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Granny Woman Ozark Herbs

Granny Woman Ozark Herbs
Related:  Edible Garden - Flowers and Herbs

Herbothèque – Calendrier des activités À la suite de l’appréciation de l’atelier par les participantes des dernières années, nous offrons de nouveau cet atelier cette année. Atelier de guérison et de croissance personnelle, en pleine nature, pour accueillir et laisser vivre la femme de pouvoir, guérisseuse, amoureuse, forte, sage, qui est en chacune de nous. Avez-vous déjà ressenti l’appel à vivre de cette femme en vous? Durant quatre jours, nous allons contacter l’amour et la force de la déesse, de la guérisseuse. Au menu : rituels chamaniques, rites de passage, hutte de sudation, réflexion, partage, silence, art, danse, chant, musique, plantes de la femme et plantes de pouvoir, marche en nature et contact avec la terre dans le respect du rythme, de la douceur et de l’accueil. Nous demandons aux participantes de faire du camping sur le site, car des activités auront lieu tant le jour que le soir ou au lever du soleil.

Les pieds dans l’eau utre plante qui vit les pieds dans l’eau, mais plus discrète : l’ache-faux-cresson (apium nodiflorum). Elle doit son nom à deux points communs qu’elle a avec le cresson (nasturtium officinale). Le premier, c’est la forme de ses feuilles. Sans être 100% identiques, il y a tout de même une forte similitude. Le second, c’est le milieu dans lequel elle pousse : les eaux peu profondes. Il m’est d’ailleurs plusieurs fois arrivé de les voir côte à côte. Pourtant, cette proche cousine du céleri (apium graveolens) n’a rien à voir avec le cresson. Ache faux cresson (apium nodiflorum) avec une ombelle très caractéristique.Photo prise en juin dernier Car l’ache-faux-cresson est une ombellifère (apiacée). Comme avec le cresson, il vaut mieux éviter de la consommer crue afin d’éviter une contamination à la douve du foie, pouvant provoquer des troubles très graves. Soupe des bords du ruisseau Ingrédients (pour 4) : Préparation :

Stigmergic systems - summary of theory This section of the site covers the theory and background behind the application of stigmergy and other biological strategies to information technology Biological systems have evolved ingenious solutions to the same kind of problems encountered in information technology. Understanding how nature solves these problems allows us to use these solutions ourselves, to create highly efficient Web sites that cost little to develop and maintain. Stigmergy as a strategy Stigmergy is not like a product, a service or an application. We can use this same clever strategy on the Web, to get people to collaborate in the exchange and sharing of information. What are stigmergic systems? Stigmergic systems combine information technology with stigmergy and other ingenious computing structures found in nature - to create self-organizing Web sites and low cost knowledge management systems. Reproduction as a strategy Nature has learned how to create organisms that grow and self-organize without planning.

The Lazy Lady’s Guide to DIY: Hanging Herb Garden At some point near the middle of March, I always decide that I’m “done” with winter. The sweaters and jackets get pushed to the back of the closet, the flip flops come out, and I inevitably freeze my butt off for several weeks until the weather catches up with my warm-weather state of mind. Likewise, my cravings for fresh herbs and veggies are always a little ahead of the season. Growing your own herbs is a great way to save money and avoid buying too much at a time and letting most of it go to waste. What you’ll need: Tin containers with snap-on plastic lids (tea, cocoa, and coffee cans are a good bet), coat hangers, pliers, scissors, herbs (I bought basil, rosemary, dill, and cilantro for about $2.50 each), masking tape, coffee filters, a nail, a hammer, X-acto knife, scrap fabric or paper, and glue or spray adhesive. After you’ve emptied and cleaned your cans, remove the bottom of the can with a can opener. Slide the bottom inside the can, holding it up from inside. Happy growing!

Hildegarde de BINGEN (1098-1179) «Abbesse, guérisseuse, compositeur, écrivain et sainte…» Hildegarde de Bingen est née le 16 septembre 1098 à Bermersheim vor der Höhe près de Alzey (Hesse rhénane), dans une famille aristocrate rhénane. Son pére, Hildebert von Bermersheim, faisait partie de la haute noblesse. Sa mère s'appelait Mechtild. Hildegarde, religieuse Elle entre au couvent des Bénédictines de Disibodenberg à l’âge de huit ans, parce que son père a promis de donner son dixième enfant à l’Église, d'abord pour son instruction puis pour y prendre le voile dès l'âge de quatorze ans (1er novembre 1112) sous la tutelle de la Mère supérieure Jutta De Sponheim, elle y restera pendant les quatre-vingts autres années de sa vie. Abbesse Quand Jutta décède en 1136, à 38 ans, Hildegarde devient Abbesse (Mère supérieure) du couvent de Disibodenberg. Vers 1147, elle fonde son propre couvent indépendant du monastère des hommes à Rupertsberg. Visions "" lui écrivit le Maître Odo de Paris en 1148. Hildegarde, musicienne

13 Medicinal Plants Worth Planting Aloe Vera The aloe vera grows only under the sun with well drained dry or moist soil. Although the plant tastes like turd, it’s still edible. woundscutsburnseczemareducing inflammation Apart from its external use on the skin, aloe vera is also taken internally in the treatment of : ulcerative colitis (drinking aloe vera juice)chronic constipationpoor appetitedigestive problemsMarsh Mallow The plant of which marshmallows are made of. inflammations and irritations of the urinary and respiratory mucus membranescounter excess stomach acidpeptic ulcerationgastritis Externally, the root is applied to : bruisessprainsaching musclesinsect bitesskin inflammationssplinters The leaves are very edible, unlike the aloe vera. Great Burdock It requires moist soil and can grow shadeless. boilsrashesburnsbruisesherpeseczemaacneimpetigoringwormbites The leaves and seeds can be crushed to poultice it to bruises, burns, ulcers and sores. Pot Marigold It grows in almost any type of soil condition. Gotu Kola Echinacea

11 Language Arts Resources to Try in 2011 To help you start off 2011 with some good resources to try in your classrooms, each day this week I'm posting a list of eleven good resources to try. Monday's list featured mathematics resources, yesterday's list featured science resources, and today's list features language arts resources. In creating this list I branched out a bit to include ESL/ ELL resources. Wordia is a free visual, video dictionary. Wordia features a selection of user-submitted and professionally created videos explaining the meaning of a word. The videos focus on the everyday use of words while the text accompanying each video provides the dictionary definition of the word. Visuwords uses a web design to show users the definitions of words and the connections between words. For someone learning the English language, particularly the American version of English, idioms can be difficult to understand. Mind mapping or creating webs can help students develop a story outline.

The entrepreneur behind Mario Batali's edible herb wall - Apr. 12, 2010 Jim Mumford's edible walls bring herb gardens to unexpected spaces.By Eilene Zimmerman, contributing writerApril 12, 2010: 9:59 AM ET SAN DIEGO ( -- Mario Batali decided last year to install a garden between his adjoining West Hollywood restaurants, Osteria Mozza and Pizzeria Mozza. But a plain old backyard patch wouldn't do. Batali wanted something more visually striking, something more ... vertical? So he turned to Jim Mumford, the owner of Good Earth Plant and Flower Company in San Diego. Mumford, 52, had built a reputation as a nontraditional gardener. When customers saw Mumford's urban oasis, they started asking him about rooftop vegetable gardens. "You would need to either harness yourself or build a 42-inch wall around the edge so you don't fall off while working there," he says. But building gardens on a wall -- now that was something Mumford could do. And the timing was ripe, says Caron Golden, the culinary blogger behind San Diego Foodstuff. Share thisShare this

I've only used it externally. I'm glad to hear it does that for you. So many people report that it's too mild. by dcoda Jan 31

That wild lettuce sap puts me to sleep! by pauljacobson Jan 31

Thanks for the suggestion, I've used them for that successfully, along with wild lettuce milky sap by dcoda Jan 30

Go for the succulents! They cure skin cancers. by pauljacobson Jan 28
