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8 Vegetables That You Can Regrow Again And Again.

8 Vegetables That You Can Regrow Again And Again.
Scallions You can regrow scallions by leaving an inch attached to the roots and place them in a small glass with a little water in a well-lit room. Garlic When garlic begins to sprout, you can put them in a glass with a little water and grow garlic sprouts. The sprouts have a mild flavor than garlic and can be added to salads, pasta and other dishes. Bok Choy Bok choy can be regrown by placing the root end in water in a well-lit area. Carrots Put carrot tops in a dish with a little water. Basil Put clippings from basil with 3 to 4-inch stems in a glass of water and place it in direct sunlight. Celery Cut off the base of the celery and place it in a saucer or shallow bowl of warm water in the sun. Romaine Lettuce Put romaine lettuce stumps in a 1/2 inch of water. Cilantro

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The Best ENERGY Drink of Your Life Article shared with permission from Author Jenna Barrington. I had the urge to write about this daily habit that takes 10 minutes or less, but can have an incredible influence on you and your family’s health! Right now in our world there are a lot of people who would love to feel better about their bodies. Studies show that a good portion of both men and women are unsatisfied with themselves or struggle with self-confidence. This is no secret, and it is apparent that as a society we are searching for better answers than painful dieting and hours in the gym. Self-Seeding Crops You’ll Never Need to Replant One of the characteristics of a truly sustainable garden is that it produces at least some of its own seed. This is most often done when gardeners select, harvest and store seeds until the proper time for planting the following year. But some self-seeding crops produce seeds so readily that as long as you give them time to flower and mature, and set seed, you will always have free plants growing in your garden. You can simply let the seeds fall where they are, or toss pieces of the seed heads into the corners of your garden, or whichever area you want them in — no harvesting, storing or replanting required.

www.purewow Peanut allergies, crippling fears of germs, abominable political views--houseguests can be full of surprises. Put your best self--and home--forward with these 30 preparedness to-dos. 1. 25-killer-websites-that-make-you-cleverer-2 It’s easy to forget that we have access to a virtually limitless resource of information, i.e. the Internet. For a lot of us, this is even true at our fingertips, thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones and an ever-increasing push for online greatness by tech engineers all over the world. As a result, there are countless websites out there that are geared to make you smarter and more brilliant for either a low or no cost. Here are just 25 killer websites that may just make you more clever than ever before. 1. Cauliflower, Apple & Sweet Potato Close Buying sustainably sourced fish means buying fish that has been caught without endangering the levels of fish stocks and with the protection of the environment in mind. Wild fish caught in areas where stocks are plentiful are sustainably sourced, as are farmed fish that are reared on farms proven to cause no harm to surrounding seas and shores. When buying either wild or farmed fish, ask whether it is sustainably sourced. If you're unable to obtain this information, don't be afraid to shop elsewhere – only by shopping sustainably can we be sure that the fantastic selection of fish we enjoy today will be around for future generations.

How-To Grow 100+ Plants in a 3×2 Space For Less Than $20 If you’ve been following me on Instagram, I’ve posted a couple sneak peek pics of this garden bag idea as it was growing over time and you gals & guys seemed to love it, so I wanted to put together this DIY post with sequencing and time-lapse pics so you can see exactly what I did, and the growth of the veggies in real-time each week through the pictures. This garden “grow bag” idea is great if you’re limited on outside space for a garden… a balcony, porch, concrete patio… whatever your living space may be, you’ll be able to grow your own food in abundance, for the mere size of a bag of soil, and the total cost of some take out food. Cool stuff, right? And overall, look at it as being a wise investor… an investor into your health, as well as into your bank account. The total cost of doing this DIY garden bag will pay itself back many times over time as “food profits”, ultimately saving money on your weekly/monthly grocery bill. My kind of investment.
