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The Penny Hoarder

The Penny Hoarder

100 Amazing How-To Sites to Teach Yourself Anything Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. There are loads of free resources on the Web that can help you find instructional videos, tutorials and classes to learn a wide variety of skills from fixing basic car problems to speaking another language. With 100 sites to choose from, you’re bound to find something here that will help you learn just about anything you could want. General Tutorials These sites offer a wide range of tutorials and videos. Around the House Want to know how to fix that broken cabinet or hang up some great wallpaper? Business and Management If you feel like you’re seriously lacking on business and management skills at work, no need to worry. KnowThis? Language and Writing Those who want to learn a new language, improve their writing skills or just learn more about literature will be well-served by these instructional sites. Technology These tech-focused sites offer help to both technophiles and beginners alike. Math S.O.S.

4 Steps to Help You Make Difficult Decisions Quickly This story first appeared on The Muse, a Web destination with exciting job opportunities and expert career advice. Most people hate making decisions. Why is that? They overcomplicate it. Fear of picking the wrong option leads to a period of limbo where nothing gets done and the issue seems to grow bigger and bigger. That kind of procrastination hell is something I’ve gotten to know intimately through my work as a decision coach. Here are four things I’ve learned that will help you make any tough choice better and faster (and without those knots in your stomach). 1. Decider, know thyself. So, when you find yourself stuck between possibilities, think about what you really want. If your answer is that your current work appeals to you, but the salary of the new field sounds awesome—your answer isn’t necessarily to choose between the two, but to ask your manager for a raise. 2. So, if you’re feeling pressured into making the decision that looks good, step back and examine your reasoning. 3. 4.

Make Money As a Used Book Hunter We have all heard the stories about the amazing rare book or piece of art that somebody found at a garage sale for .25 cents and resold for $1,000′s of dollars. But those stories are exactly that, rare. What most people don’t know is that the Patricia Cornwell novel you saw in the .10 cent bin also has value and can be resold to online used book companies. Most people use book buyers to sell back unwanted college textbooks, but there are a growing number of people who are hunting for used books at garage sales, estates sales, and library sales and then reselling the books to these online retailers. Here’s how it works: First, de-clutter your own house with unwanted books to get the feel of how this works. Once you get started on one of the websites you’ll notice that they ask you to enter in a the 10-digit ISBN number. Now for the hunting… Just think of the earnings potential. Good luck Penny Hoarders!

Create A Plot Outline In 8 Easy Steps By Glen C. Strathy How would you like to create a plot outline for your novel in less than an hour that is emotionally compelling and dramatically sound? It's easier than you think. The secret is to incorporate the 8 Basic Plot Elements. Sound intriguing? I'll describe each of the eight elements in turn. On the other hand, if you already have a draft for a novel, that you're looking to revise, then ask yourself, as we go through these elements, whether you have included them in your story. 1. 15K+Save The first element to include in your plot outline is the Story Goal, which we covered in detail in the previous article, The Key to a Solid Plot: Choosing a Story Goal. For instance, let's say we want to write a story about a 38-year-old female executive who has always put off having a family for the sake of her career and now finds herself lonely and regretting her choices. There are many ways we could involve other characters in this goal. ... a mother who wants her to be happier. 2. 3.

15 Secret Hiding Places That Will Fool Even the Smartest Burglar Keeping your stuff safe from potential burglars is important. Whether you have a security system installed in your home or not, there is nothing wrong with a bit of extra protection. Instead of heading out and buying the most expensive safe on the market, you can actually hide your things strategically around the house and burglars will never find them. If you have jewelry, cash or any other valuable that you want to keep extra safe, there are many DIY ways to hide those things from burglars. Incidentally, you can use some of these ideas to hide Christmas gifts from the kids as well. Some of the ideas are products that you can purchase from most hardware stores or Wal-Mart. Stash Cash in the Door? You can actually create a great hiding place for cash in the top of any interior door. Make Your Own Hide-A-Key You can buy those little hollowed out rocks for hiding your spare key but you don’t necessarily have to spend money to keep that key secure. Oversized Art Storage Hidden Jewelry Box

How to Get Royalty Checks Every Month Do you remember that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry is revealed to be famous in Japan and he continues to get royalty checks from his appearance in the “Super Terrific Happy Hour?” The checks are later revealed to only be a whopping twelve cents due to the exchange rate. In many intellectual industries, a royalty is paid to both the artist and the publisher of the work. If you’re an artist, you should check with which was established by the Library of Congress to help track down artists with unclaimed royalties. How to Get Someone Else’s Royalty Check If you’re not an artist, it’s still possible to get royalty checks by buying someone else’s share to a song in what’s called a writer’s auction. There are even a couple of websites like and that help facilitate these auctions. For example, one of the auctions currently up for sale is the Theme Song for the Monkees! Good Luck Penny Hoarders!

120 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power Here are 120 things you can do starting today to help you think faster, improve memory, comprehend information better and unleash your brain’s full potential. Solve puzzles and brainteasers.Cultivate ambidexterity. Use your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, comb your hair or use the mouse. Readers’ Contributions Dance! Contribute your own tip! There are many, many ways to keep our brains sharp. 38 Ways To Win An Argument—Arthur Schopenhauer - The India Uncut Blog - India Uncut For all of you who have ever been involved in an online debate in any way, Arthur Schopenhauer’s “38 Ways To Win An Argument” is indispensable. Most of these techniques will seem familiar to you, right from questioning the motive of a person making the argument instead of the argument itself (No. 35), exaggerating the propositions stated by the other person (No. 1) , misrepresenting the other person’s words (No. 2) and attacking a straw man instead (No. 3). It’s a full handbook of intellectual dishonesty there. Indeed, I generally avoid online debates because they inevitably degenerate to No. 38. The full text is below the fold. 38 Ways To Win An Argumentby Arthur Schopenhauer 1 Carry your opponent’s proposition beyond its natural limits; exaggerate it. Phew.
