers working for Bell Telephone Labs in the United States. Their goal was to ensure the maximum efficiency of telephone cables and radio waves.

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