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Link Building - Moz Blog

Link Building - Moz Blog

31 Link Building Tactics Discovered From Competitive Analysis On the Moz blog there's always been a large discussion around competitive analysis. From how to conduct competitive analysis using Google docs to in depth articles about competitive link analysis using Excel, or even just the fact that Moz has Open Site Explorer, one of the ultimate analysis tools for competitive backlink analysis. The fact of the matter is competitive analysis can be a very worthwhile exercise to help you determine the best strategy for your online efforts. This is especially true with link building. Over the years, I've seen hundreds of thousands of backlinks while analyzing for opportunities (as well as looking for bad links to disavow or prune). Most recently, my analyses have inspired me to write this post, because common opportunities continue to reveal themselves, and they're worth sharing. Contests It's no secret that giveaways, contests, and sweepstakes are great ways to attract links. Related articles EDU link building strategies Scholarship listings Sponsorships

The First 7 Items On Your SEO Audit To-Do List You've just been given one day to do an SEO audit for a site, and you're asking yourself what to do with so little time. Instead of following your instinct to yell at the person who made the request, today's column will outline a practical approach to doing the best job possible in one day. The focus of this rapid audit is to identify issues at a strategic level - either because they are big impact items or may require large development team efforts to address. The major elements are: 1. If Google Webmaster Tools isn't currently set up, then get it put in place. Are there are any messages for the site in the opening screen? 2. Think there is no value in looking at a second Webmaster Tools? Google does a nice job with their tools, but allows you to get the viewpoint from a second search engine, and you will see different things. 3. See how many pages Google has in the index for the site. 4. There are a number of crawling tools you can use to help you with this. 5. 6. 7. Summary

A Beginner’s Guide to Building Links Through Content Marketing Content marketing shouldn’t be done just for links. That said, if you are developing quality content, your content marketing can – and should – include the acquisition of quality links. In the day and age of Google algorithm changes and penalties, the real question isn’t just how to get links for your content, but rather how to get links for your content that won’t get you penalized. In this guide, we’re going to look the best ways to get links to your content, and how to assess the quality of those opportunities before pursuing them. Social Links Most of the links you will get from the top social media networks – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. – will be nofollow or redirect links. (Screenshot taken 01/22/2014 of The following are the best social links you can get for your content: Since the goal of social links is to get exposure, be sure to experiment with the best types of link sharing on each network. Blogger Links Social Bookmarking Links Q&A Links

40+ SEO Tools of the Trade The ongoing SEO responsibility of attaining and retaining a productive organic search engine presence requires patience, tenacity, and a focus on every detail that might have an impact. Moderated by Thom Craver (@thomcraver), Web and Database Specialist, Saunders College (RIT), The Tools of the Trade for SEO panel at SES New York 2012 pulled together more than 40 tools in this whirlwind session. Your Comprehensive List of SEO Tools Michael King (@iPullRank), SEO Manager, Publicis Modem, came up first with his presentation, “Tools for Pulling Rank – Nearly Every Tool You’ll Ever Need – EVER”. Here is a short list of most (certainly not all) of those tools covered: Some of the tools above were proprietary or built upon functionality inherent to the understanding and administration of available resources. Fortunately for conference attendees and Search Engine Watch readers (and writers), King was kind enough to provide his presentation on Slideshare. What About SEO Tools in Asia? T.R.

La limite à ne pas dépasser pour éviter la pénalité Google: le curseur Voila un article que j’aurais du écrire il y a bien longtemps. Je prends le temps aujourd’hui pour la simple et bonne raison que depuis quelques jours cette conception assez personnelle de Google me revient en pleine tête à longueur de journée. Des prospects ne comprenant pas ce qui leur arrive mais aussi les supers articles de Christian et son Multiradars sont les déclencheurs de ce passage à l’acte. L’hypothèse ou le paradigme du curseur chez Google Depuis toujours je vois Google comme un modèle fonctionnant sur le principe du curseur. Le principe du curseur est à appréhender comme une petit barre mouvante dans le temps en fonction d’événements maitrisés ou non. Mouvante car avec Google rien n’est figé. Avec ce type de modélisation vous comprendrez presque tout ce qui arrive à votre page ou votre site sur Google. Le curseur symbolise une limite ou un seuil qui une fois franchit entraine des conséquences (positives ou négatives). Le principe du curseur chez Google La compilation de curseur

E-Commerce SEO: Making Product Pages into Great Content - Whiteboard Friday In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Rand Fishkin explains how to turn boring product pages into conversion-worthy product selling machines. These tips are topical (with the holiday season coming up), useful and in most cases, reletively easy to implement. Howdy, SEOmoz fans. If you have any other advice that you think is worth sharing, feel free to post it in the comments. Le guide de l’évaluateur SEO de Google, version 2013 Les spécialistes SEO possédant une certaine expérience savent qu’il peut être risqué de suivre les conseils de Google. Même si nous apprécions leur désir d’offrir une plus grande transparence, nous savons également que leurs sorties publiques ciblent généralement l’un des deux objectifs suivants : un effort de relations publiques afin de se donner une bonne image, ou encore faire peur aux webmestres, en menaçant de punir ceux utilisant des tactiques ayant pourtant bien fonctionné pendant des années. Un bel exemple d’un geste de relations publiques est survenu en mars dernier, alors que Google a décidé de partager au grand public les critères utilisés par ses employés lors de l’évaluation des sites Internet. Il y a moins de 48 heures, un contact m’a partagé en ligne ce qui semble être le document officiel d’évaluation des sites web, contenant 143 pages, et qui à première vue ne semble pas avoir été modifié. Avant de commencer Page 10 – Point 2.4 : L’importance des résultats d’actualités

SEO with long tail keywords How can a small site with few resources benefit from targeting long tail keywords? And won't such strategies and subsequent tactics get in the way of response? These questions were raised in comments following our investigation into the long tail of keyword research (and why single keywords are for losers) and I thought I’d use the comments to introduce some practical advice on how to target long tail keywords. The long tail works for small sites too Some readers’ comments: "Great insights but it requires lots of work. "Targeting hundreds of thousands of keywords means gaining the knowledge, creating a strategy and developing a system by which to manage them... "How many keywords does a person use when they search for a dentist in their home town? "...I've seen many businesses chase their tail and they look just like my dog." So I thought I’d pretend I’m a dentist in Chicago and have a go at planning a new site for my practice... My first goal is to draft the structure for my new website.

Link building: 3 principes pour renforcer votre référencement naturel La création de liens vers votre site internet, le link building, n’est pas la tâche préférée des référenceurs. C’est une discipline en évolution constante et qui ne peut directement se comparer à d’autres méthodes marketing du web. De nombreux business tentent de la comprendre et la maîtriser, mais peu y arrivent. Le link building vers votre site, c’est un peu comme une cible mouvante. Le link building est toujours plein de surprises. Malgré tout, pour votre référencement naturel, votre objectif est d’obtenir des liens de la meilleure qualité possible. 1. Une des raisons pour lesquelles le contenu marketing est si puissant est que chacun de ces éléments vous permet d’atteindre un de vos objectifs. Vous avez des soucis pour la création de contenus ayant une réelle valeur ajoutée ? Lorsque vous leur annoncerez la diffusion de votre article sur le web, ils auront tendance à faire un lien vers celui-ci. N’oubliez jamais qu’un leader aime les challenges. 2. 3.

The Ultimate SEO Audit | The Daily Anchor An SEO Audit is a status check of the overall health of your SEO program. In order to move the dial in natural search, you need to know what you’re doing right, what needs to be improved and identify anything that may be hurting your rankings. If you’re familiar with SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) that’s the mindframe you should have as you conduct the SEO Audit. What follows is a look at some of the criteria you’ll want to take into consideration. Ok… on with it… Before you start, sign up for a Webmaster Account with each of the major Search Engines, or just Google if you’re the “80/20 rule” kind of SEO. Google Webmaster Tools (free) Bing Webmaster Tools (free) Sign up and authenticate your site. Yahoo Site Explorer (free) Same deal; sign up and authenticate your site. While you’re at it, sign up for an SEOmoz PRO account and create a new campaign. Image credit: CubicCompass 1. b) Check your CSS using the W3C CSS Validator. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
