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Analyse jeunes diplomés 2021. Innovating in a Digital World. Cours Mines Paris Tech juin 2019. Un très grand merci à Vincent Tourneur et Julien Gautier pour la mise en ligne de mes cours en version « diapos et son » sur pimoid (le 2è lien de chaque cours).

Cours Mines Paris Tech juin 2019

Un très grand merci aux shifters pour la transcription écrite de mes cours sur des documents pdf (le 3è lien de chaque cours) Cours en vidéo Cours avec les supports et le son (10 fois moins de données à transférer, solution à privilégier !) Wait But Why. 10 must-read books: Broaden your perspective, leaders. Top 5 Harvard Business Review articles of 2018. Insights for Professionals. 12 Books Recommended By Jeff Bezos – RecommendedBooks – Medium.

Jeffrey Preston Bezos is an American technology and retail entrepreneur, investor, computer scientist, and philanthropist who is best known as the founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of, the world’s largest online shopping retailer. 1.

12 Books Recommended By Jeff Bezos – RecommendedBooks – Medium

The Innovator’s Dilemma When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail by Clayton M. Christensen (2016) 2. Découvrir. 1 ami abonné = 1 mois offert (aux deux)


Vault7 - Home. Today, Tuesday 7 March 2017, WikiLeaks begins its new series of leaks on the U.S.

Vault7 - Home

Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named "Vault 7" by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency. The first full part of the series, "Year Zero", comprises 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virgina. Escalation of Commitment When to Stay the Course. Une professeur de l'INSEAD a trouvé la raison pour laquelle les Français font des présentations plus assommantes que les Américains - Business Insider France. L'art de la persuasion à la française repose sur le raisonnement, non l'application.

Une professeur de l'INSEAD a trouvé la raison pour laquelle les Français font des présentations plus assommantes que les Américains - Business Insider France

The End of Tech Companies. Peter Drucker. Thème : Management Titre : Devenez manager !

Peter Drucker

– Titre original : The Essential Drucker Auteur : Né en Autriche, à Vienne, le 14 avril 1909, Peter Drucker est issu d’une famille d’intellectuels, ce qui lui permet d’être rapidement baigné dans un cocktail de savoirs et d’expériences fortes qui impacteront son devenir. D’abord pour ses études puis pour son travail de journaliste et d’économiste, Peter Drucker s’expatrie en Allemagne, à Londres puis aux Etats-Unis.

Dans une période de forte montée du nazisme, pendant laquelle les prémices de la 2ème Guerre Mondiale se font sentir, il devient alors professeur de sciences politiques et de philosophie au Bennington College (USA). Des livres pour changer de vie - Développement personnel.


Operations Data Platform. Beyond Application Monitoring This post is part of a series about the new Era of Log Analytics.

Operations Data Platform

Be sure to check out the post Application Troubleshooting & Investigation Best Practices if interested in some more advanced tips. Ensuring the performance of rapidly evolving and increasingly complex apps all comes down to getting full visibility of your app (read more about the need for app visibility here). And getting this visibility requires accessing clear data about metrics and events to allow for improved application monitoring, troubleshooting and understanding. Best Of – SaaStr. Persuasive writing. Seth Godin. Startups in 13 Sentences.

February 2009 One of the things I always tell startups is a principle I learned from Paul Buchheit: it's better to make a few people really happy than to make a lot of people semi-happy.

Startups in 13 Sentences

I was saying recently to a reporter that if I could only tell startups 10 things, this would be one of them. Une no.te .sur un vieil ordi. Vous avez aimé la crise financière de 2008, vous allez adorer la prochaine. XEnvoyer cet article par e-mail.

Vous avez aimé la crise financière de 2008, vous allez adorer la prochaine

SXSW 2015 - Humans Are Predictable: Exploit It In Eight Charts. Time to change the pace. Jeremy Rifkin : “Ce qui a permis le succès inouï du capitalisme va se retourner contre lui” Il y a vingt-cinq ans, c'était la star du ring, le « boss », vainqueur du communisme par K-O !

Jeremy Rifkin : “Ce qui a permis le succès inouï du capitalisme va se retourner contre lui”

Aujourd'hui, le capitalisme est un champion usé par la crise, miné par les contradictions et politiquement à bout de souffle. Pour l'économiste américain Jeremy Rifkin, nous assistons, tout simplement, à son éclipse. Dans un livre passionnant – La Nouvelle Société du coût marginal zéro – en librairie le 24 septembre 2014, il raconte le basculement, inévitable, que nous avons déjà commencé à opérer vers un nouveau système de production et de consommation : les « communaux collaboratifs ». Cette troisième voie (au-delà du sempiternel binôme « capitalisme ou socialisme ») est une forme d'organisation sociale fondée sur l'intérêt de la communauté plutôt que sur la seule satisfaction des désirs individuels, et rendue possible par la troisième révolution industrielle, dans laquelle Internet nous a fait entrer.

Qu'est ce qui provoque ce changement de paradigme ? C'est pourtant ce qu'il se passe ? Stratégies pour apprendre à apprendre. Entrepreneurship.


(BL1) L'ajout d'image via drag & drop modifie ma dernière personnalisation. Agile and SEMAT - Perfect Partners. Ivar Jacobson, Ian Spence, and Pan-Wei Ng Today, as always, many different initiatives are under way to improve the ways in which software is developed. Brain Pickings. Video Of The Week: Reid Hoffman and Joi Ito at The Churchill Club. Interesting. It's Becoming Clear That No One Actually Read Facebook's IPO Prospectus Or Mark Zuckerberg's Letter To Shareholders. Play Conference 2012 fireside chat: Robert Scoble and Aaron Levie. Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System. Solutions Classic. Portail. 7 Books That Should Be on Every Entrepreneur's Bookshelf. Posted by Guest Author on July 23, 2012 in Business Start Up Advice [ 5 Comments ] While most of the greatest lessons that you’ll learn as an entrepreneur will probably come from mistakes and challenging experiences, published works such as books, whitepapers, blog posts, and the like still provide a lot of value for business owners.

How to Think Like an Entrepreneur. 100 Must See Interviews With the World's Most Successful Entrepreneurs. At Under30CEO we think big. We recently published a list of our Top 50 Most Motivational People on the web and things got a little nuts. The article created incredible buzz all over the web and most importantly we fired up our audience to go out and make something happen. As young entrepreneurs it’s important that we keep swinging for the fences. Stop pretending it’s all a party: The social contract of working at a startup. By Sarah Lacy On June 25, 2013 Perhaps it’s because I’ve worked my whole career in media and startups. But I’m having a hard time getting super lathered up about Bloomberg’s takedown of what it is like to work at Fab. Don’t hang your jacket on the back of a chair? Don’t use a certain font in emails? Those are friendly suggestions compared to having to walk into the Conde Nast building everyday.

Conde Nast gets away with this, because fashion is core to its brand. Can Building Great Products Help You Build Great Teams? - Deep Nishar. Silicon Valley was built on amazing products, not on stellar leadership skills. Three Things I’ve Learned From Warren Buffett. Gaz de schiste, fracturation hydraulique : pourquoi tant de craintes ? Aux États-Unis, près de 20.000 puits d'exploitation du gaz de schiste devraient voir le jour chaque année jusqu'en 2035 (selon un article paru en juillet 2012 dans Environmental Health). Cependant, jusqu'à 10 puits pourraient être creusés par plateforme afin de réduire l'impact sur le territoire. © Justin Woolford, Flickr, cc ny nc sa 2.0 Gaz de schiste, fracturation hydraulique : pourquoi tant de craintes ? Complete List - The 25 Most Influential Business Management Books. Lessons learned? The Psychology of Entrepreneurial Misjudgment, part 1: Biases 1-6.

Mar 24, 2008 Charlie Munger is an 80-something billionaire who cofounded top-tier law firm Munger, Tolles & Olson and is Warren Buffett's long-time partner and Vice-Chairman at Berkshire Hathaway, one of the most successful companies of all time. Some people, including me, consider Mr. Munger to be an even more interesting thinker and writer than Mr.

Buffett, and recently a group of Mr. Munger's friends assembled a compilation book of his most interesting thoughts and speeches called Poor Charlie's Almanack, inspired by Ben Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack.

Peter thiel course

From Seinfeld to Sushi: How to Master Your Domain. The weekly Boidinarian. The weekly bi-Romanarian/Cohenarian. The weekly bi-Boussionarian/Alaryanian. Pourquoi tant d'enseignants utilisent Pearltrees? Depuis que j’édite ce blog, je reçois régulièrement des notifications m’indiquant que des articles sont ajoutés à tel ou tel compte Pearltrees. Je parcours souvent ces comptes et force est de constater que de nombreux enseignants utilisent cet outil ! Mais d’où vient donc un tel intérêt pour ce service de « social bookmarking »? Aujourd’hui, je me suis inscrit… A la base, cette plateforme est un système de « marque page social ».

The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains. Adobe: Web standards match 80 percent of Flash features. SAN FRANCISCO--Adobe Systems, retooling as fast as it can for a future of Web publishing and Web apps, sees the technology as mostly caught up to the Flash technology that Adobe previously preferred. "I think it's close to 80 percent," Arno Gourdol, Adobe's senior director of Web platform and authoring, said in an interview during the Google I/O show here. Gourdol, who leads Adobe work to embrace Web standards, has a lot on the line as the company tries to make a difficult transition away from the widely used but fading Flash. He's eager to convince skeptics that the company is serious about it: "We're not just looking at parity with Flash. We're trying to go beyond what you can do with Flash. " The company for years advocated its Flash Player plug-in as a way to deliver games, video, and slick, magazine-style layouts to Web browsers.

Top 10 Worst Business Decisions Ever. Over the centuries, there have been some crackers when it comes to bad business decisions. Craig Donaldson lists 10 of the classic additions to the hall of bad business decisions fame. Napoleon wasn’t a gifted realtor In 1803, Bonaparte acquired the Louisiana territory – roughly half of the land that became the US – after France made a treaty with Spain. Just 20 days later, just as the US was about to offer US$10 million alone for New Orleans, Bonaparte gave the whole shebang up for US$15 million, or about 7 cents per hectare . It's the 21st century – why are we working so much?

If there's one thing practically all futurologists once agreed on, it's that in the 21st century there would be a lot less work. What would they have thought, if they had known that in 2012, the 9-5 working day had in the UK become something more like 7am to 7pm? They would surely have looked around and seen technology take over in many professions which previously needed heavy manpower, they would have looked at the increase in automation and mass production, and wondered – why are they spending 12 hours a day on menial tasks? Robert Scoble - Google+ - Why Silicon Valley is better than the rest of the places… Ios - NSURLConnection timing out.

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iOS application stuck for minutes before becoming active. Issue #320: Issue where all requests timeout until the app is restarted · pokeb/asi-http-request.

Effectivement ils ont l'air surs d'eux ! GO pour enlever le test flight SDK ! – alain

Robert Anisko. Hackers and Painters. May 2003 (This essay is derived from a guest lecture at Harvard, which incorporated an earlier talk at Northeastern.) The ultimate guide to the Facebook Edgerank algorithm. Mal de dos 10 exercices faciles. Le mal de dos, quand il est d'origine mécanique, se soigne avec des exercices de musculation et d'étirements actifs de la colonne vertébrale et des auto-massages profonds sur les muscles dorso-lombaires à faire au moins 3 fois par semaine, idéalement tous les jours. Le mal de dos d'origine inflammatoire est moins répandu (1 patient sur 20).

Comment développer un leadership éthique et responsable? Il y a une dizaine de jours à Bordeaux, dans le cadre de la première rencontre hommes-entreprise organisée par le CECA* (Centre Entreprise et Communication Avancée), j’ai eu la chance d’assister à une conférence passionnante d‘Emmanuel Toniutti, docteur en théologie et philosophie, spécialiste de l’accompagnement du changement.

(1) Rethinking Information Diversity in Networks.