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Risorse SEO 2020

AMP Stories Editor - Immersive Storytelling : AMP for WordPress. In the 1.2.0 release of the AMP plugin, the AMP Stories experience has been introduced in a Beta version.

AMP Stories Editor - Immersive Storytelling : AMP for WordPress

Stories is a visual storytelling format for the open web which immerses your readers in fast-loading, full-screen, and visually rich experiences. Stories can be a great addition to your overall content strategy. Read more about AMP Stories. Introduction. AMP WordPress plugin now supports Stories. Amp Stories Builder - MakeStories. 7 Automated Email Campaigns That Win Customers and Keep Them Coming Ba.

This is a guest post by John McIntyre.

7 Automated Email Campaigns That Win Customers and Keep Them Coming Ba

John is the founder of ReEngager, an agency that helps ecommerce stores increase total sales by 15-30% with email marketing. Email marketing can be HUGE for ecommerce stores and online retailers. Problem is, most companies do it wrong. Or they just don’t do it at all. Keyword Research: come cercare le giuste parole chiave ai fini SEO. L’approccio standard alla ricerca delle parole chiave per una strategia SEO si basa su una valutazione quantitativa delle informazioni: un sito, una pagina o un post possono contenere una parola chiave un tot di volte, oppure non contenerla affatto.

Keyword Research: come cercare le giuste parole chiave ai fini SEO

Contenuti WEB: testi SEO e contenuti per siti web. Quanto farsi pagare per un articolo? [..]Il compenso potrà variare da 4 a 7 euro ad articolo, a seconda della lunghezza.[…] Questa frase qui sopra mi è stata inviata via mail, come risposta ad una mia candidatura come web writer.

Quanto farsi pagare per un articolo?

L’annuncio prevedeva la redazione di un numero non precisato di articoli di stampo giuridico, che dovevano: 1. Essere originali; 2. Essere ottimizzati per i motori di ricerca; 3. Il tutto, secondo il committente, per 4 o 7 €. Tu avresti accettato? Argomento dell’articolo Questi articoli dovevano essere ad argomento giuridico.

Portfolio of work - Business Biographer. - Pricing. Enrico Marchetto, Autore a Noiza. Partiamo da una premessa: senza remarketing online non si vende, senza remarketing non si fanno leads, senza remarketing qualsiasi nostra azione di advertising viene penalizzata sul nascere.

Enrico Marchetto, Autore a Noiza

Perché? Non è certo la sede per disquisire sulle potenzialità del remarketing, perché se state leggendo questo articolo probabilmente ve ne siete già accorti. Vi lascio solamente un link allo splendido articolo di Alessandro Sportelli (hey è un pezzo del 2014, ma Alessandro si occupa di strategia, non di tecnicaglie, e la strategia è molto ma molto più longeva della tecnica) che vi descrive quanto complesso sia far completare un’azione attesa a un cliente. Inquadrando il remarketing su Facebook, tendiamo sempre a considerare una tassonomia ormai consolidata: 1) Remarketing sui Fan di una Pagina, quando andiamo a scegliere come target delle nostre campagne la fan base della nostra pagina. How Much Should You Budget for Content Marketing in 2016? If you’re like most Chief Marketing Officers around the country, you’re likely boosting your overall marketing budget over the next couple years.

How Much Should You Budget for Content Marketing in 2016?

An IBM and CMO Club study reports that nearly 60% of CMOs are increasing their budget next year across almost every area. But the real question for many is, how much should you put toward traditional advertising, PPC, SEO, social media, email, inbound, budget for content marketing, PR, mobile, etc.? There’s a simple solution to help make that decision: Understand your customer journey. “CMOs are really focused on investing across the customer journey,” said Jay Henderson, director of Strategy at IBM Commerce in an AdAge article.

Content Marketing Stack. Good Impact. Skyword: How to Recruit and Connect With Content Creators. Aiuto! La rete vendita pensa che i contatti “inbound” siano una rottura! Credo di aver avuto questa conversazione almeno 50 volte all’anno: “Mark, noi amiamo l’ “inbound marketing”.

Aiuto! La rete vendita pensa che i contatti “inbound” siano una rottura!

Abbiamo completamente ristrutturato il nostro marketing per allinearlo al modo in cui i potenziali clienti acquistano e stiamo ricevendo un numero di contatti 10 volte superiore al passato. E’ fantastico, ma la mia rete vendita non fa altro che lamentarsi di questi contatti. The #1 Inbound Marketing community. Sharing Buttons & Analytics by AddShoppers.

This free plugin installs smart social sharing buttons that allow your visitors to easily share content on your WordPress site.

Sharing Buttons & Analytics by AddShoppers

These sharing buttons are tied to powerful analytics that allow you to track sharing activity and identify the influencers that are sending you traffic. The most popular social networks are included: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, Wanelo, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Polyvore, and Kaboodle. NEW! Increase Traffic & Recover Lost Sales With New Retargeting Apps Win back customers that abandon your site with our brand new Social Retargeting and Facebook Retargeting apps (average ROI of 426%!).

Smart Social Apps For Your WordPress Site powers the apps installed by this plugin. Social Login.


The Digital Marketing Podcast Network. Content Marketing Platform. Content Marketing Framework: Plan. Tips For Building A Strong Content Marketing Plan For 2014. Essential Content Marketing Templates. Agencies: How to Create a Content Marketing Plan for Clients. Mapendo. Fermenti Digitali. Agenzia Editoriale Online - Scribox. Content Marketing. Pawan Deshpande. Content Marketing’s Next Phase. By now, most B2B marketers are well-versed in the benefits of content marketing.

Content Marketing’s Next Phase

The initiative has been steadily growing for a few years, and recent research from Curata’s 2012 B2B Marketing Trends Report shows that 87 percent of marketers are currently leveraging some form of this tactic. Content marketing allows marketers to navigate challenges, such as a limited budget and staff, that would otherwise impact their ability to meet their goals, including driving sales and leads. But aside from driving sales, marketers also cite establishing thought leadership and boosting brand awareness as top marketing objectives. Pawan Deshpande. Guide to Google+ Business Pages - The Social Media Guide. Exciting times at Google — not only have they just released Google+ to the public, but they’ve now added Google+ Business Pages . So how can you, as an internet entrepreneur, take advantage of this new internet resource… and should you?

Before you rush to set up a page, it may help to take a look at the pros and cons… Comparing Facebook Pages with Google+ Business Pages Google+’s Pages feature has only just been launched, so any comparison with Facebook Pages will probably be redundant by the time you read this, since new features are being added to Pages on an ongoing basis. Your biggest reason for setting up a Business Page in Google+ should be not only to take advantage of powerful Google SEO, but to reach targeted customers or clients who hate and avoid Facebook — and this number is growing daily, thanks to Facebook changes such as the inability to prevent Facebook from broadcasting what you are doing online, moment by moment!

Perchè postare meno e aggiornare di più è la via del successo per un blog. In questo articolo vi spiegherò che cosa intendo per Vintage SEO e come questa tecnica possa riportar in vita i vostri vecchi contenuti rendendoli incredibilmente attraenti agli occhi di Google e degli altri motori di ricerca.

Perchè postare meno e aggiornare di più è la via del successo per un blog

Non ho mai avuto una grande passione per il SEO, e anche se è sicuramente un argomento affascinante, credo che chi si occupa di SEO per professione abbia una strana mentalità, piuttosto simile a quella di un matematico. Di certo non una persona creativa. Bene, ora che sono riuscito ad attirare su di me l’odio di tutti i lettori SEO-addicted, faccio marcia indietro affermando che il SEO è importantissimo, e non ci si può definire blogger competenti senza avere un’idea completa di questa materia. Claudia Cavina - Bilingual Italian English, Versatile Worker, Fast Learner - oDesk Freelancer from Castel San Pietro Terme, Italy.

Please If you need my services contact me with a message, odesk doesn't allow us contractors to contact You (client) directly unless you started a contact with us before, so any question posed as custom message in the decline offer goes unanswered if you haven't started an interview before declining the offer we made as contractors. Thank you for your understanding. At the momet my main objective is to accumulate expertise and more experiences in the fields where my strenght points lay, The fi… more The final goal I'm hoping for is one day have an interesting curriculum that shows my versability, taking full advantage of my bilinguism, as Italian is my mother tongue while I've studied English, of course also business oriented, for the past 15 years, attending courses in English specialized schools like London's Malvern House.

Nybe Communication - Copywriting e Content Marketing su misura per te!