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How to Build a Simple Arduino Robot

How to Build a Simple Arduino Robot
Step #1: Making the Chassis Place the battery pack face down and orient it so that its cable is facing you.Take two pieces of double sided tape and adhere them on the long sides of each servo. Ensure servo alignment at the bottom. Peel the backing off the tape and firmly press the servos onto the battery pack. Note: Make sure to apply the servos on the end where the wire is coming out, oriented so that the shafts are towards the end of the battery pack. Note: Ensure that the servos are pressed firmly together and that they are centered on the battery pack. Step #2: Breadboard & Arduino Attach the breadboard to the top of the battery pack. Step #4: Wiring the Servos Cut two 3-pin segments off of the long break away header. Step #6: Connecting the Power (pt. 1) The servos shouldn't be powered through the 5V pin on the Arduino because they can draw more current then the Arduino can provide. Step #8: Adding a Kill Switch Step #9: Programming your Robot Check out the code for this robot and my

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