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4 Tablespoons a Day And The Cancer is Gone: The Famous Russian Scientist Reveals the Most Powerful Homemade Remedy - Naturally Cures. According to a great number of people, the famous Russian scientist Hristo Mermerski has invented a groundbreaking homemade recipe which can help cancer patients cure themselves.

4 Tablespoons a Day And The Cancer is Gone: The Famous Russian Scientist Reveals the Most Powerful Homemade Remedy - Naturally Cures

Professor Mermerski has said at his lectures that this recipe is nourishment for the whole body, and in that type of nourished body cancer will simply withdraw. The revolutionary homemade recipe strengthens and cures the heart, cleanses the blood vessels, improves the immune system, detoxes the liver and kidney, can enhance your memory, prevent a heart attack and last, but not least, it’s the absolute best cure for all sorts of cancer. The Homemade Recipe Ingredients: 12 fresh garlic cloves15 fresh lemons14 oz. fresh walnuts14 oz. sprouted grains ( green wheat)35 oz. natural honey Preparing the sprouted grains Take a glass bowl and put the green wheat in it. Preparing the remedy: For this you’ll need a grinder. How To Get Rid of Bunions With This Simple and Powerful Remedy. Bunions are actually salt deposits.

How To Get Rid of Bunions With This Simple and Powerful Remedy

Their formation is triggered by influenza, tonsillitis, gout, poor metabolism, improper nutrition, rheumatic infection and wearing uncomfortable shoes. Bunions are a real “nightmare” – it is hard to find a fitting footwear, they are irritating, and give a quite unattractive appearance of the foot. Recipe: In the evening, pour 300ml of water over a tablespoon of crushed bay leaf. Cook for 5 minutes. Strain in the morning and take small sips during the day. Repeat the procedure for three days in a row, and prepare a fresh drink every night. Do not be surprised of the frequent urination. You should notice some results within 10 days. You will feel relieved and the joint pain will eventually disappear. This treatment should last for about 2 months, and the bunions shall completely disappear. Take 5 large bay leaves, crush them finely and pour over 100 ml of 96% alcohol.

Order discount packages. 12 Foods & Plants That Cleanse Your Lungs And Heal Respiratory Infections. Amazing Herb Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours, Shows Multiple Scientific Studies. Taking in consideration that it is one of the deadliest diseases, scientists constantly try to find a cure and finally put and end to cancer.

Amazing Herb Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours, Shows Multiple Scientific Studies

This magical herb is one of those cures that goes unspoken of in the medical community, and it can kill up to 98% of cancer cells in just 16 hours. Namely, according to a series of studies published in “Life Science”, artemisinin, a “Sweet wormwood” or “Artemisia Annua” derivative, was used in Chinese medicine and it can kill 98% of lung cancer cells in less than 16 hours. The herb used by itself reduces lung cancer cells up to 28%, but in combination with iron, “Artemisia Annua” successfully and completely “erases” cancer, and in the experiment this herb had no impact on healthy lung cells. Artemisinin in past was used as a powerful antimalarial remedy, but now it is proven that this cure is also effective in the fight against cancer. Iron deposits in cancer cells with special receptors which help in cell division. Dr. Source: Healthy Food House. How Eggshells Can Naturally Heal Your Cavities and More. Do you want to jumpstart your weight loss in just 21 days?

How Eggshells Can Naturally Heal Your Cavities and More

Three Weeks to Vitality: The Ultimate Cleanse is a 21-day whole foods-based holistic detox program. This program is designed to help people lose weight and break sugar cravings. Click HERE to get started today! The shell of an egg is such a common product that is readily discarded as useless. We don’t view it as anything beneficial to our household. Eggshells contain the perfect amount of the ideal substances for healing cavities – massive amounts of calcium and 27 other minerals.

Eggshells have unique beneficial medicinal properties Bone tissue is composed of calcium. Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life. If You're Going To Eat A Fatty Meal, Here's How To Be Smart About It. One of the most exciting scientific observations in decades is that eating the right food, with a focus on fruits and vegetables, can have a positive impact on the genetic activity of our cells.

If You're Going To Eat A Fatty Meal, Here's How To Be Smart About It

Eating a healthy diet can not only prevent disease, but it can heal chronic illness. Despite this progress in epigenetics, I've found that if you start singing the praises of a vegan diet, you should prepare yourself for some pretty passionate backlash. (Think: John Belushi in the cafeteria fight in Animal House.) Diet is not only a matter of nutrition science and clinical research, but it's also deeply rooted in upbringing, culture, family, and convenience. That's why, even though I strongly believe that a low-fat, plant-based diet is the best approach for personal (and planetary) health, and even though high fat meals have been shown to result in a rapid decline in the function of arteries, I realize that many people are going to continue to eat high-fat meals rich in animal products. 1. 2. 3.

Pushing 80 and given two weeks to live, dying patient cures himself using cannabis. Share by Paul Fassa – Natural News Stan and Barb Rutner had already had bouts with cancer earlier in their lives.

Pushing 80 and given two weeks to live, dying patient cures himself using cannabis

Barb overcame breast cancer with orthodox treatments and her version of visualization twice. And Stan managed to get through non-Hodgkin lymphoma after six months of treatment. Red Dates: The Healthiest Fruit on EarthThe World of Chinese. Wednesday, March 14, 2012 | By: Juling He (何菊玲) Thank you for visiting The World of Chinese!

Red Dates: The Healthiest Fruit on EarthThe World of Chinese

Besides this solitary blog on red dates, we have hundreds of other blogs covering many facets of China including Chinese culture, Mandarin, Chinese cuisine, travel destinations, and living in China. We also print a bi-monthly magazine with a different theme every issue that you can purchase on our online store. Just as Brazil’s mysterious acai berries once were to Western health fanatics (remember when they could cure cancer?) , so are jujubes to China. Nutritional and Health Benefits Though red dates are actually classified as drupes (a category of pitted fruit that also includes mangoes, olives and coffee), in Chinese they’ve been labeled as “the king of nuts” (百果之王 bǎi guǒ zhī wáng) for their rich nutritional value.

Here are our recommendations on dried red dates that you can buy on Amazon: