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Diagrams for JavaScript and HTML, by Northwoods Software GoJS is a JavaScript and TypeScript library for building interactive diagrams and graphs. GoJS allows you to build all kinds of diagrams and graphs for your users, from simple flowcharts and org charts to highly-specific industrial diagrams, SCADA and BPMN diagrams, medical diagrams like genograms, and more. GoJS makes constructing JavaScript diagrams of complex nodes, links, and groups easy with customizable templates and layouts. GoJS offers many advanced features for user interactivity such as drag-and-drop, copy-and-paste, in-place text editing, tooltips, context menus, automatic layouts, templates, data binding and models, transactional state and undo management, palettes, overviews, event handlers, commands, and an extensible tool system for custom operations. We maintain hundreds of sample diagrams, detailing different examples of interactivity, templates, and user logic for you to start from. Flowcharts Build interactive flowcharts or flow diagrams. State Charts Sankey Diagrams

Basics of Mapping for the Digital Humanities – IDRE Sandbox To start, navigate to this page via the URL below: “What is a map? In the Humanities, mapping can be defined in so many different ways, there is no easy answer to these questions. “Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” Waldo Tobler’s statement defines his first law of geography, in ways stating the obvious correlation between objects in space, paving the foundation behind spatial dependencies. As mentioned at the top of the syllabus for this course, space and time are dimensions that are forever intertwined due to their ontological nature. Minard The representation of 3 dimensional space onto a flat, 2 dimensional platform–a map–brings with it many challenges and compromises (e.g. projection systems). Hans Hypercities I turn off Google Maps and start to drive. Google Earth The LA Times uses the SIMILE timeline to effectively show crime over time. CartoDB

Obelisk.js : concevoir des objets isom triques pixelis s compatibles avec les canvas HTML5 Obelisk.js : concevoir des objets isométriques pixelisésCompatibles avec les canvas HTML5 Obelisk.js est un moteur JavaScript permettant de créer des objets isométriques pixelisés. Avec une API simple et flexible, vous pouvez facilement ajouter des éléments isométriques comme des briques, des cubes, des pyramides, etc. sur des canvas HTML5. Obelisk.js respecte consciencieusement un modèle de pixelisation. Pour la partie technique : il y a un agencement des lignes d'un pixel de 1:2 conduisant à un angle de 22,6 degrés. En pratique, ça donne ceci. Vous trouverez sur le site des démonstrations ainsi que des tutoriels expliquant les différentes possibilités que l'outil offre. Démonstrations : Le site officiel. D'après un article sur DailyJS. Et vous ? Pour quel type d'application cet outil pourrait-il vous intéresser ? Utilisez-vous une bibliothèque du genre ?

nltk Package — NLTK 3.0 documentation nltk Package The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) is an open source Python library for Natural Language Processing. A free online book is available. (If you use the library for academic research, please cite the book.) Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper (2009). @version: 3.1 nltk. collocations Module Tools to identify collocations — words that often appear consecutively — within corpora. Finding collocations requires first calculating the frequencies of words and their appearance in the context of other words. The BigramCollocationFinder and TrigramCollocationFinder classes provide these functionalities, dependent on being provided a function which scores a ngram given appropriate frequency counts. class nltk.collocations.BigramCollocationFinder(word_fd, bigram_fd, window_size=2)[source] Bases: nltk.collocations.AbstractCollocationFinder A tool for the finding and ranking of bigram collocations or other association measures. default_ws = 2 score_ngram(score_fn, w1, w2)[source] data Module

10+ JavaScript libraries to draw your own diagrams (2019 edition) You can render anything you want in your browser with JavaScript. Good examples are this list of online modeling tools that help you to easily create UML (or ER, BPMN, …) diagrams directly in the browser. Most of these tools use JavaScript to render graphical shapes and interact with them. But what if you want to create your own kind of diagrams or build your own editor? Don’t worry, we have you covered. We split the set of JavaScript drawing libraries into two main categories: Libraries with explicit support for software models (e.g. In short, if you’re looking for an almost ready-to-go way to integrate a JavaScript modeling library into your tool go for a library from the first group. JavaScript libraries for drawing UML (or BPMN or ERD …) diagrams Interested in a library to help you embed UML editors in your application? JointJS JointJS can be used to create either static diagrams or fully interactive diagramming tools and application builders. Here are some of its features: Rappid GoJS

DH Press | Digital Humanities Toolkit Prototype JavaScript Framework | Prototype Tips and Tutorials API Reference The documentation for the latest stable version of Prototype will always be located at Tutorials This area contains narrative documentation you can use to discover Prototype. Defining classes and inheritance Learn how to define classes and subclasses in Prototype and how to make supercalls.

ICCMA - Competition 2015 The First International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA'15) will be conducted in the first half of 2015. The results will be presented at the workshop "Theory and Applications of Formal Argument" (TAFA'15) which will be co-located with the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'15). ICCMA'15 will focus on reasoning tasks in abstract argumentation frameworks, cf. [Dung:1995]. For the first instance of the competition we will evaluate solvers based on their performance in solving the following computational tasks: Given an abstract argumentation framework, determine some extension Given an abstract argumentation framework, determine all extensions Given an abstract argumentation framework and some argument, decide whether the given argument is credulously inferred Given an abstract argumentation framework and some argument, decide whether the given argument is skeptically inferred Jump to News: [Dung:1995] Dung, P.M. 1995.

Service Worker API - Web APIs Service workers essentially act as proxy servers that sit between web applications, the browser, and the network (when available). They are intended, among other things, to enable the creation of effective offline experiences, intercept network requests and take appropriate action based on whether the network is available, and update assets residing on the server. They will also allow access to push notifications and background sync APIs. Service worker concepts and usage A service worker is an event-driven worker registered against an origin and a path. It takes the form of a JavaScript file that can control the web-page/site that it is associated with, intercepting and modifying navigation and resource requests, and caching resources in a very granular fashion to give you complete control over how your app behaves in certain situations (the most obvious one being when the network is not available). Service workers only run over HTTPS, for security reasons. Registration Interfaces Cache

TimeMapper Can I make a timemap anonymously? Yes! You do not need an account to create a timemap - they can be created anonymously and will have all the same features and shareability of normal timemaps. However, there are some benefits of creating an account and creating your timemap whilst logged in: You'll get a nice URL for your timemap at /your-username/a-name-you-choose-for-your-timemap All of your timemaps will be nicely listed at /your-username As you'll be identified as the owner you'll be able to re-configure (or delete) your timemap later If you do want an account, signup is very easy – it takes just 15 seconds, is very secure, and uses your Twitter account (no need to think up a new username and password!). "Publish" 1. Go to File Menu in your spreadsheet, then 'Publish to the Web', then click 'Start Publishing'. What URL do I use to connect my spreadsheet? Use the URL you get by clicking your spreadsheet's Share button and copying the Link to share box. Not all fields are required.

10 Free JavaScript Tools To Create Interactive Maps Here we are presenting a complete list of 10 JavaScript libraries to create interactive and customized maps. Though, there are Google Map maker and other tools to build maps but in this compilation, we are specifically presenting only JavaScript libraries that you can use to show special map markers. We hope that this collection proves to be the best and will help you get going in the initial phases of your map designing project. It is once again our pleasure to share with you what we have gathered from all over the web so to help you with your masterpieces. Geocomplete An advanced jQuery plugin that wraps the Google Maps API’s Geocoding and Places Autocomplete services. Kartograph Kartograph is a simple and lightweight framework for building interactive map applications without Google Maps or any other mapping service. GMaps gmaps.js allows you to use the potential of Google Maps in a simple way. jHere With jHERE, you can easily add interactive maps to your website. Mapael D3js GeoChart
