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Body Language and Flirting - Blifaloo

Body Language and Flirting - Blifaloo
Interesting Info -> Body Language -> Flirting Body Language (part 1) Quick Jump: General Signs of Flirting | Male Flirting | Female Flirting Also See: Body Language Resources | Decoding Male Body Language Updated March 21st - 2012. New resources, information, books and links added. Only 7% of communication is verbal communication. (see note) 38% of it depends on our intonation, or the sound of our voice. The largest chunk of communication is body language, which takes up the remaining 55%. The impression we make on others starts not when we first open our mouth, but with our posture, breathing, appearance, and movement. Art and Science of Flirting and Body Language The art of flirting is expressed with gestures and subtle actions - also known as body language. This artful dance makes it possible for strangers to become comfortable with each other, even at their first exchange of words. Eye Contact and Triangulation Body language reflects our emotional interest in various ways. Bored?

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The Difference Between Emotions and Feelings Emotions and feelings are often spoken of as being one and the same, and it’s easy to get them mixed up and confused. Although related, there is a difference between emotions and feelings, and they both serve us in their own unique way. So, why should you be concerned with the difference between emotions and feelings anyway? Because the way you behave in this world, is the end result of your feelings and emotions. Learning the difference can provide you with a better understanding of not only yourself, but of the people around you. What are Emotions?

How to Detect Lies - body language, reactions, speech patterns Interesting Info -> Lying Index -> How to Detect Lies Become a Human Lie Detector (Part 1) Warning: sometimes ignorance is bliss. What is your body language saying? Narrowing the red margins of your lips is a clear sign of anger, while massaging your forehead can signal uneasiness. Brushing hair off your face is a combination of nerves and flirtationIf you nod in clusters of three, the speaker will sense your interestStuffing your hands in your pockets means you're probably hiding somethingIn a seated conversation, lifting your toes means your feelings are extra-positive ( -- Every last gesture -- whether it's a tilt of the head or plain fidgeting -- tells a story. Do you look down when you speak? Play with your hair? Lean to one side?

Eye Movement and Lying - How to detect lies Interesting Info -> Lying Index -> Eye Direction & Visual Accessing Cues Eye Movement and Direction & How it Can Reveal Truth or Lies This is a continuation of our previous article Detecting Lies. Many comments by our visitors asked about how eye direction can indicate the presence of a lie. 25 Acts of Body Language to Avoid Our body language exhibits far more information about how we feel than it is possible to articulate verbally. All of the physical gestures we make are subconsciously interpreted by others. This can work for or against us depending on the kind of body language we use. Some gestures project a very positive message, while others do nothing but set a negative tone. Most people are totally oblivious to their own body language, so the discipline of controlling these gestures can be quite challenging.

How To Tell If Somebody Loves You Somebody loves you if they pick an eyelash off of your face or wet a napkin and apply it to your dirty skin. You didn’t ask for these things, but this person went ahead and did it anyway. They don’t want to see you looking like a fool with eyelashes and crumbs on your face. They notice these things. They really look at you and are the first to notice if something is amiss with your beautiful visage!

Color Psychology by David Johnson Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? 25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online - Virtual Education Websites Just because you’re online doesn’t mean that you can’t experience the world first-hand — or as close to first-hand as possible. Here are websites that feature virtual learning experiences, exposing online visitors to everything from history to geography, astronomy to anatomy, literature to government. 7 Wonders Panoramas – 360-degree views of the Seven Wonders of the World. Arounder Virtual Tour of the Moon – 360-degree panoramic views of the moon, courtesy of the Apollo 11, 12 and 17 missions. (Many other Earth locations also available on

Micro Expressions - Research, Theory & Lying Interesting Info -> Lying Index & Body Language -> Micro Expressions Is the show "Lie to Me" for real? I am not a police interrogator, scientist, or other expert... I am however a mother & people watcher. Years ago, when I wrote articles on How to Detect Lies & Eye Movement and Lying -- I knew of the Micro expression theory, but had a difficult time researching the subject well enough to relay it into an article. How to Read Body Language Key Points Look for emotional cues, such as crying, anger, or embarrassment. More ↓Look for physical cues to determine the status of a relationship. ↓Learn how to read eyes and body language for attraction cues. ↓Study a person's eyes, facial expressions, and body language to read specific cues, such as power

Guide to flirting Why do we flirt? Flirting is much more than just a bit of fun: it is a universal and essential aspect of human interaction. Anthropological research shows that flirting is to be found, in some form, in all cultures and societies around the world. Flirting is a basic instinct, part of human nature.

What Does Your Body Language Say About You? How To Read Signs and Recognize Gestures - Jinxi Boo - Jinxi Boo Art by LaetitziaAs we all know, communication is essential in society. Advancements in technology have transformed the way that we correspond with others in the modern world. Because of the constant buzz in our technological world, it's easy to forget how important communicating face-to-face is. When conversing old-school style, it's not only speech we verbalize that matters, but what our nonverbal gestures articulate as well. Body language is truly a language of its own. We all have quirks and habits that are uniquely our own.

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