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Face Detection Homepage: Facial recognition and finding SmartAnthill: An open IoT system — SmartAnthill 0.0.0 documentation UniPi Heating and cooling - UniPi Do you want to use energy efficiently? Reduce the energy consumption? Increase your comfort? You don’t need to worry about coming home after vacation anymore. Advantages of automatic heat controlling Heat exactly as much as you need, precisely when you need. No more overheating. And the best part is you don’t need whole new equipment. Jacob Salmela – #!/bin/bash OpenHAB и Arduino. Умный дом. Открытый проект, простой электронный конструктор соединит Arduino и OpenHAB для лёгкой работы и увлекательных экспериментов по автоматизации квартиры и дома, серьёзных вещей на работе. Объединяя приборы в единую сеть, он даст вам контроль из любой точки пространства через компьютер, планшет и коммуникатор. В центре проекта контроллер Arduino оснащённый специальным модулем, он обеспечит:Expand text…измерение давления; температуры и влажности;четыре охранно-пожарных шлейфа для контроля состояния окон и дверей, датчиков движения, защиты от пожара и протечек;контроль доступа с использованием ключей IButton и RFID;контроль контактов и управление исполнительными механизмами через восемь дискретных входов/выходов;контроль нескольких выносных датчиков температуры через интерфейс 1-Wire. Контроллер стыкуется с мини компьютером через USB или RS485 интерфейс, а прямое соединение с планшетом или коммуникатором осуществляется через Bluetooth BLE трансивер или модуль WiFi.

Foscam Recording during Away Mode Only using Pan/Tilt/Zoom Control and Motion Detection - Home Assistant This requires a Foscam IP Camera camera with PTZ (Pan, Tilt, Zoom) and CGI functionality (Source) Foscam Cameras can be controlled by Home Assistant through a number of CGI commands. The following outlines examples of the switch, services, and scripts required to move between 2 preset destinations while controlling motion detection, but many other options of movement are provided in the Foscam CGI User Guide linked above. The switch.foscam_motion will control whether the motion detection is on or off. switch: platform: command_line switches: foscam_motion: oncmd: 'curl -k " The service shell_command.foscam_turn_off sets the camera to point down and away to indicate it is not recording, and shell_command.foscam_turn_on sets the camera to point where I’d like to record. h of these services require preset points to be added to your camera. shell_command: foscam_turn_off: 'curl -k "

Meltwater's Raspberry Pi Hardware | Raspberry Pi Educational Hardware Kits Бесконтактные устройства | Wiren Board, NFC, разработка Owntracks - Home Assistant This platform allows you to detect presence using Owntracks. OwnTracks allows users to track their location on Android and iOS phones and publish it to an MQTT broker. This platform will connect to the broker and monitor for new locations. This component requires the MQTT component to be set up and works very well together with the zone component. To integrate Owntracks in Home Assistant, add the following section to your configuration.yaml file: device_tracker: platform: owntracks max_gps_accuracy: 200 Configuration variables: max_gps_accuracy (Optional): Sometimes Owntracks can report GPS location with a very low accuracy (few kilometers). Using Owntracks with other device trackers Owntracks can also be used with other device trackers, such as Nmap or Netgear. Using Owntracks regions Owntracks can track regions, and send region entry and exit information to Home Assistant(HA). Home Assistant will use the enter and leave messages to set your zone location.
