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Hemp: Uses and Cures... Ghee and Herbal Extract Recipes Included!

Hemp: Uses and Cures... Ghee and Herbal Extract Recipes Included!
By Yolanda Bertaud Guest Writer for Wake Up World Hemp, Cannabis sativa, is one of the world’s oldest sources of food and medicine, with a history that dates back at least ten thousand years. It relieves glaucoma, epilepsy, migraines, insomnia, asthma, the nausea associated with AIDS and chemotherapy, and a host of other conditions. It was once a staple in every American medicine cabinet, but because hemp is the plant from which marijuana is derived, it has been made unavailable to consumers until recently. Now products made from imported hemp-seed are sold by stores and mail-order companies across the United States to satisfy a growing demand. Why Hemp? Let’s start out with the irrefutable qualities of hemp, and how resourceful and versatile this God-given plant is. A recommended read on the subject is “Hemp for Health: The Medicinal and Nutritional Uses of Cannabis Sativa“. There are Differences Between Cannabis and Hemp… The two are related through the same genus of plant. Description:

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