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Face Detection Homepage: Facial recognition and finding SmartAnthill: An open IoT system — SmartAnthill 0.0.0 documentation Jacob Salmela – #!/bin/bash OpenHAB и Arduino. Умный дом. Открытый проект, простой электронный конструктор соединит Arduino и OpenHAB для лёгкой работы и увлекательных экспериментов по автоматизации квартиры и дома, серьёзных вещей на работе. Объединяя приборы в единую сеть, он даст вам контроль из любой точки пространства через компьютер, планшет и коммуникатор. В центре проекта контроллер Arduino оснащённый специальным модулем, он обеспечит:Expand text…измерение давления; температуры и влажности;четыре охранно-пожарных шлейфа для контроля состояния окон и дверей, датчиков движения, защиты от пожара и протечек;контроль доступа с использованием ключей IButton и RFID;контроль контактов и управление исполнительными механизмами через восемь дискретных входов/выходов;контроль нескольких выносных датчиков температуры через интерфейс 1-Wire. Контроллер стыкуется с мини компьютером через USB или RS485 интерфейс, а прямое соединение с планшетом или коммуникатором осуществляется через Bluetooth BLE трансивер или модуль WiFi.

Meltwater's Raspberry Pi Hardware | Raspberry Pi Educational Hardware Kits Бесконтактные устройства | Wiren Board, NFC, разработка PiFace – Raspberry Pi Interface Ask Hackaday: Is Amazon Echo the Future of Home Automation? Unless you’ve been living under a case of 1 farad capacitors, you’ve heard of the Amazon Echo. Roughly the size of two cans of beans, the Echo packs quite a punch for such a small package. It’s powered by a Texas Instrument DM3725 processor riding on 256 megs of RAM and 4 gigs of SanDisk iNAND ultra flash memory. Qualcomm Atheros takes care of the WiFi and Bluetooth, and various TI chips take care of the audio codecs and amplifiers. What’s unique about Echo is its amazing voice recognition. Now that we have a good idea of the hardware, we have to accept the bad news that this is a closed source device. It appears that Amazon sees (or had seen all along) that home automation is the future of the Echo. We know it sucks that all of this is closed source. Do you think Amazon would ever open the door to letting the Echo run open source modules which allow the community to add control of just about any wireless devices?

The Sensational Raspberry Pi 3 Featuring Incredible PBX GUI with Raspbian 8 Jessie – nerd vittles Hard to believe it’s been four years since the introduction of the original Raspberry Pi®. Over eight million RasPi’s have been shipped. To celebrate its fourth birthday, Eben Upton has done it again. Meet the sensational Raspberry Pi 3 sporting a 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU with ten times the performance of the original Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi 3 Performance. Raspberry Pi 3 Shopping List. $35* Raspberry Pi 3 from MCM or Newark or Amazon$10 Power Adapter (2.5 amps minimum!) About That Asterisk. Incredible PBX Feature Set. 10-Layer Network Security Model. No single network security system can protect you against zero-day vulnerabilities that no one has ever seen. Do your part and do your homework. Incredible PBX provides: Installation Tutorial. Configuring Trunks with Incredible PBX We’ve done most of the prep work for you with Incredible PBX. Configuring a Softphone for Incredible PBX We’re in the home stretch now. We recommend YateClient which is free. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
